Who are you?

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Tyson has been acting weird?, he's not so lovey dovey?,  he's more resilient?, and that is not what I want, so my dad is liking how I'm showing zero interest in him, til I started getting angry and showing knives at the garage door with a man chalked into it, 'Allison?' dad says, 'you okay?' he asks, I think about Tyson and I throw it!, it goes straight through the door, he then notices it's the only hole and I've been doing this for about half a hour, 'nice aim?', he sees it's at the throat, 'um? ...Allison we should talk?', I walk over and yank it out, the Alpha is a little worried also, 'why did you draw a chalk figure on the door?' 'cause I can, don't worry comes off with water' 'but a hole in the door' dad says, 'how about two?' I toss it, straight through the crotch area 'happy?' I ask 'what's with the attitude?' 'did you say something to Tyson?' I ask 'why?, he's actually maturing?', I throw another knife hitting the forehead without losing eye contact with him, 'you don't like him?' 'it disgusts me' I say, and throw another knife between the eyes 'how?' 'he doesn't care, he doesn't even talk to me, he doesn't even understand me, how can I even like that?, he's nothing like the man I met, how can I even call him my mate?, it's like all the sudden he's embarrassed to be him?' I say, 'oh?, ....' 'it's like you suddenly not having a degree to be a professor, a total stranger, now you get your wish only man in my life' I say and throw the knife hitting the chest, right where the heart is 'Allison-' 'no, it's fine, your right, I don't even need a mate' I say, and yank the knives out, 'what's gotten into you?' 'nothing' I say, not lying, and suddenly I'm just as he remembered, zero emotion, no attachment, 'Allison' he says, I spin a knife in my hand and go inside the house, 'I'm just gonna make a drink' I say, and stone wall, dad looks to the Alpha, and walks over 'what just happened?' the Alpha asks, 'she just became who she was originally' 'are you sure?' 'positive, she doesn't have a spark, Tyson gave that to her, cause she never really thought anyone cared about her, and now she's just ... back to how she was' dad says 'and that is a bad thing because isn't that what you wanted?' 'not when I met how she was and now I don't like this side' dad says, 'well it's better for Tyson this way, and we get what we both wanted, soon enough I will have grandkids' 'you honestly think you can get his body to chose another woman?' dad says 'watch me' the Alpha says and walks away, dad huffs and goes inside, I'm cutting up a whole bunch of fruit 'want some?' I ask with no emotion or smile, 'look Allison, what's gotten into you?' 'what?' I ask, and eat a cut up strawberry, 'hey, dad you've really got to try this, I've re-organised the fridge, so the fruits get more the cooler fan', he remembers when I did that last time before I left, the food actually did taste better, but this isn't how he wants things.

Then he walks in and I'm working out in the gym, as a human I need to work twice as harder, 'want some help?' dad asks 'unless you want to be embarrassed?' I say 'depends who your going to image I am when you fight me' dad says, 'I'm un-armed, I'm almost harmless' I say, he smirks 'fists, tapped knuckles or boxing gloves?' 'tapped knuckles, you could break your hand punching me' he says, 'ha!, that's just what you think, don't worry if I hurt you, mum will gladly help, right mum?' I say, she giggles in the corner reading a magazine 'you got her out of house?' 'nope, she gave me a lecture about caving myself inside' mum says, 'really?, protesting against your mother?' 'no one else cares, well she fake's caring' I say, he huffs 'people care' 'ha!, give me proof of that' I say, and I tape my knuckles, I then rub some chalk on my hands 'what's that for?' 'sweating palms, ruin my grip' I say, 'alright?' he taps up his knuckles, 'alright full contact?' 'I am not a child and don't hurt me and you'll get hurt' 'sure about this?' 'you'd be surprised, when's the last time you worked out?, 2015?' I say, 'still good at comebacks', I make contact with his fist 'you'd have to be pretty out of shape to not realise, I have reflex's that could you knock you back on your ass' I say, 'alright, no face contact, go easy on him' mum says, 'are you serious?' dad says, mum hides her face with the magazine, also to hide her amusement, 'alright' dad says and I move around him, 'what are you doing?' 'checking your weak spots' 'weak spots?' 'ready?' 'sure?' he shrugs, 'alright, I may up breaking your spine?' I say, he goes to punch, I duck, punch his gut, his eyes light up, and I forward roll, kick the back of his legs, the Alpha comes in 'what's going on here?', 'Private practice' 'yep, you broke my leg' dad growls and rolls over, mum comes over 'you.broke,his.leg?' the Alpha says 'yeah?' I say, mum pulls dad up 'you know your lucky she didn't break your nose' mum says, she brings his arm over her shoulder, 'I'll help' I say, and help dad into the house 'um? ... what happened?' 'broke my leg?', the Alpha and him understand that no one can know about his beat down, but it's nice to know I can protect myself, mum lays him on the bed, 'we can't' dad says, 'Jesus, Felix please just don't argue with me' mum says and presses a remote and the curtains close and then another button and the door locks, she mounts dad and kisses him, he of course kisses her back 'but it's Friday' dad says 'shhh' mum says and zips down his zipper, I'm in the kitchen, I'm reading a book while eating a granny smith light, Alpha comes in 'hey?, what are you reading?' 'wolf on wall street' I say, he smirks, 'you know as part of the pack, you could meet someone?' 'yeah right' I crack up 'and you haven't branded me into the pack' I say and eat my apple, 'hmm?' he says, I move around the island counter as he comes over, 'listen, I was joking, I'm actually .... gay' I say, lying, I then rush up the stairs, he watches as I then close my door, so of course he's going to bring that up with my father.

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