Moving out of the nest

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Not being able to hurt my stomach, and just having to grow this being inside me, has been a struggle, my house is finished, and I haven't come down since it was complete, I even put in 3 layers of fake grass, it feels real, and since a wolf has to be raised by the mother, I even put up stable fence, it's grey iron, so it blends in with the mountain and I put bricks underneath, so no gapes, since I will be forced to a raise a child up here.

First ultrasound, 7 weeks along, I lay on the doctor's patient bed, Anthony, Alpha, dad, Sean and mum in here 'no chance of miscarriage?' 'nope, strong and healthy' the doctor says, not lying, I whimper, 'it's okay' mum says, and hugs me, Anthony has never seen a ultrasound, we leave, the Alpha understands, Anthony and me will have zero bonding time and the baby needs to get to know the father's voice, and has to have him there, need to have sex during the pregnancy, to make sure I remain strong and not weak, so I'll survive the pregnancy, but that isn't happening and no way am I staying at the Alpha house.

First ultrasound, 7 weeks along, I lay on the doctor's patient bed, Anthony, Alpha, dad, Sean and mum in here 'no chance of miscarriage?' 'nope, strong and healthy' the doctor says, not lying, I whimper, 'it's okay' mum says, and hugs me, Anthony ...

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4 months now, my stomach is fast growing!, so I went in for a month early private ultrasound 'twins?' I say 'yep, a boy and ... girl' he says, when I'm starting to go back home 'what brings you down here?, haven't seen you in a while?' Alpha says, I wrap my coat around my stomach, showing I'm not proud to be pregnant and I just walk towards the mountain, 'uh, uh, come here' the Alpha says, I turn around and walk over 'what were you going here?, next doctor's appointment is in a month' 'Je vérifiais juste que le bébé allait bien' I say in French "I was just checking that the baby was healthy" translation, dad comes over 'why would you care about that?', fuck dad heard, 'J'ai des jumeaux, papa', "I'm having twins, dad" translation, he clears his throat 'um?, qu'est-ce qui t'a donné cette idée ?', "what gave you that idea?" translation 'mon estomac est-il censé grandir aussi vite?', "is my stomach meant to be growing this fast" translation 'what the fuck is going on?, Frenchy?' the Alpha says 'Papa s'il vous plaît ne dites rien, je ne veux pas déménager ici, j'adore ma maison" I say, "dad please, don't say anything, I don't want to move down here, I love my home" translation, 'I want answers', dad tells him, 'your moving back down here' he says, I cross my arms, he gives me a look 'are you giving me attitude?', I uncross my arms, 'pack your things' he orders, I walk back to my place crying 'Allison' dad says and goes after me, 'twins, dad, he wasn't going to let that go, my sense of fake freedom, was feeling good, I should have just kept to myself' I say, walking up the mountain, dad helps me pack, 'I'm going back to my old room, no way am I living under his fucking roof' I say, I can't stop crying 'your making the babies feel bad' dad says, 'I don't care!, I'm allowed to cry, if I want to' I say, dad hates seeing me like this 'my life went to shit, if I knew this would have happened, I would still be human, the Alpha never would have forced a baby, babies, if he knew there was a chance of them being human' I say, and finish packing my suitcase, I go to my bathroom, and pack my hygienic bag, 'Alpha, doesn't want you living anywhere else but his house' 'tell him to shove it up his-', dad gives me a look, 'you know I can't say that' dad says 'I don't want to be anywhere near him', 'it's required for the father, mother, and even sex to be there for the baby, unborn and born' 'well I want a do-over' 'you already had one, don't get another one' 'when I have these children, I'm gone, back up here, self-isolate myself for a few years' I say, dad is even feeling bad, I did have it good, oh yeah fucking fantastic, my life is, not!.

'I'm not sleeping in the same room as him' I say 'you don't have a choice, I want healthy grandchildren' he says 'fine, but we're not sharing a bed' I say, we're locking in a room 'don't worry, the bed is yours' I go over to the couch 'your 4 months pregnant' he says, 'so?' I say, 'my Uncle would lose his shit if he found out' 'do you ever wonder why he said grandkids, but your his Nephew?' I say 'so be fully honest, he slept with his brothers human before he met his mate and I was born, 5 months pregnant with me, found his mate, so I came here when I was born for me not being his' 'so you still call him Uncle?' 'when my mum was pregnant with me, his voice is what I heard, and I just feel comfortable in calling him that' he says, 'so Vikki is your sister?' I say 'half sister' he corrects me, I lay on the couch, pull the blanket up, 'one word, and Uncle will force you to fuck me' 'haven't you already taken enough from me?' I say, and I hug the pillow under my head.

I wake up to a very angry Alpha looking at me, 'are you trying to anger me?' he says, he holds my hair, I whimper, 'get in that bed, heck and let Anthony do to you what he wants' the Alpha says and walks out, locks it, I cross my arms, laying there, Anthony, moves over to rest himself right up against me, he moves my hair to the side, 'I hate you' I say, he kisses my neck, right where he marked me, I let out a soft moan, he holds my stomach, and continues to suck on my neck, til I'm almost spilling into my underwear, he has me lay, he gets his head between my legs, and brings me to a orgasm, he then fucks me, 2nd orgasm, he knows I'm not faking it, how can I?, especially when he can feel even the babies reacting, he presses in more, to cum.

We each get dressed and he texts his Uncle/Father, then we're forced to go into the bathroom together 'we're not having a shower together' I say, 'we only get 7 minutes and we're being timed, then the hot water is turned off' he says and gets in the shower, and after morning sex I need a shower, worse thing a wolf can have is a bad smell, Anthony cleans me, not gonna lie, loved it, then I feel the cold water, I get a towel around me, and he texts his Uncle/Father, and the door unlocks, then we hear the front door open and close, then he walks out, and we get dressed in the room, I clean my laundry, and then Alpha comes by 'no working with knives' he says as I'm in the kitchen 'are you hell bent for me to starve?' 'we eat easy make' he says 'I don't do easy' 'noticed' he says, he observes as I cook, there hasn't been a home cooked meal in this house, in a long time, I made meatloaf and mashed potato with mac and cheese 'don't worry, I brought the food with me' 'are you feeding a army?' the Alpha asks, I get up and go to the bathroom, 'what?', dad was at the door 'she's a lot more emotional and you practically just called her fat, she can't help her cravings' dad says and goes over to the bathroom, I sit on the toilet and just cry, my face is burning up, 'Allison?' dad says 'I can't be here' I say and lean against the wall on the side of the toilet, dad looks at Alpha 'she's not moving out, only way I can keep a eye on her' the Alpha says, 'not to talk back, but she'll feel more at home, at home, we have a kitchen, a bed she'll actually sleep in, and a bath, and my wife picked up a few things while being pregnant, to help with the pain' dad says, 'I didn't mean to call you fat' 'yeah, you did' I say, and I walk out.

I settle into my room and man I am starving, I cleaned up my cooking mess before I ate and the Alpha judged me, right to my face, I tossed my food in the bin and I took the food I brought with me, mum and me and cook, cause she knows how hungry you can get, especially with twins, we do some bonding and we eat, every time, I feel the Alpha near the house, I go into a sound proof room, where I can't hear him, and I can just stay in there for hours and can only be locked and unlocked from the inside, I don't attend ultrasounds, and the Alpha is started to get really pissed off, but he can deal with it.

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