Reuniting with you

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9 weeks without Tyson, he's tempted to get on a plane and just hunt me down and tie me to his bed so I never leave him again, but the Alpha is keeping him grounded, and hid all of the alcohol and his father took his credit cards, so he wouldn't go buy any alcohol, I'm on a plane, just took my handbag, and I return flight for a two days later, but I can push it to be before then, I just walk and walk, not wanting to have to get on a taxi, I left at the 8:42am flight and got here at 10:45am, only cost me $149!, I mean if I found that out sooner, I was just afraid that if I did go there it would be embarrassing to not have that much, let alone dream of that much coming into my hands again, I then on the other hand can afford it, I just get the female driver to drop me off just before hitting the pack's territory, sure enough it's on a highway, she was just happy to get a $73.25 payment, I walk through the woods, while drinking my bottle of water, when I just see the pack's territory, I kneel down and I whisper 'Tyson', he sits up, he thinks he may be going crazy? ... 'get out here you stubborn ass' I whisper, he feels this sort of weird feeling, that gives him strength to get up, then he smells something 'what's gotten into him?' Lewis asks  .... 'she's here' his father says, Tyson runs over, and then scoops me up, 'whoa' I say, he smells my hair, and sighs, I hug him, his family can't find him, I kiss him, he moves me against a tree, his wolf is already responding, 'shhh' I mouth, he just wants to kiss and touch me, he misses me so much, he has no idea for me, then the Alpha comes over 'what's gotten into you's?' he asks 'let's go' I mouth, 'I can't' he mouths back 'well I'm not going anywhere near the pack' I mouth 'don't be a stubborn ass' 'Tyson, I'm serious, I will run if I'm found' I mouth, he can tell I'm not joking, 'wait? ... who's here?' the Alpha says, getting everyone's attention, I even heard 'no, please' Tyson says desperately and pulls me back, I stumble on a twig, my eyes widen and this is where I run!, 'I'm sorry' Tyson mouths and I run, careful of my step, the Alpha comes over 'where is she?' he asks 'um? .... somewhere?' Tyson says leaning against a tree, I reach the highway, I run along it, my heart is beating so hard it might as well be out of my chest, my dad goes over to Tyson 'listen, my daughter is in those woods and you thought wait I'll just have a moment of relief and when she gets caught I'll let her go?' my dad says pissed off holding Tyson's shirt, 'Felix, he just wanted her back' the Alpha says, Felix looks down, 'she's already hit the highway can't get her scent' the Alpha says, then glares at Tyson he looks down 'no more going out into the woods' 'are you using me as bait?' Tyson asks 'something like that' 'she's human, why would you care?' 'get back to the pack' the Alpha orders, Tyson walks back 'don't ever do that again' his father says and slaps the back of his head as Tyson goes into the house.

I need to get Tyson, I didn't plan on going back empty handed, so when I'm stalking out the territory, I see it, Tyson's dad going out for a quick check up, when he's coming back, I'll grab onto the bottom of his car, hold myself there til it's night time, about a hour later, I see him coming, this will be difficult!, I run roll grab!, I breath in, I then pull myself up until I'm a safe enough distance up, he drives and of course has to go over some bumps, then better yet parks in a garage, I wait til he's gone, then when the door shuts and then wait an extra 20 seconds before the door reopens and the backdoor of the car is being opened, since groceries need to be unloaded 'I don't see what the problem is?' Tyson says and leans against a wall 'she's part of the pack, even if she is human' his father says then adds 'oh and the Alpha said so', Tyson unloads the car, and then when their done flicks the garage light off, the smell of his car scented me, I listen in, 'right, we're going to a bomb fire, you are expected to come' his father says 'as long as there are boos' 'no choice either way' his father says, they leave, then come back when they forget something, Jesus, this is so hard, once they are officially gone, I lower myself then lay on the cement ground, my back really hurts, definitely going to feel that tomorrow, I then walk around til I find Tyson's room, I find tons of places to hide within seconds, I look out his window I watch those old bomb fires, they do that ever night, just before winter sets in, I use to love going, no one has still taken my stop, 'you think she's going to come here?' Tyson says like it's ridiculous 'true, it's like scaring a sheep away from a wolf cave' Lewis says, Tyson gives him a look, 'I get it's nice to get to see your mate after 2 months' the Alpha says .... '2 months and one week' Tyson says, he smirks, since Tyson kept track, 'but her place is here, we never let a wolf leave for longer than 5 years' 'it's only been 2' 'how about we place a bet?, if she doesn't come here within sunrise, you are .... re-engaged to my daughter?' 'what?, that's breaking laws, I'd never kiss her, never even thought about her that way' Tyson says, not lying, 'pick someone else, cause not in a ... infinity years will I be interested in her' 'other than offending my daughter, how about I need more wolves mating, wolf on wolf', Tyson gets up and goes and vomits in the bin, 'has he had anything to drink?' Felix asks 'nope' his father says, I smirk, then after about a hour, it's time to return to the house, I hide under his bed, I even have to plug my nose it smells so bad, he walks in, and he has been ordered to take a shower, so he walks into his on-suite, locks his bedroom door, but the house can hear it's running, I smirk getting a idea, I undress and hide my clothes, then I step in, he jumps, then turns around, his eyes light up, he kisses me, quick enough my dry body was wet, 'your here?' he smiles, I nod, 'mmmm' he moans and lifts me up, my legs move around him and I grip his hair, 'fuck' he moans and our tongues touch, he turns the shower off, once his wolf says he wants more than just making out in the shower, he doesn't even bother with a towel, he could shift from excitement, if it wouldn't alert the Alpha, who can sense that, so his wolf restrains himself, he crawls up me 'fuck, you taste so good' he moans and enters me, I gasp, 'oh fuck ... me' he moans and starts moving, he feels like a horse fucking, he's just so hard, then his doorknob rattles 'what did we say about locking door, I get up and move a pillow in my place and get under the bed, his father unlocks the door 'what are you-?, doing?' his father asks, .... 'um?, what does it look like I'm doing?' 'fucking a pillow?' his father says, feeling sorry for him,  'I need a drink' his father says and walks out, Tyson lays there, then gets up and locks his door, his father is going to let this slide cause he's never seen a wolf that desperate, I climb out, good thing under his bed is actually the cleanest in his house, I breath heavy in his neck, he tries pulling out but not fast enough and boom!, cums inside me, but I really, honestly don't care, I've waited for so long for this, I kiss him, 'I'll set a alarm for 5, then I'm gone' I say, he holds me, he smells in my neck, we have the pillow his cock was on, on the floor.

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