Moving on

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So me and Anthony just find it awkward, he finds it weird to just go see me, and I don't know if I go over there, will things just be awkward anyway?, then when Tyson and the Alpha's daughter are engaged once again, things of course will be very awkward, so I get to trying to bribe Alpha to bite me, he is actually tempted, but if I die, the whole pack will just be distraught, I do bug my dad about it, he would love for me to be a wolf, thinks I'd look beautiful, but it's life risking and he lost me once and felt that, and won't go through it again, it'd just destroy him, cause I am still his favourite, Tyson and I do have a very difficult past but he isn't who I fell in love with, and it'd be difficult to get that back, and Anthony does make me feel things, though we can't seem to think of our friendship wasn't planned and more was expected, and another thing I reminded the Alpha of, if I was bitten, my mated mark would disappear cause my body would change, and it isn't illegal to just bite the wolf you are in love with, but if you suddenly found your mate and bit another wolf, the mark on the girl who isn't your mate would disappear, but I can't stay I fully feel that way about Anthony, though I didn't start feeling for Tyson til my first day at his house, it's about 1:am, I can't sleep and I sneak into the Alpha's house, coincidently, Anthony can't sleep either, I carefully walk in, I close it 'hi' I say, he sits up, shirtless and only wearing his boxer briefs, but his blanket is over him, he's watching Blended featuring Adam Sandler, I love this movie, 'mind if I join?' 'um? ... sure?' he says, I kick my shoes off and come over, he moves over and I lay with him, we continue to watch, but I still can't sleep, once the movie is over, he goes to get out, but he's practically naked 'wanna watch another?' I ask 'I guess?' he shrugs, I get out 'which one?' 'Police academy?' he says, 'okay' I put it in and I then come back over, he presses play, we both laugh at similar things, next thing I know, I'm resting my head on his chest and his arm is around me, best if we don't talk, I love how the hired prostitute hides under the podium, I snuggle in more, 'I love the ending' I say 'really?, which part?' 'where captain lessard sees Mahoney kissing the girl and thought she was a guy' I say, he smiles and I can feel his chest lift and drop as he chuckles, I sit up and move my hair to one side, of course the side with half a ear, he sits up, and we lean into each other, we kiss!, oh fuck!, I haven't felt this in a long time, he holds my waist as I climb onto his torso, 'mmmm' I moan and he lifts my shirt off, and sucks on my neck, I then hold his hair to kiss him, oh his tongue, he rolls on top of me, my legs bend to be around him, he holds himself up, while I'm just feeling him, his wolf is hungry, but. he and I just make out, 'do you want to do more?' I ask, 'I don't know?, I mean we only just kissed?, we could wait a while?' 'fuck, your hot' I say and pull him down to kiss me, I moan as he kisses my neck, my back arches off of the bed.

I don't know how I left, that room was consumed with sexual lust and I just passed out once I got home, Tyson and Vikki, I learned her name are getting married in a week since she and he already had everything ready, but all I could think about was last night, I didn't even put lip balm on, his lips just did something to me so we go on a hike, and talk, far enough away no one can hear us, also no one can hear my moans as he holds me against a tree, 'Anthony' I moan, 'how long are we going to wait again' 'a week' 'I was a fucking idiot for suggesting that' he says, I giggle, and latch my lips against his, when we suddenly have been gone and night has begun to fall, his Uncle calls him back, we walk back and we walk with out hands in our pockets to stop ourselves from touching each other 'where were you two?' his Uncle asks 'walking?' Anthony says 'doing what?' 'walking?' I say, not lying, and I go to my house, Anthony finds a loophole, as his Uncle interrogates him.

Vikki's wedding day, I have a dress picked out, from when me and Anthony went shopping, he had to buy a tux, since he hadn't warn one since his graduated and went to his high school formal, I didn't go to mine, I was far too busy packing for Harvard, and I just got back that morning from my negotiation with Harvard, I find a dress and all I honestly think about is deciding to fuck Anthony later tonight, I bought a Empire V-neck Floor-Length Chiffon Dress With Cascading Ruffles, in the colour burgundy,  well I like to say cherry red, my hair is in a half up half down, designed to still hide half of my ear, I wear black Sexy Black Buckle Pointy Toe Single Sole High Heels Nubuck, I wear square diamond earrings, I did my nails to match my dress, I wear a nice long black cost and have legs to hold my dress up, so the dirt won't ruin it, we have a space where wolves get married, of course I'm worried and have shivers, that is until I see Anthony in a tux and his hair combed 'what the hell happened to you?' I giggle, 'ha, ha, ha' he says, 'you look ridiculous' I giggle, 'and you?' 'oh you haven't seen anything yet' I say, we walk together, then before sitting down and you have to hand in your coats, I bring out my pegs  and then remove my coat and my dress drops down, to just glaze against the stone, 'what side are you sitting on?' 'honestly I am not on either the groom's side or the bride's side' I say honestly, the Alpha comes over 'you would be on the bride's side' he says, 'oh?, okay?' I shrug, I sit at the back, I just feel more comfortable that way, Anthony is up front since he is her cousin, though he wants to sit with me, I watch as Vikki walks down the isle, they say their vows, exchange rings, 'I bind you two' the Alpha says, and their eyes light up, then they kiss, weird?, didn't even effect me?, then we clear the chairs and they have their first dance as husband and wife, of course they didn't take any lessons, once we're allowed to join 'you know how to dance?' I ask 'maybe?' he says, and pulls me out to the dance floor, I spin into his arms and I face him, we do a perfect waltz, of course getting a few eyes, then I do a tango move by stepping my feet in front of each other as I come over and do the splits, he pulls me back up and spins me mum smiles, we are just in sink with each other, of course we draw some attention, well most of the attention, once the song ends, it's time for cake, me and Anthony sit and talk, we even slide over notes "I wanna do it" I write "you sure?" "are you kidding it's all I'm thinking about", his dad comes over 'what are you two doing?' he asks, I hide the note 'what are you to writing to each about?', I shove the note in my mouth, 'did you want that?' I ask after swallowing, Anthony chuckles, and moves his hand through his hair, 'okay?, well Anthony what was on that note?' 'like word for word?, we were talking about later tonight?, probably just going to watch a movie?' he says, cause we were going to fuck and watch a movie, so he wasn't lying, 'alright?' his Uncle says and walks away, then Vikki throws the bouquet, but I couldn't give a shit, at least til it hits a tree branch and lands in my hands!, I toss it to the side, a bunch of wolves start laughing, I move my hand through my hair, 'oh no, you've got to wear it' dad says and gives it to me 'I don't like flowers' I say, not lying, 'you know this is a sign?' 'that I'm gonna die young?' I say 'nope' dad says, 'that I'm going to burn every flower on this continent?' I say 'your next' he says, 'ha!' I say and give him the flowers before walking away and grabbing my coat, Anthony is cracking up laughing, 'shut up' I say, 'you caught the bouquet' he chuckles, not caring about the dress anymore I just walk, 'you know it's never too late' the Alpha says to him and he suddenly stops laughing 'still going with that?' Anthony says, and shakes his head before leaving.

He walks into his room and removes his coat, then I step out of his closet 'took you long enough' I say, he smiles and kisses me, 'condom?', he nods anxiously, I lick my lips 'are you just doing it cause Tyson is married?' 'what?, no, I don't give a shit about Tyson', not lying, he smiles and he continues kissing me, 'when's the last time you had sex?' he asks 'you first' 'the night before I came here' he says, 'about 3 months ago' I say, he kisses me, holy shit!, he can hear my gulp as I look at him, 'how long?' 'you sure you wanna know?' 'no, just put it in' I say, he chuckles, the extra long condom is on, and he presses in, I scream just from him entering, he groans just from how tight I am, he kisses me, I cling to him, my thin and short nails digging in, and my mouth not a single second closed or quiet.

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