part 25

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We get done eating our food we pay and then leave "who wants to go to the beach"sam asks "me"corey says in a little girl voice causing us to laugh "we have to go get our bikinis"devyn says "lets go buy some"i say "ooo yes"tara says as everyone else agrees sam drives to this bikini store and we pull in and get out then go in "ooo you would look hot in this one mads"tara says holding a red on with some holes on the side and then on the top has holes on the side then in the top kinda in the middle i look over to colby and the boys buying some swimming trunks and i take it from tara as her kat and devyn pick out their own, as we pay we walk out and get in the car and go to the beach and go to the bathrooms as we all change "i wonder what colbys gonna think of that"kat say in her pink bikini "i know right"tara says in her black bikini "hes gonna have to keep an eye on you"devyn says as we all walk out we see the boys waiting for us "hi baby"i say grabbing colbys hand "im gonna have to keep an eye on you today"he says looking me up and down causing me to blush as we walk down closer to the water i feel a tap on my side "yes"i say looking down to the little girl "im a fan of you and i was wondering if i could get a picture"she says smiling "yes of course"i say smiling kneeling down as her mom takes a few pictures of us i see colby smiling at me "thank you"she says hugging me "of course"i say hugging back as the girl and her mom leaves colby hugs me from behind "we should have one"he says "a kid?"i say "yeah, you would make a good mom"he says "no, no she wont until shes like 30"corey says in a mom voice "corey your so nosey"i say "well talk less quieter"he says as i lay down tanning as the others swim colby lays beside me pulling me closer and kissing me "i love you baby"he says through the kiss as i kiss back i feel his boner against my thigh "you are a horny boy"i say pulling away "i cant help it with you in that hot as bikini"he says "well keep it in your pants"i say smiling and rolling my eyes standing up "where are you going"he asks "to the bathroom"i say walking away "im coming"colby says running to me "you are not getting any"i say as he follow me to the bathroom "colby this is the girls get out"i say "no"he says pushing me into a stall kissing my neck "colby"i say biting my lip as he goes down to my chest and my lower stomach leaving hickey and then down to my bottoms and pulling them down and looking back up at me and then sucking on my clit while keeping eye contact "fuck"i moan out as he stands up and pulls his swimming trunks off her lines himself up with me and slams into me without warning "fuck!daddy"i scream out in pleasure (i honestly forgot if i said daddy before so dont judge) "mmm, call me it again"he says thrusting harder"daddy"i moan out "fuck i love it when you call me that"he groans out "fuck"i moan out as he hits my g-spot "found it"he says thrusting harder and faster hitting the same spot "daddy, im gonna cum"i moan out "cum baby, cum all over daddys dick"he says thats all it takes to send me over the edge as i cum on him he cums next then pulls out kissing me and we put our swimming clothes back on and walk out as corey sees us walk out together he has this terrified look on his face "i dont wanna know"he says walking away causing us to laugh as we walk back to the others. We pretty much swim all day getting sun burnt and then it starts raining "fuck,fuck,fuck,"corey says in a girl voice "my hair"he scream out also in a girl voice causing us all to laugh, as we get in the car we drive back to our house and run inside. We all showered and changed and watched tv for the rest of the day 

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