Part 19

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I wake up to shaking "babe we're here"Colby says as I stand up "I'm excited" I say grabbing my stuff Sam Corey Jake Tara and kat and colby doing the same as we exit the plane. "I called an Uber they should be here any minute" I say as we sit down and wait for a couple more minutes and then our Uber pulls up and we get up and put our bags in the trunk and get in as the Uber drives to the house.

"We're here" the Uber says "ok thank you" I say "by any chance can I get your number"the under asks
" oh I'm taken I'm sorry"I say as I get out and get my bags. "Woah it's huge" I say "it is isn't it"Colby says smirking "shut up" I say blushing, we all walk in and start to unpack our stuff and settle in after hours of unpacking furniture and all our stuff were done.
"What now" Jake says "swimming!" I yell "ok let me go change" Jake says running up the stairs with me to our room to change "hey baby" Colby says shutting the door and takes off his shirt as I do the same changing into my bikini as I turn around Colby is pulling up his swim shorts "take a picture it'll last longer" Colby said smirking "shut it pretty boy come on" I say grabbing his hand and walking outside to the others sitting in the pool "maddy come here" Jake says "ok I'm coming" I say as I walk over there "look down there I think there's something right there"he says putting his hand in my back "I don't see any-" I get caught off by being pushed in the pool
"Jake!" I yell as I come back up I see the others laughing as I get out " your mean" I say crossing my arms "aww mads I'm sorry"he says hugging me "it's ok" I say as I push him in and run behind Colby
"Nice one baby" Colby says laughing a bit and picking me up on his back "I love you"I whisper in his ear his face turns red and he stays quiet "sorry"I say getting off his back and sitting down on one of those chairs in the pool "what happened"Corey asks sitting down beside me "I told him I loved him and he didn't say it back" I said "you want me to go talk to him"he asks "no it's ok I guess I said it to soon" I say "every girls he been with never said I love you back so he just stopped saying it, also afraid you'll cheat on him he's been hurt I know I hated y'all together at first but I think y'all are meant to be but just give him time" Corey says swimming away I just sit there watching them swim and have fun. It's late at night and we all go in and change and shower and sit down on the couch and watch tv for a while

"I'm gonna go to bed" I say getting up and going up stairs and laying down in mine and Colby's bed after a little bit I feel the bed dip a arm wraps around my waist and pulls me closer

"I'm sorry I didn't say it back i was just taken back" he says rubbing my arm softly

"It's ok" I say turning around "I was just scared you didn't love me back so I got upset" I say

"No, don't ever think I don't love you. I love you with all my heart maddy" he says kissing me

"I love you colby" I say through the kiss

"I love you to" he says as he pulls away and pulls me closer to him

"Goodnight" I say closing my eyes

"Goodnight mads" he says closing his as well.
Soon enough we both fell asleep

I know it's short but it's 4:35am and my hands hurt and I'm tired have a good night/day love yall❤️

Ps:stay inside so this stupid corona virus can go away! And stay positive

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