Part 9

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Maddy•I'm gonna go shower now *gets her clothes and goes in there and gets in the shower*

Jake•how are we gonna tell her or any of them

Sam•I don't know but there gonna be upset

Colby•I don't wanna leave

Jake•we leave in two days we all might as well tell them now

Maddy•tell me what says as she walks out drying her hair

Sam• well

Jake•me Sam and Colby

Colby•we're leaving in two days to move to L.A.

Maddy•what why

Jake• we wanted to move there because YouTube

Maddy•oh why didn't y'all tell me sooner

Sam•we was scared

Maddy•scared of what

Colby•that you'll get mad

Maddy•I'm not mad but I am upset that you didn't tell me sooner

Jake•now all we have to do is tell tara and kat

Sam•about that me and kat are dating

Maddy•wait really ! Oh my god I've been waiting

Jake•same with me and Tara

Maddy•I'm happy for y'all *smiles*

Sam•now we're waiting for you and Colby



Maddy•well I can call kat and Tara over so y'all can tell them

Jake•that's fine *smiles*

Maddy• ok I'll text them *texts kat and Tara to come over* ok done

Tara and kat gets there~

Tara•what's so important that y'all need to tell us

Jake•me Sam and Colby are leaving in two days

Tara•what why

Kat• and where


Colby•we're moving there



Kat• oh so in two days


Tara•well lets spend as much time together

Kat• Sam and me one day as Tara and Jake and Colby maddy

Tara•and then the last day all of us

Maddy•yeah that sounds fun

I honestly don't even like the story I feel like it's dry and simple and I just don't like it so if y'all have any ideas dm me on insta lundyx.angle

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