Home Stay

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5 months later .... I'm living in a small town, close to looking like a city, but the twins are really settling in, I'm 5 months and almost 2 weeks pregnant, expecting a boy, the twins have settled in, I work as a waitress, there is a day care and I've made really good friends with the girls who work there, I visit there on my work shift, I work from 9 to 5, I know like the Dolly Parton, but I only earn $15 a hour, so the money still is pretty good, $120 a day, and I work Tuesday to Thursday and also on weekends, I will get maternity leave once I hit 8 months pregnant, I own a very big and beautiful home, it has 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, the twins love the house, really does feel like home, and we've really set in, I earn $600 a week and $2,400 a month, so it does help, when I want to spoil the kids, I have a family car, 5 seats, black SUV, I have the nursery prepared and I write to the pack constantly about how things are, cause I didn't want to go out contact with my family, I even sent in a phone, and I am face timing today, the twins are playing in the lounge room, fireplace is going, their in a meeting 'what is that noise?' the Alpha asks, dad's eyes widen 'face time with Allison?' he reads, 'answer, answer' the Alpha says, he answers, 'hey' I smile 'wow?, you weren't kidding' dad says, 'yeah, I'm only 5 months' 'how are my grandkids?', I giggle, I move the camera, 'look who's on camera' I say, they look and start laughing, and Liam starts bouncing, dad chuckles 'he needs a haircut' dad says, I turn the camera away, then I realise what room he is in 'mind if we talk ... in private?' I say, 'oh?-', Alpha shakes his head 'you know what this was a terrible idea, I'm just gonna go-' 'you could always come back?' dad says then says 'we all miss you here, almost like you died, all over again' dad says, 'all of you miss me?, I only know about 10 people in the pack so-?' 'your family misses you?', I snort and start laughing 'Paige?, Michael?, David?' I say 'your mother, me and Sean' 'sounds much more better' I say, 'anyway, I have to go stranger danger' I say, dad chuckles 'I'm not a stranger' 'no but the big bad wolf is-', the Alpha comes into view 'there is he' I say, 'who's that?', I show the kids 'ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' they scream and I turn the screen away, I'm laughing so fucking hard, I hold my stomach, 'ooh' I rub my stomach, dad even laughs a little 'ahem?' the Alpha says, ..... we finally stop laughing, 'Allison, time to come back, give me back my grandkids', I start laughing again, 'easy' I tell myself, as the baby kicks 'I need to lay down' I say, and hold my back 'you could come back?' 'yeah, right, like I'm gonna get bullied by that mama's boy' I say, 'get back here, your much easier to talk to when your in the pack' 'can't, cause if you mark me while I'm pregnant you could ruin my baby, but if the baby is born not in the pack, you could kill him from marking him so-' 'just get back here' he demands, 'your terrible at negotiations' I say, Liam and Diana are hungry, I get up and walk into my kitchen, put the bottles in the microwave, the kids start crying, I sit the phone on something to hold it up, 'ma!!', I lean against the counter and wait then the microwave is done and I go into the lounge room, they are quiet, I then come back in 'so, here is what I was thinking, I don't come back at all cause you are a cruel mo-fo' I say, dad chuckles, Ryan gives him a look 'sorry' dad says.

About a hour after talking and them getting no where in convincing me, I put the kids to sleep, 'just come back, you can have full fucking custody, visit once a fortnight and be there for 3 hours and the contract cannot be broken not til the kids hit puberty, then I'll take custody and I don't care what happens, I just need the kids back here, I won't force anything' the Alpha says, in front of a whole bunch of people, 'you serious?' I say, then say 'you must be desperate?' I say humoured, 'I'll set everything up, just get back here?' 'cool, be there in a few hours?' I shrug 'a few hours?, how far did you get?' dad asks 'just a few towns away then stopped at a hotel?, see you early tomorrow?, better not be fucking playing with me, I'm putting your word, honour and practically every bit of dignity you hold to this' I say, everyone is listening 'sure?' he says, I wave and then hang up, 'I can't believe you just put all of that on the table' 'I got grandkids and I don't see Vikki having any kids', 'really?' Vikki says and crosses her arms, Ryan just goes to his house.

I have everything packed, good thing I paid off the house, cause when I bought the house, I used the money I got from the apartment, and this place was a fixer upper, and I fixed it and double the triple of how much I got it for which was $25,800, and used the left over money to fix it up and I'm just finishing payments, good thing I payed them about 2 days ago, I have the kids things packed, and the car loaded 'we're going home?' Liam smiles, 'right' I say and I get the house nice and locked up, Then I hit the road, though I don't know how I got myself into this mess and I guess it all started when I met Anthony.

I drive along the highway, I pull into a gas station to refill and change the kids and get some lunch, then back on the road we go, Ryan is a honestly a little anxious, hasn't seen his grandkids in 5 months, I stop just outside the territory, I stand there leaning against my car, unsure of what to do or what's gonna happen, was Ryan messing with me?, I call dad, he's in a meeting, 'hello?' he says, 'what up?' I say, 'Jess' he says and gets up, 'what now?' I ask, 'you come here?' he says 'just wondering, did Ryan play me?' 'nope, read the thing myself', Ryan chuckles 'where are you?' 'on the highway' 'which highway?' 'the. Highway' I say, 'just outside?' 'uh huh' I say, 'so what are waiting for?' 'someone to play me' 'no ones playing you' dad says 'I think I should turn around' 'I'm already heading your way' dad says, and walks out, Ryan gets up and then out front, just at the edge of the property, 'hi?' I say nervous leaning against my car, 'just gonna stand there?' Ryan says, 'where's the contract?' 'pack in the meeting room', Sean then runs over out of breath 'got it' he says, 'really?', he also has pens, 'read it running over, it's legit, everything he promised' Sean says, not lying, 'good' I say, and walk over, Diana shouts out 'sorry' I step back and the kids go quiet, I read over it and sign, then Ryan signs 'cool?' I say, and I spin and I open the back seat, and bring Liam out, 'dad this is your grandson Liam', Ryan crosses his arms, and dad holds Liam, 'Ryan, this is your granddaughter Diana' I say, and he holds Diana, no crying, Sean takes the car and we walk down the driveway, 'okay, swap' I say, and they trade babies, Sean beats us down the driveway, we get there and mum comes out, then Anthony, 'hey?' Anthony says, shy and doesn't want to say the wrong thing 'hey?' I say, 'right, well I'm just gonna bring my things back up to my house' I say, and walk away, 'ma' Diana coos, and I turn and smirk, I hold her, and she looks so much like me, while Liam looks like Anthony, I go over to the car, she hugs my shoulder, I love cuddling with my babies.

I get the kids buckled in, 'see you tomorrow?, or a fortnight?' I say to Ryan 'we'll start the schedule after tomorrow's visit' Ryan says, 'whatever you say' I say, and I get in the car, Anthony is just standing there, completely worried, and honestly terrified, he really does care about me, I sit there, then he walks over when he realises what I'm waiting for, he gets in the car, I smirk and start the car, 'I don't get it' dad says, and I then drive up the mountain as far as I can, then I let him push the pram, while I carry luggage, 'sure you don't want me to?' he says, 'I can handle it, just cause I'm pregnant, don't go thinking I can't handle myself', then the first time Anthony sees the house, 'wow?' he says, and I sit the luggage down, 'alright, now, I'll show you where the kids rooms are' I say, I show him the rooms 'and in a couple of weeks, I can start working on the new babies nursery' I say, he smiles, the kids are asleep, I make some lunch 'hungry?' I say, 'a little?' he says, I make some lunch, I make the harvard sandwiches, he licks his fingers, and I then end up licking my plate, he snorts and starts laughing, we gaze into each other eyes, then I get up and grab the plates, 'um? ... well I better be going, Uncle would be wondering where I am' Anthony says, 'yeah?, I guess, it was great seeing you' I say, and I bend over to stack up the dishwasher, Anthony comes over 'you know, I never meant to hurt you' Anthony says, 'I'm over it', lie, he breaths out 'I still care about you' 'sure you do' I say and close the dishwasher, he walks around the island counter 'I do, you know I do' 'clearly not' I say, and then he's right in front of me, 'Anthony, we can't' I say, 'remember all the fun we had?, sneaking around?' Anthony says, trying to make me think about it and it'll get me turned on, which honestly is working, I bite on my lower lip, oh Allison, what are we gonna do now?.

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