Part 15

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"Hey! What are y'all doing down here come on out" a man said as we was all getting out and stood there talking "y'all can stay overnight but all we want is a shout-out" the guy said "wait really that's all" Elton said (sorry I know elton didn't come with them just pretend they met up) "yeah" they said "how'd y'all know someone was here" Corey asked
"Y'all left yalls shoes here"they said as we face palmed and laughed. We all laughed and played games and hung out
"Lets go on the trampolines" Corey said as we all ran to the trampolines and played baseball and Colby got hit in the face and Elon couldn't stop laughing neither could the people that worked here
"Ok it's 4am and we're all tired so we're gonna go leave" Elton said to the camera as we all got our stuff "don't forget yalls shoes this time"the workers say laughing as we got our shoes and got in the car and headed home.

"Finally" I say as I flop down on the couch "someone's tired"Elton said "yeah I'm gonna go to bed" I say as I get up and walk to my room and lay down and close my eyes and I feel arms wrap around me and I jump "relax it's just me" Colby says as I turn around to look at him "won't Corey kill you" I say as I laugh quietly "I don't care" he says as I smile at him as I notice his face is bruised "doesn't your face hurt"I say "no why" he questions me "it's bruised" I say "it is" he says confused as I nod
"I'm sorry tired" I say "well sleep" he says as he kisses my head "night Colbs" I say "night maddy"he says as we both fall asleep cuddling

~next morning~

"Maddy"Colby says "mmm what"I groan "get up" he says moving me "nooo let me sleep" I groan "maddy get up I'm bored"he says "fine I'm up" I say sitting up to colby smiling "morning" he says "why did you wake me up" I ask "because everyone left and I'm bored" he answers "what do you wanna do then"I say "swim" he says "sure let me change tho" I say as I get up and get my bikini "ok let me change" I say as I go to the bathroom I take off my clothes and put on my bikini and walk out "ok I'm ready" I say as I walk out
"Ok lets go" he said as we walked out there colby went to the edge and felt it with his feet and I snuck up behind him and pushed him in "maddy!" He said as he swam back up as I stood there laughing and I felt him grab my arm and pull me in as I came up gasping for air he was laughing at me I just splashed him causing a splash fight " ok ok! You win" I said laughing as he brought me closer to him we just stared at each other and then he was leaning in and I was leaning in and then we kissed
"Hey! That's my sister" Corey yelled as we jumped and stopped kissing as I was blushing "Corey" I groan "why'd you ruin the moment"Devyn whined
"Because she's my and and he's my bestfriend" Corey said "but it was cute" she said "it was good to" I said as Corey looked at me as we laughed.

We all went inside and changed and showered "we are watching a movie" Devyn yelled as we all ran downstairs with blankets we all got in our spots and sat down watching the movie as colby pulled me closer and we cuddled and wrapped a blanket Around us I closed my eyes and fell asleep on him

Sorry it sucks and idk how the trampoline park video went exactly so I put down the thins I remember

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