Part 5

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Group chat with tara kat and maddy

Maddy•come over please

Tara• ok I'm on my way

Kat• I'm coming

Tara•is everything ok

Maddy•yeah I just need to talk to y'all

Kat•ok we're coming

~~~~texting done~~~~

Maddy•there coming *sits her phone down*

Jake•yayyy *smiles*

Sam•there gonna leave as soon as they see us

Tara texts maddy that there here

Maddy•there here

Tara•hey- why are thy here

Kat• don't hurt us please

Maddy•there not here to hurt us there here to apologize

Tara•what? Why would they do that

Jake•I know we're all asshole but we're really sorry I just wanna become friends with y'all because maddy is nice and Cool maybe we can become closer

Sam• please we will never hurt y'all again

Kat•fine but one chance

Tara•ok *sighs and sits down* so what are we doing today

Maddy•we ordered post mates then I was thinking we can watch some movies

Colby•that's fine

Jake•yup I'm ok with that

Sam•me to

Kat•that sounds fun

Tara•scary movies?

Maddy• like always *smiles*

~~~~~skip to them watching movies~~~~~

Maddy•sits next to colby

Colby•pulls her closer*

Maddy•blushes and snuggles into him*mmm

Tara•ok I ship *smiles*

Kat• same *squeals*

Jake• you should see them when their asleep cuddling

Sam•now that's cute

Maddy•stoppp *hides her face in his chest*

Colby•blushes* ok lets just watch the movie

Tara•puts the movie on and sits next to Jake


Tara•hey *smiles*


Jake•ok *smiles at Tara and turns back to the tv*

Tara•giggles and watches tv*

~after the movie~(sorry for the skips I'm lazy)

Maddy•I'm gonna go to bed *looks at Colby*

Colby•stands up* I'm coming *smiles and walks upstairs with her*

Tara•that adorable

Kat•do they usually sleep with each other



Maddy•Gets her shorts and t-shirt* can you look away

Colby•yeah *turns around*

Maddy•takes her shirt off and puts her t-shirt in and shorts on* you can look now

Colby•turns around and lays down*

Maddy• gets in bed with him and cuddles with him* I'm so tired

Colby•same *yawns*

Maddy•same *closes her eyes* goodnight Colbs

Colby•night mads

~next morning~

Maddy•Colby it's time for school

Colby•I don't wanna go *groans*

Maddy•me either but we kinda have to

Colby•groans and gets up* I'm gonna go to my house and change real quick

Maddy•ok *smiles*

Colby•goes to his house and changes

Maddy•gets her clothes and gets dressed and brushes her teeth and does her hair and makeup*

Tara• where's Colby

Maddy•at his house changing *looks out her window and sees him changing and closes the curtain* oh my god

Tara•we just seen Colby naked *laughs*

Maddy•I hope he didn't see me *looks at Tara *

Tara•lets just go to school * laughs*

Maddy•that would be a good idea

Tara maddy kat Colby Jake and Sam walk to school as they walk in Colby Jake and Sam leave Tara maddy and kat because of brennen waiting for them

Brennen•what were y'all doing with them girls

Colby•we wasnt we just ended up walking in at the same time *opens his locker and puts his stuff in and closes it*

Maddy•sighs* there they go *puts her things in her locker*

Colby•sees maddy upset and sighs* brennen the deal is off I can't do it anymore I'm not gonna be a dick to maddy and then any more I can't I care about her way to much even Tara kat me Sam and Jake are done with your bullshit

Brennen• looks at maddy and walks over to her* what the fuck do you think your doing to colby *pushes her into the locker* and don't think about doing shit Tara and kat *looks at them as they back away* now don't think your changing Colby *puts his hand on her throat*

Maddy•I'm not *winces in pain*

Brennen• good *punches her in the sides and pushes her to the ground and kicks her*

Colby• goes over to brennen and punches him knocking him to the ground* don't touch her or I will kill you *punches him again and helps her up* I'm sorry maddy

Maddy•it's ok Colbs *smiles at him in pain* lets just go to class

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