Part 26

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me and colby was laying in bed watching tv "go get ready im taking you out"he says "really, that was random"i chuckle out "go get ready i have a surprise for you"he says as we stand up "ok ok,let me find something"i say going through my dresses "this one"colby says holding up a skin black tight dress that had silky feeling and goes to mid thigh "colby i am not wearing that"i say "yes you are you'll look great now go put it on"colby says handing it to me and pushing me in the bathroom "damn, hes bossy today"i say as i slip off my clothes "i heard that"he says as i slip on the dress "baby, now i know why you chose it"i say as i walk out "turn" he says "stop"he says as he touches my butt and tracing my curves with his hands "colby, stop"i say blushing turning around to face him ""he says in between kisses "i am not"i say blushing "yes your are,now go do whatever you need to do"he says pushing me in the bathroom, i do my make light and i straighten my hair and walk out the bathroom grabbing a pear of my black heels and slipping them on "you are the most sexiest women i have ever seen"colby says eyeing me up and down causing me to blush "ooo some one lookin good, ready to go"devyn asked "uhh sure" i say kissing colby and walking out with devyn and see the others downstairs the boys in suits and the girls in dresses "what the hell is going on"i asked confused "you'll see now we gotta go"kat said excited as me devyn and kat walk out into my car "im like seriously confused"i say as we start driving "we'll it'll all be worth it once we get there"devyn smiled "so like all of you know whats going on"i ask looking at the girls "pretty much yeah"kat smiled as we drove somewhere .

"ok here we are"kat says as we pull up to a place with pretty green grass big trees with vines hanging from them and more than one "ok go over there in the middle"devyn said pushing me as they followed, i saw the guys walking towards us even brennen and his brother "im like offcially gonna lose my mind if i dont get told whats going on"i say then colby walks towards me "maddy i know we only been together for a couple months i wanna spend the rest of my life with you, i know your the one you were always there and i regret everything i did to you in highschool the only reason why i did it because i liked you like a lot and  i didnt know how to get over you beside being a total jerk but anyway, i know were kinda young still but i want to have a family with you"he says as he gets on one knee and pulls out a ring "colby.."i say covering my face with tears running down my down my face "will you marry me"colby asked , i looked at the others waiting for my answer "colby..."i say looking at him

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