Part 21

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just pretend the fans already know about maddy

"today i will be pranking my girlfriend maddy"colby says "a cheating prank by the way with my friend shea shes a lesbian everyone already knows that expect maddy"colby says (i know shes really not a lesbian but its for the story and no hate to shea  i love her) "im scared"shea says "ok she just text and shes on her way home shes like 30 minutes away now lets set the camera up" colby says as they stand up and hide on camera in the hall way and one in there room 

30 minutes later 

"shes here"colby says as he takes his shirt off and cover up with shea and they start talking and giggling and maddy walks in "wow, just wow colby" maddy says crying as she walks out "shit"colby yells and jumps up grabbing the camera and handing it to shea as they run out               "baby please" colby says "no fuck you i love you colby and you go do this, were done"maddy says grabbing her keys before she walks out colby grabs her hand and spins her around "let me go colby"maddy says as she trys to get out of his grip but her pulls her closer and kisses her and she stops trying "it was just a prank baby"colby says pulling away "your mean"maddy says wiping her tears "i love you"colby says "i love you to" maddy says blushing "this is shea my bestfriend shes a lesbian"colby says "hi, im shea the girl that just almost ruined a cute realationship"shea laughs a bit "hi im maddy"maddy says "nice to meet you but i have to go"shea says as she gets her things and leaves "will you forgive me"colby asks sitting the camera down "sure, but im gonna get you back"maddy says "how?" i ask grabbing her waist and bringing her closer "just wait and see"maddy says as she wraps her arm around his waist and kisses him and colby pushes her back into the wall "are yall filming a sex tape"jake asks "no,weirdo"maddy says "well your cameras on"jake says and walks away as colby turns around and sees its still on "oh my god"maddy says as she blushes "ok its off for sure this time"colby says turning aound "no sex tape still" maddy says as she walks away "but why"colby whines going after her "because colby, now im gonna take a shower" maddy says walking our rest room (lets say all there rooms had a bathroom) and closing the door leaving a crack as i hear her turn on the hot water i sneak in there and all the towls and put them on the bed.                                              *maddys pov* 

i was my hair and rinse the shampoo out and put the conditioner in and let that sit as i let it sit i shave my legs my armpits and my area after im done i wash my body and then wash out the conditioner and get our reaching for my towl but its not there and i look and none of the towls are there "colby" i say stepping out of the shower "yes princess" he says "where are all the towls" i say as i stand by the door making sure he can only see my face "i dont know" he says "colby please give me one" i say "why are you hiding babygirl ive seen you naked before"he says standing up "dont come in here please just give me a towl" i say "are you ok princess"he says stepping closer "yes, just please dont colby"i say, some fan has been sending me hate and ive been really insecure about self ever since then "baby" he says walking in the bathroom "colby i said dont come in"i say covering my body or what i can "princess you got a perfect body stop hiding it"he says as he grabs my hands "just give me a towl" i say as he grabs one and hands it to me "thank you" i say as i wrap it around my body "why are being like that"he says leaning against the door "im going to taco bell what do you want" i ask ignoring him "just a quesadilla" he says "ok jake is coming with me so ill be back love you" i say kissing him and then grab my keys "jake come on before i leave you"i yell "no dont leave me im coming" he yells but colby stops him and whispers something in his ear and jake nods "ok come on" he says and walks out.

We arrive at taco bell and were pulling in the drive way "what would you like to order"the lady says through the speaker i say what everyone wants and pull up and get the food and pull out and start driving home "why didn't you get yourself anything"  jake asks "wasnt hungry" i say "oh ok" he says and starts eating his food "why are you being weird with your body" he asks "colby told you to ask didnt he" i say "maybe, maybe not, now answer"he asks "i dont know" i lie "come on mads, your being weird not letting colby see your body your wearing baggy t-shirts and not eating"jake says "just havent been hungry and havent been feeling crop tops or anything ok" i say getting frustrated "everyone notices you dont even wear bikinis"jake says "im getting hate jake, fucking hate ok, there you happy" i say as i pull in the drive way and get out jake following and walking inside hanging my keys up and walking upstairs slamming the door

"is she ok"sam asks "she said shes getting hate, thats why she was acting weird"jake says handing everyones food to them "whyd didnt she tell me" colby says "i have no idea"jake says "but she has like the perfect body i always wanted" kat says "i know right"tara agrees "you should go talk to her"corey says looking at colby "ok ill be back"colby says walking up stairs to see maddy crying "baby girl"colby says shutting the door and hugging her

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