Happy Birthday To Me

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I'm turning 26 tomorrow, so I wouldn't expect anyone to remember, being born, it's now May 8th, I met Tyson in January 27th, it doesn't bother me, I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was kidnapped, I just go on acting normal, leave for my solo jog to the point there I do 20 push ups and 20 sit ups before heading back 'told you' dad says to Alpha, 'okay, so she's ...... obsessed?' Alpha says 'when does Tyson come back?' 'well after he finds someone to replace him at his work before he will be coming back completely, I left my things at locker at the restaurant and my boss wants me to come in or he's going to open it up, but my journal is in my work locker, I go to dad 'I need to go back New York' 'I thought we were past this?' dad says 'well my boss called and if I don't empty out my work locker, they'll empty it's 'so?' ... 'my journal is in that locker' I say 'do you write everything in that?' dad asks, I give him a weird look, of course he tells the Alpha, 'we can send someone?' 'like their going to let some random guy go through her locker' dad says, 'who's going to go with her?' the Alpha says 'I don't know?' Dad says, 'Sean could?' I shrug, they each look at me strangely 'since when did you two get along?' 'it's like this weird twin connection?' I say sarcastically, 'you two actually talk?' Dad says 'duh?, Well we use to?, But the guy hasn't left here since he graduated Wharton' I say, Sean hugs me when he finds out he's going to New York 'pss' I say, Sean clears his throat and puts me down 'you'll just be in the city for 2 hours' Alpha says.

We arrive 'oh this is awesome' 'so you weren't kidding when you said you hadn't left since I disappeared' I say 'nope' he says we go to my restaurant I worked at and I empty my locker and we have literally 27 minutes to get to the airport, so to beat traffic we steal a bike and race to the airport just to make it for boarding, we watch a movie on the flight, and sort of pass out, my alarm wakes us up 4 minutes before landing and I use the bathroom, of course lay toilet paper on the seat before using, so when we get back it'll just be 5:am-ish.

It's officially May 9th, my 26th birthday!, also Sean's, but I think he forgot?, I wake up and I start the day with gymnastics, I took a 2 hour nap when I came home, Tyson is here!, I let go of the pole I'm swinging on, do a backflip land, I can't believe he's here!, I use my towel and dry myself off, 'hey, Tyson', his ex-fiancée says, practically drooling from the sight of him, I walk out of the gym and go to my house, 'look, I don't have time for this' Tyson huffs and walks away from her after seeing me, I go mix a smoothie together, then I clean it up, dad comes out at 10:am, 'you shouldn't sleep in' I say 'you were pretty quiet coming in?, get any sleep?' 'yeah, on the plane and then when I came back, then a hour work out in the gym' I say 'of course?, go on a jog?' 'duh, it was my morning stretch before the gym' I say, I dry up my smoothie machine 'how was New York?' 'traffic was so bad, had to steal a bike just to make the plane' I say, 'so .... Tyson is back' 'so?' I say, like he were nothing, 'get your diary?' 'duh' I say 'you and Sean seem pretty close?' 'okay?' I say 'you know it's okay to care' 'but then you'd have a issue' 'I don't have a issue with every guy you grow to care about' dad says, I breath in and out, then I go upstairs for a shower and I wear denim shorts, and a tank top with a grey jacket zipped half way up, a new guy is here?, someone I didn't notice til now 'this is my Nephew, just graduated on a engineer Master's' the Alpha says, 'see something you like?' dad says next to me, I jump and turn around 'were you just watching me?', I say to change the subject so I wouldn't have to answer, that damn the Alpha's nephew is cute, Tyson saw that while he was coming over, 'it's okay' dad says, I punch his arm and then go inside, dad smirks, from embarrassing me, so when he tells the Alpha about it, cause he tells the Alpha everything, 'she what?, has a thing for my Nephew?, she just met him?' 'I watched her, watch him, she's into him and I'm just telling you' dad says 'guess this could work out?, you like my nephew and I need to extend my family tree' the Alpha says 'I know, but she has a mate' 'and you all the sudden approve of him?' ... 'no' dad says 'and I don't see Paige finding her mate, since she's butch and her only love is for her horses, Michael is far more interested in other things and isn't exactly talking to any women lately, then Sean, he spends more time in the garage, since he is a engineer and always just working on stuff?, then David, are you kidding he is 22 and can barely get him out of either his room or the gym, only a bodybuilder woman would get his attention' dad says, 'but you don't approve of her mate, so how about I let Allison show around my nephew and we'll see how things go from there?' the Alpha says 'okay' dad says.

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