Part 7

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Colby•she's looks so peaceful when she sleeping

Brennen•she does

Colby•I like her a lot brennen

Brennen•why do you ask her out or something

Colby•what if she rejects me

Brennen•Colby *sighs* she's obviously into you

Colby•I mean I'm not gonna exactly ask her out her I'm just gonna give her little hints because I'm not getting rejected

Brennen•*smiles at colby* I never seen you this way with a girl but I gotta get home I'll see you later *walks home*

Maddy•mmm *grips Colby's shirt* it's cold

Colby•grabs the blanket and covers them up* is that better

Maddy•yes but now I'm awake and can't go back to sleep

Colby•what do you wanna do then

Maddy•watch Netflix

Colby•ok what do you wanna watch *scrolls through Netflix*

Maddy•ummm the vampire diaries

Colby•ok*puts it on*

~~~~~~~~~~with Jake and Tara~~~~~~~~~~

Jake•hey Tara


Jake•I'm bored

Tara•me to what do you wanna do

Jake•go swimming

Tara•ok *smiles*

Jake•we can go to my house after change into your bathing suit I have a pool

Tara•ok *runs and changes into a bathing suit*

Jake•come on *grabs her hand and walks to his house*

Tara•blushes* finally *squeals and sits her phone down and sits in the hot tub

Jake•gets in beside her* so do you think maddy and Colby like each other

Tara• oh definitely

Jake•I swear if they don't date I'm gonna explode

Tara•same *smiles£

Tara and Jake continue to talk and laugh and have fun

Tara•I'm cold I wanna get out

Jake•ok come on *grabs her hand and helps her out*

Tara•fuck I forgot my towl and clothes *groans*

Jake•you can wear my clothes *smiles and brings her in*

Tara•I'm freezing *grabs a towl*

Jake•here *gives her some clothes*

Tara•thanks *takes them and smiles*

Jake•grabs her waist and pulls her closer*

Tara•j-Jake *says nervously*

Jake•yes *gets closer*

Tara•what are you doing

Jake•something that I wanted to do for the longest time *kisses her*

Tara•smiles and kisses back* mmm

Jake•pulls away and blushes*

Tara•I'm gonna go change now *smiles and goes to the bathroom and changes* im keeping your shirt *walks out*

Jake•it looks better on you anyway *smiles*

Tara•sits on his bed



Jake•will you be my girlfriend

Tara• blushes and smiles* yes *kisses him*

Jake•kisses back

~~~~~~~~~~with kat and Sam~~~~~~~~~~

Kat•hey Sam


Kat•what do you wanna do

Sam•ummm what do you wanna do

Kat•play 20 questions

Sam• ok who goes first

Kat•you can

Sam•ok what's your favorite color

Kat•pink umm what do you wanna be like what would you wanna do

Sam•umm YouTube, who do you like

Kat•umm *looks at him* you won't judge

Sam•no I promise

Kat• I like you

Sam•wait really


Sam•walks to her and lifts her head up* I like you to

Kat•blushes* really

Sam•yes want me to prove it


Sam•kisses her

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