Day 2 of house arrest

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I spent about 4 hours in the room, before passing out and he broke the chair to get in, since it was starting to scare him what I was doing in there, so when I woke up in his bed, I was very upset and mad, Today while Tyson is at work, I've decided to wear a long grey knitted dress, I brush my hair and I got my Journal back, he promised to never touch, look or think about it again, but still, he never listens to me, I mean what are we?, but I can't seem to stay mad at him?, it's nice, him leaving and me getting some time to myself, but deep down I want him here, to hold me, but I ignore the shivers my body gets as his warmth isn't there, I can feel him even when he's 5 feet away, he just does something to me, but I can't just let him off like that, he invaded my trust and personal belongings, and I honestly don't feel like I can trust him, and Tyson can feel that, it's driving him insane, he hates feeling like this, he doesn't like the feeling he's getting, though it could just be cause he's a hour drive away from me, he can't eat, he just isn't hungry, he looks for new assistants, and when some women get so desperate they'd unbutton a few of their buttons, about 19 days ago he would have done that, cause he was engaged, now he's got a mate and just looking at their chests, made him feel sick, so any girl that tried to pull that, one girl couldn't cause he breasts were too big, so he did still interview her but they all went to NYCU, he needs a better advance, like ... Harvard?, his wolf came up with it, cause he could keep a better eye on me and I was looking for a job, so on the drive back he was somewhat anxious, he gets back, but I'm not so excited, I look like hell, and it doesn't feel good,  he comes over and hugs me, though I take a step back, he still needs to hold me, he smells my hair, then as he leans back, I kiss him, and when he feels the need, it just ignites something in him, though he has no idea, it's not my choice to look like this, so when he sees I'm losing strength 'what's happening to you?' 'it's nothing', I lie, as I sit up and he can see how weak my bones are, 'don't bother fucking lying, I can hear your heartbeat' he says, I get my robe on, 'please just leave it alone' I say and walk out, he lays in the bed, he cam during anal, he can tell I have sexual hunger but he has to call his Alpha and see what's going on, maybe it's a wolf thing?, 'hello?' his Alpha says, and he's in a meeting, so he puts him on loudspeaker 'hey, um ... I have a situation, this girl I'm seeing, she's looking like really sick and yesterday she was completely fine, literally completely healthy' Tyson says while getting dressed with him on loudspeaker 'is she human?' 'I'd never see a wolf outside of the pack' Tyson says, 'true' .... 'with humans they can't handle that much sexual activity, it takes some of their energy, so no more than ... 4 rounds a week' my father says, 'wow?, Felix gre-great to hear from you', his Alpha and everyone in the room can hear his tone and how he was nervous 'Tyson?, what's gotten into you?' 'what?, nothing, nothing at all, well I've got to go, thanks for the advise' Tyson says 'this is a order, Tyson what was with that tone?' his Alpha demands, .... 'it's complicated' 'just answer the fucking question' his Alpha says 'I'm kind of in a awkward position' 'how awkward?' 'am I on loudspeaker?' .... 'no' 'okay, I'm fucking on of his relatives' Tyson says, 'but all of his relatives are in the pack' 'well honestly, I thought that too, til I saw the birthmark' Tyson says getting a shirt on, 'what's her name?' 'she doesn't want me telling you's about her' 'Tyson, I will come down there and I will make you tell me anyway, if there is a "Chase", out there I need to know, no one is going to know but me' ..... 'Allison' he says, .... the whole room goes silent 'but she died?' 'oh no she is very much alive, but she's completely sensitive on the subject' 'wow?, how is she?' 'to be honest, she was a hired stripper when we met, then I got her kicked out of her apartment when they found out her parents were rich, then she tried out to be my assistant and I ended up fucking her just to prove a point to your daughter, and now she's at my house', now the whole room is speechless 'put her on the phone' the Alpha says 'she's kind of- ... throwing up' Tyson says and walks down the hall, 'why would she be throwing up?, how much sex have you two been having?' 'well so far today, just the one' 'how much yesterday?' 'maybe?, 5?' 'times?, in one day?, what kind of wolf does that?' 'well I hadn't seen her for 2 weeks, took forever to find her' 'find her?' 'oh yeah, I kind of bit her, and now she's my mate?' Tyson says 'I want you back here' the Alpha says 'she can't leave the house' 'why not?' 'cause she'll run off on me and if she finds out I called the pack she'll lose her shit and it took forever to get her to trust me again' Tyson says 'how long?' 'like a day?' Tyson says, the Alpha chuckles 'what did you do?' 'maybe looked through her diary?' 'are you positive it's Allison?' 'well when she told me she was kidnapped, and didn't lie and that she went to Harvard and kind of ..... daddy's little girl, like seriously, she's completely changed, living on the streets' 'why hasn't she come back?' 'it's like a weird pride thing?, it's just a weird thing with the "Chases", also she can't afford a plane ticket' 'she has a credit card' the Alpha says 'she broke it, trying to break into a building' 'break into?' 'oh you should have seen her when she told me about it, it was so hilarious, she like cried and everything, when her credit card broke' Tyson says 'so get her on a flight back' 'she doesn't want to go back, and she kind of talked me out of it' 'how?' 'sir, it's incredibly personal' 'how personal?' 'like we'll go there, and I'll come back ... without her' Tyson says, my father moves his hand through his hair 'I was wondering why my daughter was angry when she returned, and why you broke off the engagement, but we're going to have to speed up your visit' 'sir, she's incredibly fragile' Tyson says 'like?' 'she can't sleep alone, and has several scars, though within a couple rounds it healed, but she still has that humour' Tyson smiles for the last part 'scars?' my father says, Tyson's eyes widen 'I didn't say scars, I said ....bars?' Tyson says, 'Tyson, bring her in' 'oh look at that, I'm going out of service' 'Tyson!' My father shouts, 'hey who's on the phone?' 'no one' Tyson says, 'well good, so then they won't mind if we ... hang up' 'look here's the thing, we can't fuck' Tyson says, I stop 'who the hell is on that phone?' I ask, 'a doctor?' 'I told you not worry about it, this is a stupid mate thing' I say, he chuckles 'it's not', my towel drops 'you know what, how about you go get dressed-' 'so what advise did the doctor give you?' I say feeling up his shirt 'just how my stupid DNA, would maybe kill you' 'I've had worse' I say, and pull him towards the bed, 'I guess?' he says, 'good' I kiss him, he moans and I take the phone 'he's going to have to call you back' I say and hang up, Tyson chuckles and moans, the room is just completely silent 'I'm going to New York' my father says 'I think she's a little pre-occupied?' 'I thought she was dead for 3 fucking years, and now I learn my daughter has been living on the streets and was a hired stripper, I'm not leaving her with Tyson' 'their mates, you can't separate them' 'I'm getting my daughter back' 'Felix' the Alpha says 'this is Allison' 'she's not the same girl, who was excited to come back from Harvard on a plane, she's had experience living on the street' 'but Tyson obviously has no restraint and is going to kill her-', 'oh fuck!, fuck my pussy' I moan, he has me pressed down into the bed, already naked, his shirt is ripped, 'and Allison, also obviously doesn't care about dying, and will just do what she wants and knows Tyson isn't going to reject her and if he attempts it, when she feels rejected he's going to feel remorse and then will give her what she wants' dad says, 'you obviously have experience in this, so in .... 10 minutes I'm going to call back, so sit down' the Alpha says and orders, dad sits down he rests his head in his hand.

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