One of you

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The Alpha bit me, of course, the pack were over thought this over and over, my dad is the only one who voted no one the vote at the table, there are 9 seats at this table, now 10, 1 at the end, 4 on each side, and now another chair at the end, I wrapped my arm, and wore a long sleeve, Anthony, of course knows how much I wanted it and just cause we aren't together, he isn't going to stop me from getting something I want, main reason the Alpha bit me, cause Anthony was okay with it, only took 2 weeks after that, I started a personal project, I've been carefully, digging a cave into the mountain!, I'm only 7 feet in, and I'm starting to build a giant room, the mountain is holding so far, but yes, I know it's going to be hard to get power up here, and plumbing even harder, but heck it's what I want, image it, a female bitten wolf, living in a cave?, I won't shift until the full moon, and he bit me a week before the full moon, but I am feeling stronger already, I try not to make so much noise, I start building around the main room I want, and I got a torch and draw with chalk where I want a hallway and where I want a door, and what is going to be there, but I can only be here from 6:am to 9:am, then 8:pm to 10:pm, but I take up every minute to build my new home, then I go on a trip into town and get a boot load of floor boards, their thin, but I got some stuff to get it to stick to the ground, I get started, earling in the morning, leaving a half hour early than normal, and I bring the car up as much as I can and I do loads, then begin!, getting down the hallway, within a hour cause I want it done right.

Full moon tonight!, I can't wait, the moment I've waited a long time for is here, P.S I've done plumbing, don't ask me how, but I did it, and I put spent 3 days, leveling and straightening the walls, I've stuck boards in, so I can get electrical cords through, so this place can have some power, I can't have windows or the sun will reflect and everyone will know how to find this place, I built a double door front door, I made thin long rock piece, from what I've cleared out and put on the door, I even put on a stone doornob, really getting creative, I'll need solar panels, if I want to get this place some power, so I did some rock climbing and installed 8 solar panels, then outlined them in rocks, I then drilled 7 feet down and the wire came down, now I will be taking a break, but I covered the hole, I am prepared for what to expect, and full moon, you better be ready for me.

I cannot begin to tell you, about this feeling, just throbbing through me, I look around as I'm in a solid basement, I get up and go over to under the stairs and grab my clothes, sure I deffinitely need a shower, and I just felt so alive last night, I sit there, and dad prepares for the worst but soon enough, he's hugging me so tight, and now I'm finally a wolf,  I smile and dad spins me around, I giggle, we go up and get back home, I shower and wow?, my room smells so weird?, so clean, but nice, my scent is so different now, I even feel a weird but nice connection to Sean, we have a family breakfast, though it's still as quiet as it was when I was human, but still exciting deep down for me, the Alpha comes by 'not bad' he says, 'not bad?' I say, and cross my arms, 'reminder, come here', he says, I hide my arms behind my back, 'Allison' he says, dad comes over and holds me 'dad' I say, 'just a second, hold still' he says, dad yanks my arm out, he holds my wrist twists my wrist, his eyes light up, and then his Alpha claws jab in 'son of a-!' I drop to my knees, the Alpha sighs, I hold my wrist, 'you alright?' 'did he even try to be gentle?' 'nope' he says and walks away, dad helps me up, 'is it still meant to hurt?' I ask 'maybe cause you still need to except him as your ... ' 'Alpha?' 'master' he says, then says 'so think of, your going to be in pain, til you obey' he says, I go put my wrist on ice then wrap it with a bandage 'don't fight it, or it's just going to hurt' dad says, I growl, 'another thing, your anger, you need control, you need to be able to for the first time in your life, be gentle when it use to be a effort on things, everything about you has been multiplied' 'I noticed', I look at the fridge door, 'really?' dad says 'I was in pain' I say, he chuckles and clips the door back in 'good fridge' I say, 'main reason I got it' dad says, he gives me a few pointers on control, 'so every skill I know, has to be re-learned?' I say, 'yep' dad says, I start with gymnastics, my strength to get me moving has to change and within litrally 6 hours and 43 minutes, I've learned to be okay with it, then throwing a knife, is honestly better, just I threw the knife straight through the door, then when winter hits, I go to the frozen lake and learn to reskate, I even teach mum, cause I needed to be supernvised, dad comes by 'Allison' he warns, mum giggles sitting on her ass, 'it's fine' mum says, 'get here now' dad says, 'come get me' I say, then Alpha comes over 'Allison' I huff and I skate over, I skid slowing down, 'get your mother' the Alpha says, I skate around mum, and pull her up and she leans on me and she grabs dad's hand and she helps her off of the ice 'what are you doing?' 'learning how to ice skate' I say, 'I thought you already knew?' the Alpha says 'since her new ... transition, she's had to relearn her hobbies and skills' dad says, 'oh?' 'nothing wrong with my iceskating' 'you stole your mother from the house' dad says 'she did not' mum says 'I'm not allowed to go anywhere without supernvision' I say 'cause you've only been a wolf for 2 weeks' '9 days' I say, 'same thing' dad says, 'get back to pack' the Alpha orders, I change my shoes and go back, 'come on' I whine dad as he lays in bed at 8:32 in the morning, 'what now?' 'baton' I say, 'no' he says, 'mum' 'come on' mum tries incouraging, and shakes dad, he growls, 'mum, wanna do baton' 'no' dad growls, mum slaps his ass, I giggle, he opens his eyes 'Allison, give me 5 minutes' dad says, 'okay' I huff and walk out, I close the doors, and he attackes mum, sexually.

'Okay, how is this done?', I try spin the baton and break it, 'damn it' I say, 'so what is with this little skill?' 'it's a stick, that you fight with?, or?' I throw it up, catch it behind my back, spin it, and stab it into the ground 'it's a women's sport, but also grusome when you use bambo sticks' I say, 'so why do I have to learn it?' 'I need to learn a new skill everyday, retrain my body' 'gymnastics?' 'done' I say, 'what else have you done?' 'soccor, knife throwing, archery, track' 'so I could beat you up?' 'ha!' I say, and spin , his eyes light up and he blocks, 'watch it' he says, 'and I meant boxing ring' 'techinically it's a square' I say, 'mm-hmm' dad says, Alpha comes out, 'do you know this sport originated in 1977, in Eastern Europe and Asia' I say 'you must like being a complete know it all?' the Alpha says 'do you realise how awkward it is, talking about something you know nothing at all?' I say, and block, spin hit back of dad's leg, 'enjoying yourself?' the Alpha smirks, I shrug 'it's not me she is fighting, in her mind she's pretending I'm someone she hates, that's who she broke my leg' dad says, 'I can guess who's she picturing' the Alpha says, I spin, dad only just blocks 'seriously?, wanna help?' 'could offer a new apponant?' the Alpha says, I break his stick, 'match done' I say, and I walk away, 'Anthony' the Alpha says, Anthony comes out 'yeah?' 'ever play baton?' 'don't care to' Anthony says, 'see' I say and go inside, 'but it would be nice if someone helped her with her skills' dad says 'no fucking way' Anthony says, 'Anthony' the Alpha says 'Allison!' he calls and I walk out, arms crossed 'why am I doing this?' 'cause, she's slowly killing her father' the Alpha says, 'yeah, she almost killed me, had to replace my garage door' dad says, 'oh hell no' Anthony says, Alpha grabs his shirt and pulls him back 'what skill is next?' 'boxing' dad says, 'but I fractured your leg' I say, 'not me' dad says, trying not to limp, 'I actually was-' 'boxing with Allison' the Alpha cuts in, 'Uncle-', he stops by the glare he gets, I crack my knuckles, everyone can tell, I've waited a long time for this.

'gloves?, tape?' dad says, 'nope, need to feel it, so I know how much force I need' I say, the Alpha of course it going to watch, I climb in, and I stretch, 'I have nothing against her' Anthony says 'don't be such a wuss' I say, and stretch my arms, 'Anthony, it should be fine' dad says, lying, 'oh that really helps' Anthony says, 'box' Alpha says, and I step back, push off, my arm, knocks him back, 'ouch' dad says, Anthony starts getting up, I go to kick his face, he catches my foot, he flips me, I flip up, get his ribs, 'how long does a match last?' Anthony asks, 'three minutes for men, two for woman' I say, 'oh?' he grabs me flips me, and I land on my back, push up, wrap my legs around his neck and yanks him down, I forward roll, choke hold 'tap out' I say, but as a soon to be Alpha, he can't, I have his arm restrained, dad can just see my pain, the Alpha can feel it, Anthony rolls over, I pull myself back and he's back into it, I start crushing his insides, 'how much longer?' he asks, he has no idea what this boxing match means to me, he just wants to get it over and done with, when I lose my pacience, I break his arm, the pack starts coming in, when dad sees me not letting go, even as he calls 'time', he gets in, 'Allison', I go to break another arm, he yanks me away, Anthony gets up, and my eyes are teary, I jump out and go out the side door, he doesn't care, I get that now, dad follows me 'Allison', Anthony holds his broken arm, 'what's wrong with her?' 'I'm gonna tell you a secret I learned a while ago, you use to want to bite her, she's your mate' 'no, Tyson-' 'wolves can claim people, his wolf was desperate to get out of a unwanted marriage, so no, he's not, though she was marked, you were so close to getting her and nothing?' 'your the one who ended things, told me to start training, to mature ... remember' Anthony says, and gets out of the ring,

I go for a walk with dad, 'been a while since I've been up here' 'I want to show ... you something' I say, and I open my camafloge door, 'what's this?' 'keep a secret?' I say, he walks in 'wow?' he says, I've done the wall paper and flooring as you first walk in, and a shelf built into the wall with 3 hooks, I nailed in 'we talked about this for years, but this is just- ... amazing', he steps 5 feet into the lounge room, I've done the wooden floors spread into here, then the tile where the kitchen will be 'no windows?' 'how would I get one?' 'true?' he says, he sees the chalk markings, now that I'm wolf, I can see in the dark, 'this place, is outstanding, you did all of this?' he says feeling the wall, 'yep' I say, not lying 'how long have you been working on this?' 'the 3 weeks before Alpha bit me', not lying 'I haven't been up here since then' I say, truthfully 'power?, plumbing?' 'took a long time for that but-', I point out the pipe hole in the wall, 'where's your water supply?' 'this place is just a crazy project?' I say 'easier just to blow it and then build a house, and then stone' dad says 'the top could fall down?' 'nope' dad says 'and I'd get permission for that?' 'maybe?' dad says, he does this mind linking thing with the Alpha, having him get up here, as fast as he can.

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