Part 14

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"Uhhh I don't wanna get up" Colby groans pulling me closer to him "Colby if Corey come back up and sees us he'll kill us"i say "fine" he says letting me go
"I'm gonna go shower" I say getting up and going to my room and getting my clothes and going to the bathroom and turn on the water waiting for it to warm and once it gets hot I get in.
"Are you and maddy dating" Sam asks "no why"Colby says "cause y'all are always cuddling and all" Jake says "we didn't fall asleep like that" Colby says lying "ok well we're going to a trampoline park" Sam says "ooo yay" Jake says
"Where's maddy" Sam asks "she's in the shower" Colby says "oh well tell her that we're going when she gets out" Sam says "ok" Colby says. I get out and get dressed do my make up and brush my teeth "hi" I say as I smile "we're going to an trampoline park" Colby says "ooo yayyy" I squeal.

They all get in the car and drive to the trampoline park. "Finally" I squeal "someone's happy" Jake laughs "yes I am cause I haven't been to one of this in forever" I say "ok lets go in and we're staying overnight" sam says.
We all head in and pay and start jumping and all and the check the time it's 9:30 and they close at 10:00
"Ok we better find a place to hide" Colby says "we can hide under the trampolines"I say looking at them "that actually is a good idea" Sam says "but how do we get down there" Colby asks "we can cut a hole in the trampoline and go down" Corey says " Corey we are not cutting a hole in the trampoline" Jake says "fine" he pouts as we laugh "there's a gate right there we can sneak in" I say "ok lets go"Sam says as we all run under there and hide we soon hear voice and see flashlights "hey! What are y'all doing" a man said

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