Part 6

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Teacher• all right class have a seat *says as she writes something on the chalk board and everyone sits down*

Colby•throws a piece of paper at maddy*

Maddy•looks back confused but turns around and reads it*

I know you saw me changing

Maddy•blushes* my god *whispers to herself as she writes down and throws it back to colby*

Colby•reads it

I'm sorry i didn't mean to

Colby• writes back and throws it back at maddy*

Maddy• reads the note*

It's ok mads I know you didn't

Teacher• *coughs* no passing notes in my class *tames the note from maddy* office both of you now

Maddy•groans and walks up*

Colby•gets up and runs after her* hey

Maddy•h-hi *blushes in embarrassment*

Colby•don't be embarrassed I saw you changing a lot *looks down at her*

Maddy•oh god *face palms* that must have been horrifying *laughs*

Colby•actually no it wasn't *winks at her*

Maddy•stoppp *nudges him a little*

Colby•fine *smiles at her* and please don't think about your self like that your really beautiful

Maddy•blushes* thanks

Colby and maddy walks in the principals office and sits down

Principal•what are y'all in here for *looks at them*

Maddy•passing notes

Principal•oh god like the usual just stay there and no talking until I say y'all are free to go back


Maddy•whispers* I'm bored

Colby•*wb* same

Maddy•*wb*have you really seen me *coughs awkwardly* naked like changing

Colby•*nods* I just looked through my window and seen you

Maddy• *wb* I'm sorry

Colby•*wb* stop saying sorry for everything

Maddy•sor-ok *smiles at him*

Principal•ok go to lunch

Maddy and Colby quickly run out and go to lunch

Colby•your not eating

Maddy•not hungry

Colby•you never eat tho

Maddy•I'm not hungry


Colby•I gotta go I'll talk to you later *goes over there and sits down with Jake Sam and brennen*

Brennen•why do you even talk to them *looks at colby*

Colby•because I want to and there actually cool

Brennen•whatever *continues to eat*

Maddy•sighs and sits down next to tara and kat* I wish brennen wasn't such a dick

Tara•same I want Jake over here

Kat•yeah same with Sam

Maddy•so you like Jake Tara?

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