Part 3

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Colby's pov•
I can't believe I done this to her I fucked up now she'll never forgive me now I'm gonna go to her house and try to talk to her *sighs and gets ready and runs to maddys yard and climbs up and knocks on her window since they live right across each other

Maddys pov•
Hears a knock and gets up and sees Colby

Maddy•what do you want

Colby•can you just let me in

Maddy•why would I let you in after all the shit you done to me

Colby•please I just wanna talk

Maddy•fine *lets him in and sits down on the bed*

Colby•mads I'm sorry for everything I know sorry isn't gonna fix shit but I just hope you can forgive me I never wanted to do that brennen made me a deal if I bully you I'll be popular

Maddy• so you chose popularity over our friendship

Colby•mads *sits beside her and puts his hand on her hand rubbing circles on her back side of her hand* I really am sorry just let me prove it I'll tell Brennen the deal is off and everything

Maddy•*thinks him rubbing circles on her hand is relaxing* you have one chance *sighs*

Colby•just promise you won't hurt yourself anymore

Maddy• I promise *smiles softly*

Colby• I'll text the Jake and Sam to come over because they feel awful to

Maddy• umm ok I guess

Colby•ok *texts them and tells them to come over*there on there way

Maddy•ok what do you wanna do while we wait

Colby•we can just lay down and watch a movie

Maddy• ok *puts on a movie and lays down beside him*

Colby•pulls her closer*

Maddy•smiles and snuggles into him and falls asleep

~the guys arrive~

Sam• hey Colby

Colby•shh she's sleeping

Jake•oh ok

Sam• i feel really bad *sits on her chair*

Jake•same she's really sweet

Colby• I know I fucked up by choosing popularity over our friendship *looks down at her and smiles*

Sam•someone has a crush

Colby•maybe a little

Jake•oooo you should ask her out


Maddy• hey guys *wakes up*

Jake•hey mads

Sam•I'm sorry maddy I really am I hope you forgive me

Jake•same hopefully we can become friends

Maddy• yeah just y'all have one chance don't fuck it up

Jake•we won't *smiles at her*

Maddy• I'll be right back I'm gonna shower *gets out of Colby's arms and goes to shower*

Colby•I'm staying the night if y'all want to

Jake•I will

Sam•I will to

Maddy•gets done showering and forgot her clothes in there* fuck! *yells*

Colby• you ok *goes to the bathroom* can I look

Maddy•yes I have a towl

Colby•opens his eyes* what's wrong

Maddy•I forgot my clothes in there on the dresser can you get them

Colby• yeah *goes and gets them* here *hands them to her

Maddy•thanks *sits them on the sink and goes to the door* I'm gonna get dressed

Colby•ok *looks at her lips and walks away and sits on the bed*

Maddy• closes the door and puts her bra panties shorts and shirt on and walks out and lays down on the bed*

Jake• sees the bruises* where do you get all those bruises

Maddy• grabs her blanket and covers herself up* n-no where

Colby•are they from us *looks at her sad*

Maddy• nods*

Sam• I'm sorry mads I'll never hurt you again

Jake•same I'm an asshole

Colby• his eyes water* mads I'm sorry I'll never do that again

Maddy•it's ok Colbs * hugs him* lets just forgot about it please and have a good time and night *looks at them*

They all agree and have fun

Bully/Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now