Part 8

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Maddy•wakes up in Colby's arms and smiles*

Colby•why are you staring

Maddy•I-I'm not *looks down*

Colby•lets out a small laugh*

Maddy•what do you wanna do today

Colby•I don't know but this sounds good *pulls her closer and snuggles into her*

Maddy•smiles and hugs him* colby

Colby•yes *looks at her*

Maddy•*kisses him*

Colby•kisses back* mmm

Maddy•pulls away* I-I'm sorry I just I wanted to do that for ever

Colby•it's ok maddy *smiles and pulls her in for another kiss*

Corey•ok devyn were almost there I can't wait for you to meet my little sister *smiles*

Devyn•what if she doesn't like me

Corey•babe I'm positive she will *holds her hand* we're here

Maddy•puts her hand on his chest and gets on top of him without breaking the kiss*

Corey•hey mad- WHAT IN THE FUCK

Maddy•rolls off him* c-Corey hi

Corey•why is the guy who bully's you in your bed

Devyn•babe calm down

Maddy•I umm Corey he's changed

Corey• whatever *pulls her into a hug* I missed you

Maddy•I missed you to *hugs back* and why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend *pulls Away*

Devyn•smiles awkwardly* hi I'm devyn

Maddy•hi I'm maddy Corey's little sister *hugs her*

Corey•ok but seriously why is he here

Colby•smiles awkwardly*

Maddy•Corey I promise he's changed he's not a dick anymore he's my friend I promise

Corey•friends don't just make out casually


Corey•pulls her out of the room* do you like him

Maddy•I mean yeah

Corey•*sighs* as long as your happy and as long as he doesn't hurt you I'm fine with it

Maddy•thank you Corey *smiles and hugs him*

Devyn maddy Corey and Colby continue to hang out and play games and have fun and get to know each other better maddy and Devyn acutally becomes really close Even though they just met

Corey•I told you she'll like you babe *whispers in devyns ear*


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