Part 17

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(I know they lived in the apartment and then they just now moved to Hawaii but I'm just gonna skip the apartment and all and pretend that kat Tara and Devyn moved there and I also know Corey and Devyn broke up let's just pretend there still together and sorry if this book is boring and I know it sucks)

"Colby have you seen mad-" Corey As he opens the door and sees us naked in bed "Corey!" I yell "oh my god, oh. My. God" he says shocked "Corey brother"Colby says "I don't even wanna know" he says and walks out and closes the door as me and Colby look at each other I quickly get up and get dressed and run downstairs after him "Corey please"I say "what! You and Colby just had, I can't even say it"he says "Corey it just happened I'm sorry" I say "no, don't even" he says "why are you so mad at me for it" I ask "because! I don't want him hurting you he already hurt you before and I don't want him doing it again"he yells "Corey" I say as the others walk down and looks at us "no don't even say anything" he says and walks out the house "what happened"Sam asks "me and Colby had" I say not finishing the sentence hoping they'll get the hint
"Wait y'all had sex" Jake said, I nod. "Oh my god" Devyn says "yeah" I say sitting down on the bottom stair "hey,it's ok he'll come around maddy"Sam hugs me "he hates me now" i say as I cry in his chest
"He doesn't hate you maddy he's just upset I know how we use to treat you he's just upset about it"Jake says rubs my back "I'm sorry maddy"Colby says
"No it's ok don't be sorry" I say "wait so are y'all together"Elton asks "yeah" we both "finally" Devyn squeals "I've been waiting for this since like highschool" Jake says "same"Sam says
"What about Corey"Elton asks "I'll tell him later" I say. After hours Corey finally comes back and walks in the living room "where are they" he asks "in the back swimming" Elton says "Corey baby" Devyn says
"Yeah" he says "don't be to hard on them please" she says as she kisses him and sits back down as Corey walks outside to see Colby and maddy laughing
"Maddy" Corey says "yeah" I say as I turn around
"I'm sorry" he says looking down, I get out and hug him "it's ok" I say as I smile "so are y'all together" he asks "yeah" I say as he sighs "I'm happy for y'all but Colby if you hurt her again I'll kill you" Corey says
"I would never hurt her" Colby says smiling
"Good" he says hugging me "thank you corey" I say hugging him tight he just smiles "ok I'm going back in love you mads"Corey says "love you"I say as he walks back in as I get back in the pool "I'm glad he's ok with us being together"Colby says pulling me closer to him "I know now we don't have to sneak around" I smile as I kiss him "mmm" he says pushing me against the edge causing me to feel his boner "Colby" I say through the kiss "mhm" he says
"Colby we cant do it in the pool there right there" I say pointing to the others sitting on the couch
"What am I gonna do about this then" he says pointing to his boner "I don't know" I say giggling as he groans "can we go in" he says "yeah come on"I say grabbing his hand and walking to the door "your gonna have to hide it" Colby says "fine" I say turning my back towards him and walking in the house
"Hey guys" Jake says "hi" I say as I smile Colby just stands there tapping  my sides to hurry up
"Colby you ok"Devyn asks "w-what? Oh yeah I'm fine"he says "ok well me and Colby are going to bed night love you guys" I say walking Colby upstairs
"Finally" he says laying down on the bed "I'm gonna change" I say grabbing my clothes and going to the bathroom "maddy"Colby pulls me back in "what"I say "you know you can change in here right? Only if you want to" he says as I giggle as I begin to take off my bikini "mmm" Colby says "stop horny boy" I slap his arm "fine"he says as I put my shorts on
"Come here" he says putting his arms out as I walk over there and sit on his lap laying my head in his shoulder "this is relaxing I say" closing my eyes
"It is" he says wrapping his arms around my waist
"Colby" I say "yeah" he says back "I'm tired" I say
"Then go to sleep" he says laying down with me still on him "night Colbs" I say as I close my eyes
"Night maddy" he says as we both fall asleep

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