Part 12

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"Come on were gonna be late we're gonna miss our flight"Sam yells "ok ok I'm coming" Colby yells back as we all head downstairs and into the car driving to the airport.

"I'm gonna miss you" I say hugging Colby as Tara and kat are hugging Sam and Jake "me to" he says hugging me back "Jake" Tara says as she looks at him " yes" he answers back "I love you" she says blushing "I love you to" Jake says as she kisses him "I love you kat" "I love you to Sam" kat says as she kisses him "ok lets go before we miss our flight" Sam says as there flight is being called " I love you colby"
"I love you to" he kisses me and then they all leave there they go as me tara and kat walk to the car driving back to my place.

"It feels so different without them" Tara says looking around "I know" kat says agreeing with her "maddy?" Kat says "you ok" Tara's asks me " what? Oh yeah I'm ok" I fake smile. Maddy Tara and kat continue to y'all about them and how they miss them and everything else they possibly could

~skip a two years or three~ (I'm sorry but I hope y'all are liking the story so far)

Finally I'm here in L.A. I think to myself, devyn invited me to stay with her for a while because she says it's boring being the only girl in a house with four boys. I drive to devyns house blasting music in my car.

"Hey I missed you" Devyn says as she hugs me "I missed you to" I say as I smile and hug her back
"Just saving these four boys are loud as hell"she says as she laughs softly "I can't wait to see my brother is he here" I ask her "yeah downstairs with the others" she says "ok im gonna go down and visit" I say as I walk out I walk downstairs and see Corey playing rocket league "hey Corey" I say standing there as he notices me he jumps up and hugs me "I missed you to" I laugh and hug back "what are you doing here" he says pulling away from the hug "Devyn invited me over for a while" I answer back "oh ok and the others will be back in a minute also I think you'll remember them" he says smiling at me and walking away " ok" I say confused then the door opens and four boys walk in "ok ok stop making fun of me" one boy says "it was funny tho" one reply's back laughing "your so clumsy" another one says laughing quietly "guys" Corey says as they all notice me and just stand there Corey was right I do remember them Jake Sam and Colby "maddy" Sam says confused but happy "oh my god" Jake says staring at me "what? Why are you here" Colby asks confused "Devyn invited me over" I say as Sam hugs me "I missed you" i say as I hug back "hey! I want a hug" Jake rushes over and pulls Sam off and hugs me picking me up "oh my god Jake" I laugh as I hug him back as me and Colby catch eye contact and Jake puts me down I go over there and hug Colby "I missed you" he says hugging me back

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