part 28

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Yes i did remake this chapter so im sorry if yall liked it

Brennen just came to hawaii a week ago and hes suppose to be down here for a few weeks and that entire week colby has been out with him until 2am drinking "alright babe im going out with brennen"he says pecking my lips "ok love you"i say pecking his back "i wont be back until late tonight"he says "ok have fun"i say even though im worried, as he leaves corey comes in "he left again with brennen didnt he"he says "yup"i say "arnt you gonna ask why hes leaving so much"he says "no because i should trust him"i say "its literally 8pm and he doesnt come back until later"he says "i know corey im gonna ask another time"i say getting under the covers "alright well were all going to bed"corey says getting up "ok night love you"i say "night sis love you to"he says leaving my room.

Late that night

I hear the front door open and hear it shut then i hesr footsteps and colby comes in my room "colby why are you going out so much"i say "because"he says "your worrying me"i say standing up "you worry to much"he says "well your my husband so i should"i say "well i dont want you up my ass all the time"he says raising his voice "well maybe you shouldnt come back late at night"i say "well maybe i never loved you! i never wanted to be with you all your good for is sucking dick"he yells at me making the others come in "fine then"i say taking my ring off and throwing it on the bed "addy i didnt mean it"he says "just forget it"i say going downstairs and laying down on the couch crying my eyes out until i fall asleep.

Next morning

I wake up and remember everything that happened last night, i get up and turn the tv on "hey"kat says "hi"i say "you doing ok"she asks "yeah im fine"i say "you know he was just drunk" she says "i know but it hurt"i say "maybe you should talk to him now that hes sober"she says "maybe"i say "go talk to him last night we all heard colby crying"she said "did you really"i ask she nods "im gonna go talk to him" i say standing up to be honest im pretty nervous what if he did mean everything he said last night as i get to his door i knock on it "go away"he says "colby its me"i say a few seconds later the door opens to reveal colby with red puffy eyes "im sorry"i say he suddenly pulls me in for a hug and burries his head in my neck crying "colby..." I say feeling sorry for him, i shut the door and go sit by him "im sorry maddy"he says "its ok"i say "no its not, ever since corey died i havent been myself and i took it out on you and im an asshole for it i never meant what i said nothing was true i love you i alwayd have maddy"he says starting to cry "colby i forgive you"i say hugging him, he pulls me on his lap and wraps his arms around me and burries his head in my neck as i wrap my arms around him "will you take me back" he says looking at me "of course Colby"i say smiling he grabs the ring and puts it back on "i love you"he says "i love you to"i say kissing his lips "let me show you how much i love you" he says gently laying me down on the bed hovering over me

Sorry it was short

Ps: you guys are loved and beautiful always remember that and if you need to talk my dms are open colbyss.rings (instagram)

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