part 30

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Colby just ended his live so were out in the hot tub just listening to music and enjoying our time together, to be honest i never thought that the people who bullied me in highschool was the people i was gonna love most "you ok"colby says snapping me out of my thoughts "yeah just thinking"i say smiling "about what"corey asks "i never thought the people who bullied me in highschool was gonna be the people i love most" i say "that is weird"tara says "why is it weird"sam asks "because you hated us and we was scared of you now were all like family"kat says "i know right"jake says "i wonder what its gonna be like in 10 years"devyn says "same"colby says and looks at me and pecks my lips causing me to smile.

10 years later

Corey and devyn are still together so are sam and kat and me and colby and jake and Tara we all moved to a new house and were still roomates. Me and colby are married and jake just purposed to tara she said yes. Now were all happy as could be but, its crazy because the boys use to bully us and now were closer than ever.

Sorry its short and that its a short ending i hope you enjoyed it tho :) and im writing a new book its called brothers bestfriend

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