Part 18

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"Maddy"Colby says "yeah"I say looking at him "I need to talk to you" he says sitting by me
"Ok" I said "me Corey Jake and Sam are moving" he said "again" I say "yeah to Hawaii" he says "your leaving again" I say as tears form in my eyes "but maddy I want you to come with us" he says grabbing my hands "wait really" I say smiling "only if you want to" he says "of course I want to" I say hugging him "good cause I already bought you a ticket" he says laughing a bit "start packing we leave tomorrow" he says "ok" I say smiling as I get off the bed and run to my room I get some boxes and start packing my stuff my clothes in one box my shoes in another and some of my other stuff in other boxes
~one hour later~ once I get done I walk to Colby's room and lay down on his bed tired "you tired princess" Colby says laying down beside me "yeah" I smile as he pulls me closer "I'm gonna go shower really quick" I say kissing him "here you can wear my sweats and a t-shirt" he says handing me a shirt and sweats "thanks babe" I say kissing him as I walk away and go to the bathroom and turn on the water and get in someone opens the door "shit sorry" a girls voice says as she shuts the door "it's ok"I yell and wash my hair and get out I hear her walk away as I get dressed and walk to Colby's room I hear laughing and giggling and I open the door and see them talking "oh hey babe" Colby says and smiles I just stand there as the girl turns around "oh my god" she says "Tara?!" I say smiling "yeah I'm moving with Jake" she says as she hugs me "where's kat" I ask "right here" she says behind me smiling "oh my god" I say as I hug her "where have you been" I ask "me and Tara moved here when we left" kat said
"Are you and Sam still together" I ask "yeah and I'm moving with him to Hawaii" she says "I hoping you and colby are" Tara trails off " yes we're together" I say smiling "finally" kat says "well I'm gonna go to jakes room" Tara says walking out "same but with Sam" kat laughs as she walks out I shut the door and lay down beside Colby "night colby" I said cuddling with him "goodnight maddy" he says kissing my head and soon enough we both fall asleep

~next morning~
"Colby wake up" I say shaking him "nooo" he groans
"We're gonna miss our flight now come" Sam says As Colby jumps up and gets dressed brushes his teeth and his hair we all wait for him downstairs "finally"Corey says as Colby comes downstairs
"Lets just go" Colby groans as we all grab our bags and drive to the airport.

The Uber pulls in and we get out and run inside as our flight was called we ran to our place (where they enter the plane and all I'm stupid idk what that stuff is called) and sit down Corey is by Sam and kat Jake is by Tara and me and Colby were all pretty close to each other and then our flight takes off, Hawaii here we come I think to myself.

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