Part 4

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Maddy•*checks the time* it's 3 in the morning

Jake•I'm pretty tired arnt y'all

Sam•yeah I'm gonna go to sleep


Maddy• y'all can sleep in the other room beside mine if y'all want there's two beds in there and a couch

Jake•yeah I call one bed *runs to the room*

Sam•I call the other bed*yells and runs after jake*

Colby•hey that's not fair dick heads *runs after them*

Maddy• *smiles and lays down trying to get comfortable* I can't fucking get comfortable *gets up and goes to the kitchen and gets something to drink*

Colby• sees the others asleep and goes downstairs and sees maddy* hey *stands next to her*

Maddy•hey *smiles*

Colby•what's wrong

Maddy•I couldn't get comfortable or sleep *looks at him*

Colby•same there already asleep *looks down at her*

Maddy•well I'm gonna go back to the room night *smiles and starts walking up the stairs*

Colby•ok goodnight * walks up the stairs with her*

Maddy•umm Colby

Colby•yeah *looks at her*

Maddy•can you sleep in there with me

Colby• of course *smiles and goes in the room with her and lays down*

Maddy• snuggles into him* this is better *smiles and laughs a little*

Colby• way better *smiles and wraps his arm around her*

Maddy•goodnight Colbs *falls asleep*

Colby•night mads *falls asleep

~~~~~~~~~next morning~~~~~~~~~

Jake• gets up* Sam

Sam•what *groans*

Jake•get your ass up

Sam• I'm up *sits up*what do you want

Jake•where is colby

Sam• looks at the couch* what if he's in maddys room

Jake• what if they had *whispers* sex

Sam• lets go see *runs to maddys room*

Jake•slowly opens the door* awww

Sam• what *sees them cuddling asleep* aww that's adorable

Jake• sees maddy moving* shit *closes the door leaving a crack to see them still*

Sam•your a creep

Jake•am not

Sam• yes your are your watching them

Jake•there adorable*smiles at them*

Colby•sits up and looks at maddy and smiles* mads

Maddy•mmm *groans*

Colby•get up

Maddy•nooo *groans*

Colby•tickles her*

Maddy•screams and laughs* Colby stop

Colby•then get up *continues*

Maddy• *pushes him and sits on him* I'm up

Colby•smiles at her* finally

Sam•lets bust in *whispers*

Jake•ok *smiles and busts open*

Sam• what are y'all doing

Maddy• screams and falls beside him*

Colby• I was just waking her up *smiles at her*

Jake•mhmm *laughs*

Sam• so what are we doing today

Jake•not each other *looks at maddy and colby*

Maddy• groans* stoppp *blushes in embarrassment*

Colby•blushes* we wasn't doing anything

Sam•but flirting

Maddy•whatever *smiles and gets up* I'm gonna shower *gets her panties bra shorts and shirt ready*

Colby•ooo these are pretty *picks up her panties*

Maddy•colby! *goes to grab them*

Colby•puts them higher* maddy!

Maddy•your too tall *groans and try's to get them*

Colby•grabs her waist and pulls her closer*do you want them back

Maddy•y-yes please

Jake•you done made her nervous Colby *laughs*

Colby•hands them to her* there you go *lets her go*

Maddy•grabs her clothes and goes to the bathroom face red as hell* I'll try to hurry guys you can do whatever just don't go through my stuff*gets undressed and gets in the shower*

Colby•ok mads

Jake• ok thanks *looks at colby* so

Sam•what was that stunt you just pulled with maddy *smirks at him*

Colby•I don't know *sits down on her bed*

Jake•I'm bored


Maddy•gets out the shower and gets dressed and brushes her teeth and does her makeup* ok I'm done *walks out * what are we doing today

Colby•we can order some post mates and do whatever else

Maddy•that's fine with me

Jake•yup I'm ok with that

Sam•can you invite kat over maddy

Jake•and Tara

Maddy•yeah why

Jake•because I wanna say sorry to them to and yeah

Sam• same

Maddy•mhmmm *laughs at them*

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