part 27

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"Colby.."i say looking at him,i look at all the others face drop as i say his name "yes"i say crying, he picks me up and hugs me tight as the others cheer "i thought you were gonna say no"colby says causing me to chuckle "why would i say no"i say as he sits me down "because you hesitated"he says "i didnt mean to i was just taken back"i say,the others come to us saying 'congrats' and 'im so happy for you', we went out some where to eat for the night and then we went back to the house and swam until we got bored so we went inside and showered and got changed up and went to the living room watching movies sam and kat cuddling jake and tara cuddling corey and devyn cuddling(i miss them😭) and me and colby cuddling "we should like build a gigantic fort down here and sleep in it"sam says "ooo yess" i say jumping up, we all finally agree and clear move the couch and table and grab all our blankets accept the ones where sleeping with and some chairs and tacks and we start buliding the fort "Jake!"we all scream "i didn't mean to!"he says "now we have to start all over"kat whines "you are the most clumsiest person ever"tara says "here ill stay back yall build"jake says "good idea"i say making everyone laugh a little,after a while we finish and grab the blankets and pillow were using and put it in and then we grab the laptop and put it and put on netflix while everybody else watches tv me and colby are cuddling in our spot, we whisper so the others dont hear "i love you"i whisper "i love you to baby"he whispers back "i cant believe im marrying you"he whispers smiling "i know right"i whisper and smile at him, i honestly couldnt ask for more i live in Hawaii with my bestfriends basically family and now im getting married,i smile to myself thinking what i did to deserve this "you ok"colby whispers "im fine"I whisper and smile and cuddle into him,for the rest of the night the others watched movies until they got tired and got in there spots and cuddled and exchanged there goodnights.


We all get out the fort and took it down and put all our blankets and pillows up in our room, as im making mine and colbys bed i see the ring and smile to myself, i get done making the bed and lay down beside colby "colbyyy"jake yells causing us to groan and get up and go outside "slide down it brother"jake says,Colby sits down and slides down messing the slide up "that was so fun"colby says sarcasticly as he gets off the love sac,jake climbs up the rail and fixes the slide "slide down it maddy"corey says.i sit on the thing and slides down it but hit a piece of the card board that slings me into the love sac "oh my god"corey wheezes "if that wasnt there you would have died"jake laughs causing me to laugh and get up and go over to colby laughing "are you ok"he asks "yes"i say smiling "ok im gonna do this right here if it goes bad im not gonna do it from the top"jake says sitting in a black bucket,he leans forward going face first into the love sac "i would have died if i did that from the top"jake says laughing trying to get up "you have a stain on your pants"colby says making jake glare at him,once jake was done filming his video
He takes the card board off the stairs and throws it away and we all sit on the couch "im bored"tara says "same"kat agrees with her "we should like go outside and like have an little party and like in swimming suits and like jam out"corey says in a girly voice biting his lip causing us to laugh a little "lets go"i say, we all go change into some bikinis while the boys are in their swimming trunks and corey gets the radio and plays some music, everybody is sitting down right now tanning while i go get some shaving cream that was used fir jakes video a while ago i put some in my hand and go behind corey and smack him in the face putting it all over his face causing him to scream making everybody look over once they see the shaving cream theu start laughing "maddy!i cant see"he fake crys causing me to laugh more while hes not looking not that he can see i grab the shaving cream and spray him all over "maddy!"he screeches out "come here"he says walking towards me "no...stay away" i say running from him "i want a hug"he yells running after me "no! Put me down"i scream as he picks me up "give me the shaving cream"he says "no" i say putting it up further,he tickles me causing me to lower my arms screaming and laughing "got it"he says aiming it at me "corey...dont"i say backing up "come on sis"he says,he sprays it on me causing me to just stand there making everyone laugh "now werw twinzies"corey says in a girly voice hugging me "get off me"i say pushing him in the pull causing me to laugh unexpected he pulls me in with him washing all the shaving cream off us,we climb out and sit back down tanning "you guys seriously have the best brother sister relationship"tara says making us smile, for half of the day we was outside tanning and we all got sunburns and once it started turning dark we went inside "were going to bed"colby says as we stand up "ok goodnight"sam says "night brother"corey says "night dont have to much fun"jake says winking making us smile and roll our eyes,we go upstairs and change into some comfortable clothes and lay down "i love you"he says pulling me closer "i love you to"i say.

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