The Night We Met

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Me and my friends are hired to do a job, we well are the help for hosting a party, we give lap dances, and well we're hired strippers, but we never have sex, well my friends do, but I just wait on them, or let them do the walk of shame to our apartment, we get about $500 for a job, it's $100 a girl and there are 5 of us, we share a 3 bedroom, 1 and half bathroom apartment, it's a requirement to keep ourselves in good health, so we constantly are checked for vaginal issues, just to make sure  we or our customers could catch something, we wear clothing, such as I'm wearing a trench coat but really I have fishnet stockings and a corset underneath, my friends just dress it up to be a nurse, police, bunny, we just have a rack hanged with costumes, we wear a mask, so we never have to run into them again, we slip our masks on and knock, we make sure it's the right apartment, and set up, 'so your a hired stripper?' a guy asks as I move my behind in circles on his lap, then a guy comes in and I seem to get his attention, 'dude, don't bother, this one doesn't fuck clients' the guy I am lap dancing says, he sits across from me, they only booked us til midnight, so I just have to hold myself together, since it's only two hours, the guy just eyes me down, while the other girls are getting a little out of hand 'how about you go over to my friend, he seems to fancy you' the guy says, I huff and get up, I walk over, I'm just here to get paid so I don't live on the street.

I sit on his lap, legs spread, 'hi' he says, then I realise he's wearing a engagement ring!, I turn away, and just turn off my mojo I'd started with him, 'dude, don't forget your .. girlfriend' a guy says, 'I know' he says and smells my neck?, what is with this guy?, 'I'm not going to touch, just observe' he says, I just keep my eyes on the clock, then my legs tire, and I rest fully on his lap, is this guy hard?, oh hell no, I try getting up, he pulls me back down!, two of my best friends have already gone else where, 'dude, calm down' his friend says 'I'm fine' the guy says, while I'm on his lap, I try pushing up, but he's now feeling me, 'your touching' his friend says, his hands move around my thighs, he goes to separate my legs!, I shove his hands away, just another 11 minutes I tell myself, this guy is way too handsy, 'I can't stop' he says in a weird voice, the room is cleared, why are they leaving, he starts kissing my neck, I roll away from him and get up  'listen, I was hired to just lap dance, there will be no touching, kissing or-' he gets up, 'how about you just shut up' 'how about I'm not your bitch' I say, 'I can make you whatever the hell I want' 'what is your damage?' I say and grab my coat, this guy is a such a pervert, and from what I was feeling, last thing I will  ever do is go to 4th base with him, 'bitch, did I say you could leave' 'back the fuck off or I'm gonna show you a reason why men needed to be neutered' I say, he slams me against a wall, ouch!, my head, I hold the back of my head?, blood, he takes a step back, 'what the hell?' I say, he seems somewhat traumatised, my wrist hurts where, did he cut me?, I look at his hand, claws?, where the fuck did claws come from?, I go for the door, he has to kill me, I found out, he grabs me 'no, don't  fucking touch me!' I shout, he pulls me back and I fall back onto the coffee table, it smashes, I have cuts up my arms, he's then on top of me, when it looks like he's going to rip my throat out, we make eye contact, his breathing seems to get heavier?, then he kisses me?!, I try push him off of me, he yanks my strings on my corset, the rips it open and my breasts just spill out, his eyes light up, I scream 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!' he covers my mouth and yanks me up, he then goes into the kitchen and he looks through the drawers, I run for the door, he grabs what he's looking for and then yanks me, he bends my legs around him and presses my against the wall, of course my legs unwrap around him, but he still holds me there, he rips some tape back from the roll, I try push him back, then I slap him, he growls, 'no, let me -!!!-, he covers my mouth with tape, he starts kissing my neck, so much for having a fiancée?, he then brings me up a set of spiral stairs, then lays me on a bed.

I begin to cry, this is topping to be my 2nd worst moment, the first is when I was kidnapped, he feels down my body, and kisses all over, I can't I'm going to be raped, and there is a reason I don't sleep with customers, I'm a ... virgin. Once he gets me where he is eyeing down his view, I still fight to not lose my last thing I have left, he just gets annoyed and frustrated and goes over to his wardrobe.

I rip the tape off and run for the door 'oh no you don't' 'help!' I scream, though then I realise, my friends are screaming, but from sex, 'your so big' one of them moan, he ties my wrists and then walks around the bed and pulls my body down, I kick him back, he feels his bleeding lip, then I watch him undress and then I lose him?,  thank god-!!!, a wolf jumps up onto the bed!, I scream but through the tape he re-applied, 'spread your fucking legs', I cry 'spread them!' he roars, and climbs up would it be bad to kick a wolf?, then his claws come out, 'please!' I scream, 'spread your fucking legs, or I will rip them apart' he threatens, I slowly open my legs he climbs in-between, he yanks himself inside, and his heart skips a beat, I yelp, he looks at me differently, but his wolf can't stop, his hips start moving, then speeding up!, my breasts jiggle to his movements, he just breaths in my neck, then out of nowhere, he bites me!, I scream!, worst night of my life, he shifts back and sucks and kisses my neck, weird how that excruciating moment soon turned to a thing that could send shivers down my spine, and my boy shake from it's sudden pleasure no, I can't enjoy this, he kisses up my jaw, 'your mine, all fucking mine' he moans moving his hips, he removes the tape and kisses me, I feel so weak at the moment, his tongue fucks my mouth, my body betrays me, and kisses him back, then my legs move around him, 'good girl' he moans against my lips, he starts slowing down and I can't stop the whimper from my lips 'want me to go faster?', 'uh-huh' I moan, even my own words betray me, he gives me what my mouth asked for, I scream out, but in pleasure, and he rips himself out and literally covers my stomach with his liquid, that's when I see how big he was, I look and I literally faint, he looks up and I'm out, 'oh fuck' he says and unties me, he looks down at me, after he's cleaned me up, he's tempted to remove my mask, but better off leaving that a secret, or he'll just obsess over me, a few reality moments hit him, and then panic.

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