The Ex-fiancee

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Since that little fiasco, my life has been turned upside down, I've been illegally living in a hotel, I literally stole a hotel key, and I've been living there, trying to find a job, and I just got fired from my job at a restaurant and only got a pay of $170 before I was kicked out, I need a better job, so I go to McDonalds, use their wifi and on my phone I stole look for jobs avaliable, then I see one from my past that I should probably look into?, but just to look qualified, I'm going to need to steal a lot of shit, so that morning, I go to a place I fill a basket full of clothing I want then when I pretend to go into the change rooms, I hide my basket inside the hollowed circle chair, then I leave, then I go look at a make-up place, once again just look at a bunch of stuff and hide it where I want it, then I leave and I then wait til it's closing time, though the places are 7 blocks away from each other I'll need to work fast, cause one minute I'll be robbing a clothes store and the police will be sent there and then I'll only have about 3 minutes at the next to take what I need before they get there themselves, but each place has really good security, I've already bought what else I'll need, and at the clothing store I saw some really good shoes, at the beauty place I saw a straightener for my hair, and a handbag to hold everything, I knew where to hide that basket of clothes and shoes because I once had a exact chair like that, use to hide my good stuff in there, in case of robbery, I bring out my lock picking stuff, never use a credit card, broke mine cause the locks are that good, I keep a look out, it is almost 1 in the morning, the alarm goes off, I full on kick the change room door open!, I have about 5 minutes before the cops get here, I'm careful with my handprints, I have a hoodie over my head and wool gloves, cause it is cold outside, I flip the lounge and grab my basket, I then snatch the purse and I rip the tag off before tipping the basket into the purse and I rush out!, and turn to only just hear a siren coming down the street, I walk calmly and peacefully, then reach the beauty place, hear the sirens have settled and my 3 minutes start ... now!, the alarm goes off, I run around taking what I want and need sirens start up again!, I snatch more and more, time to go!, I rush and then turn and push a dumpster around the side, a police car slides around the corner, I fast walk down the ally and turn, then I hear the police car push the dumpster, I run down the side of the street go around a corner just before a police car comes, I hide between two dumpsters and the police car shines a light in the ally, once they pass I don't dare move as a second light goes the other way as they are reversing, then about a minute later, I move out of the ally and go to the hotel, I have a nice hot bath, with beauty bubbles, that are good for the skin, then I use a facelift, do my nails and toenails, then I do my hair, then I use some nice moisturising cream,  then I take a nice sleep, I wake up, have a shower, do my hair with some conditioner I stole, then scrub my body down then I put on some nice earrings I stole, then I put on a bracelet and necklace, then wear a nice thigh length business pencil skirt, a black button long sleeve shirt, then a women's business jacket, I straighten my hair, put on some nice stocking and tuck the top under the lace of the underwear, then strap my lace up heels, and hide the bag I brought with me in the air vent then I take my new bag I stole and I then take $100 and I go out, looking perfect and I couldn't wait for this job interview, yep I got a business degree from ... Harvard!, oh how the mighty fell.

I wait til, I am allowed upstairs, as soon as I step off of the elevator, and their assistant literally just quit!, 'sir, I don't know how to send this' she says 'just do it!' her boss shouts angry, she just starts packing her things 'I've had enough of this shit' she says and then goes to the elevator I just stand there very confused, I walk off of the elevator 'hold the elevator' she says and I do as she asks, 'thank you' she sighs and gets on, then the elevator next to her opens, 'hi, I'm here to see my ex-' 'oh?' I say and I walk around the desk, this woman is very intimidating 'I can see why he hired you', I go to press the button 'listen, I didn't come here for some spoiled bitch to judge me' 'did you even go to a college?' 'yeah' I say, not lying as she listens to my heartbeat 'oh really?' 'yeah ... Harvard university' I say, not lying again, 'oh?, well beep me in' she says changing her attitude, I press 'um, your ... ex- is here to see you' I say in his old assistants accent, he huffs and moves his hand through his hair, 'go right in' I say, she walks forward and opens the door 'what do you want?' he groans, 'how about you broke up with me' she says 'like I said you have never and will never do it for me' 'I heard about your .... little situation' she says looking down, the door then is shut, I then notice the issue and I fix it, what she was trying to send in, he gets a email, then gets a idea, 'get in here' he says in a calm voice, all of the sudden I walk around the assistant desk, I leave my bag there and I walk in 'come here' he says, I walk over nervously 'Tyson, what point are you trying to prove?' his ex- asks, 'sir?' I say, he pulls me onto his lap, oh my god!, 'Tyson, you are sick' his ex- says disgusted, this is way of too much for me, even for this barely being my first day!, he gets his dick out, my legs are suck, my knee caps are tucked under the arm rests, he enters me, I knew I shouldn't have warn a thong, I gasp, his ex- storms out and slams the door, he feels his problem fixed, and moves my hips, 'Um? .... I think she's gone' I say trying to push away then I realise, he's the guy who took my virginity!.

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