Part 13

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"Who wants to go swimming"Devyn asks "it's night tho" I say "we do it a lot"says Sam "yup" Jake says "ok then let me go change" I say running upstairs to put a bathing suit on, everyone goes and changes into swimming suits and as soon as they get done they all race and jump into the pool. "Hey maddy" Jake says coming to towards me "hey" I answered back  "you remember brennen" he asked me "yeah" I answered confused "well he's coming over right now" Jake said "does he know I'm here" I asked "yeah" he answered "oh ok"I said smiling as he swam away i was just sitting there thinking I actually missed these guys more than I thought yeah they changed but in a good way.

"Sup bitches" Brennen yells as he comes in the back
"Hey brennen" Jake said "hey dude" Colby said getting out bro hugging him not gonna lie the water dripping down his tan body and his abs and his wet hair dripping was really hot I didn't realize I was staring until brennen said something "hey maddy whatcha staring at" he smirks at me as I blush "shut up brennen" I laugh and get out and hug him "I missed you" he said hugging back "I missed you to" I said pulling away from the hug "you were right colby she is hot" jake said (Brennen's brother) "shut up" Colby said pushing him into the pool blushing as I stand there with my face bright red.

We all head in the house drying off and changing and showering before we go to bed. "Maddy there's an extra room with a bed and everything else you can sleep in there it's right by Colby's room"Devyn said "ok thank you devyn night" I said hugging her.

Everyone went to there rooms going to bed jake and Brennen left and as I lay there trying to get comfortable but I can't I lay down trying again and as soon as I get comfortable I hear a knock at the door I sigh and get up and see Colby standing there
"You ok" I ask looking at him "I just wanted to talk to you" he replied back "ok" I say as I let him in we both sit on the bed "what do you need to talk about" I asked "ever since the day we left I missed you and thought about you" he continued talking about that day maddy sitting there listening but he suddenly stop "Colbs it's ok I missed you to and I always thought about you to and I wish I could see you and then kat and Tara left and I had no one" he sits there listening to me talk also "I'm so tired" I say "I'll leave so you can sleep" he says getting up "can I sleep with you" I ask looking at him he nods and smiles walking me to his room "good night maddy" he says pulling me closer "goodnight Colbs" I say as we cuddle and fall asleep in his arms.

"Why the hell are they in a bed together" Corey says angry but confused "shhh you'll wake them up babe"Devyn says "that's actually really cute" Jake says "they look so peaceful" Sam says
"What are y'all doing" I say groaning "watching y'all sleep" Jake says "your weird" I say laughing quietly I go to get up only to be pulled back into Colby's arm "don't leave" he says snuggling into me as I smile "colby we have to get up" I say "no we don't" he says holding me tighter "ok I ship"Devyn squeals "no you don't devyn" Corey says "yes I do" she says back "wait please don't tell me coreys in here"Colby says
"Yup I am now let my sister go"he says "I'm sorry"he says letting me go "Corey! Your so mean" I say
"Yeah yeah now get up" Corey says "fine" I groan and get up and stand there "better" I say "yes much better" corey reply's happy leaving the room as the other "come here"Colby said I run to his side and lay back down cuddling with him "don't even get back in that bed" Corey yells as we laugh

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