Part 11

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"What the fuck was that" I say beginning to panic "I don't know but who else wants to get the fuck out of her" says Jake " me" Sam says "same"Colby says grabbing onto my hand and holding it "lets just get out of here" I say blushing and all of us walking out and heading to the car. As soon as we get back to my place we all head up to my room and relax "so what do you wanna do now"Sam asks " truth or dare" Jake asks looking at us "Jake we're not in middle school anymore "please just a couple rounds" he says begging "fine" Colby says giving into Jake "ok who goes first" I ask "I will" Sam says "ok truth or dare Jake" "truth" he says bluntly "ok have you and Tara had sex" Sam says as jakes face goes a bright red "once" he says looking down embarrassed and we teased him "ok ok my turn truth or dare Colby"Jake says "dare cause I ain't no pussy" he says looking at Jake "I'd be careful I'm daring you right now" he says but he waits a while when he smiles evil "I dare you to kiss maddy" he says smirking at me and Colby as we both turn a bright red "Colby you don't have to if yo-" I get caught off by him pressing his lips against mine as me and him smile into the kiss his hand sneaks it's way in my shirt unhooking my bra causing me to gasp and he pulls away " sorry I got carried away" he says looking down "I-it's ok" I say blushing as the guys look at us shocked "I'll be right back I gotta put my bra back on" I say as I get up and go to the bathroom trying to clip it back together but fail "do you need help" Colby says as he comes in and shuts the door " yes please" I say turning around so he can clip it back together, his cold hands and runs touch my back and slowly make its way up to the back of bra causing me to get goosebumps "there you go" he says as he clips it back together and I turn around looking at him "I'm sorry mads I got a little carried away" he says looking at me "it's ok Colby maybe I liked it" I say winking at him and leaving the bathroom with him following in shock "god what happened in there" Sam saying laughing at colby
"My god Colby looks like he seen a ghost" Jake says laughing along with Sam. They all continue to talk and hang out and play game, "hey I gotta go kat wants to hang out before we leave"Sam say getting up "ok bye "I say as he leaves "same with Tara bye"
"Bye" I say as Jake also leaves just leaving me and Colby "I'm gonna miss you" I say as I lay next to him and he pulls me closer to him "me to" he says as we cuddle "tomorrows gonna be the last day with you". Maddy and Colby continues to talk about all kinds of things like when he's leaving and what's gonna happen when he does

Sorry this chapter was crap like all the other ones and that it was short

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