Part 22

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"baby"colby says hugging me as i cry "the hate i cant take it, it hurts"i say as i cry  "why didn't you tell me"he says as he wipes my tears "i didn't wanna ruin your carer or anything"i say "you wont baby you should have just told me"he says kissing my forehead "i love you"i say hugging him "i love you to princess"he says hugging me back "ill post a video about it ok"he says reasurring me "ok"i say wiping my tears "and baby"he says making me look at him "yeah"i say "you have the most perfect body ever, your beautiful, your sexy, i mean look at you"he says looking me up and down "stoppp"i say blushing and covering my face "i mean it babygirl, your perfect"he says uncovering my face and kissing me as i wrap my arms around his neck he lays me down "ok to comfortable"corey says walking in "coreyyy"devyn groans "they were having a moment"kat says "a really heated moment"jake says "we can never get privacy"i say laughing a bit "ok out"colby says "dont have to much fun"sam says shutting the door making me and colby laugh a bit "can daddy show you how perfect you are" (i hope that makes sense) colby says, as i nod he takes off my shirt and kisses my neck down to my boobs. (just use your imagination for the rest) 

"i love you babygirl" colby says as he pulls me closer to his naked body "i love you"i say cuddling him, colby runs his hands over my curves "see, perfect body"he says "and your a horny boy"i say laughing and getting up putting a t-shirt and shorts on "hey, i cant help it when i have a girlfriend as hot as you"colby says staring at me "whatever"i roll my eyes smiling "its true"he says as he gets up and puts some sweats on and lays back down "maddy"colby says hugging me from behind "yes"i say "i love you"he says "i love you to"i say smiling

Im sorry it was short just enjoy until the next chapter

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