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We lay in my bed, naked under the blanket, 'oh my god' I say, my hair out and a mess, him just laying there sweating, 'I should .... get up, before the kids wake up' I say, 'yeah, I probably should head out too?' Anthony says, we get out of bed, he gets dressed, I stand in front of my 4 drawer wardrobe with a mirror and I tie my hair into a ponytail, I can't believe me and Anthony just had sex, I then turn around and walk over to my bed, I grab the end of the blanket, lift it up and it lays back on the bed, bam, made the bed, I then turn on the AC, it feels hot in here, then I turn on my automatic air freshener, smells like sex in here, Anthony smirks, 'see you tomorrow?', .... 'oh right, sure' I say, he smirks and gives me a light kiss, I stand there, in a sort of trance thinking about what was happening 3 minutes ago, then when the front door closes, (crying), the kids wake up, I huff and I walk out of the room.

I wake up 6:14 on my clock, well my alarm went off 4 minutes ago and I'm just laying in bed, every get that feeling in the morning where you just wake up and your just laying there, you've got a nice warm and comfortable spot in your bed and you just don't want to get up, cause you know there is a whole bunch of bullshit about fly your way, but if you just lay there, the world remains the way it is in this moment, but I have to get up, if I want a shower and a head start at looking after the kids, or I can just never keep up, I have a shower, clean my room and make a start on laundry, get the bottles warming up and we're going to try baby food this morning, so when their teeth come out, they'll be use to sort of eating food, I then go upstairs and from 5 months, I picked up that Diana wakes up first, so I go grab her and bring her downstairs, hold the bottle for her til her hands hold it for her, then I rush upstairs and grab Liam, feed him, hold the bottles cause when I came down Diana dropped her, I attempt to get them to eat, after about 1 spoon they each decided their food was so revolting they had to flip the bowl onto the floor, then I multitask burp them, then I go ahead and change their diapers then have their baths on the table and bath both of them at the same time, then I attempt to dress them as they lay on a thin mattress layed on the island counter, then socks and shoes, then I'm cleaning up the mess in the kitchen while their playing with their toys and when one plays with one toy the other has to have it, so I bought copies of each toy so they wouldn't fight, made things a whole lot easier, then I brush Diana's hair, Liam needs a haircut, I then get them strapped in the pram, and I double check I'm looking good and I then pack some things they'll need, I packed and unpacked the bag 3 times last night, I'm so fucking paranoid, I walk down the mountain, the kids each have headphones and their listening to music, I'm walking, I get there, that walk really did something to my back, I reach the Alpha house, him and Vikki are fighting about something, I move to the side when a hear something smash!, the kids coo, yeah, I'm getting out of here, I can't have the kids out of here, 'so, I'll have a child with someone else?' she says 'you married, Tyson, your bodies are bound to each other, it's impossible' 'a divorce?' 'werewolf marriages aren't built like that?' 'and if I find my mate?' 'unless Tyson dies, no, but it'll damage your soul, since your bound to each other' he says, 'this is so wrong' 'remember, nothing wrong with his sperm, it's your eggs' he says, 'thanks for pointing out I'll never have children and I'm not longer your favourite cause I'm not spitting puppies out of me' Vikki says, I walk away from his house and go visit my parents.

Vikki finally leaves and Ryan, is a little pissed off that I haven't come and visited, so he goes and visits my parents 'what the fuck are you doing here?' Ryan snaps at me, 'you were getting pretty aggressive with Vikki, didn't want the kids around it' I say, he walks over, Liam and Diana make a face 'be nice' I growl, they smile and Liam crawls over, 'they listen to you?' 'only ones who do' I smile, he holds Liam, I know why he has a strong interest in Liam, cause he'll be a Alpha when he's older, 'don't hold him like that' 'I can do what I-', Liam vomits, and laughs, 'Liam' I say, and I hold him, and I go get a wet wipe 'well learn something new everyday' he says and takes his shirt off and just throws is in the bin, 'yeah, it's just he's sensitive' 'he's sensitive?' Ryan says 'don't expect too much from him, he's just a child' I say, in about a week they'll be 6 months old and Ryan is just putting some much pressure on how Liam is, Anthony comes by, 'hey' he says 'hey' I say, 'hey' he says, and Diana crawls over and Anthony sits on the couch, Diana grabs his pants and pulls herself up, 'okay, now she's not as strong bodied as Liam, so you can't hold her as tight' I say, and show him how to hold her, 'there you go' I say,  'so?, when are you two going to get together?', I give him a retarded look 'your mates, it's bound to happen, do you know you two will never be able to fight without it ending in sexual contact?' he says, I gag a little into my hand, 'morning sickness?' Ryan says, I get up and go to the bathroom, once the door closes 'when's the last time you two had sex?' 'yesterday' Anthony shrugs, 'I'm gonna leave, get a better shirt on, tonight, surprise her with a visit' Ryan orders and then leaves, I come out of the bathroom, 'hey' I say, we look after the kids, 'kids got to take a nap in 40, I better get back to the house' I say, 'oh sure?, good seeing you', he leans in to kiss me, I jerk my body backwards 'what's gotten into you?' I say, 'we both know we can't be friends, we're about to have 3 children and they all came from my cock and out of your pussy' he says, 'this is exactly why we can't be together' I say and shake my head before walking out, 'come on, I know you like me' he says, I punch him, then walk out before my body tempted me, "Sean!, get the kids!" I think, Sean rushes over and takes over the pram, Anthony grabs holds of my wrist and yanks me backwards, I go to punch him, he catches my fist, his eyes are wolf, 'Anthony, let go of me' I growl, we're outside, Sean brought the kids back through the front door, when I went out the back, cause it was the fastest way out, how come he's all the sudden protective?, 'Anthony, let go of me' I say, his claws come out, then suddenly I kick him back, and rub my wrist, dad comes out 'Anthony, stand down' he growls, Anthony and him have full on rumble, then Ryan splits up the fight, 'what's going on?' Ryan asks, 'I don't get it!' 'get what?, how you can't just start a fight?' 'no, how all the sudden Allison doesn't want me?' Anthony says, I cross my arms, 'good point?, Allison' 'this isn't even up for discussion, he's not my type', not lying 'oh really?' Anthony says, 'is this about your whole stupid thing where guys can't change who they are?' Ryan says 'it's not stupid, it's relivally smart' I say, 'that wasn't up to you?' Anthony says, 'yeah, but you didn't care' I say 'excuse you?' 'you didn't even think to include me?' I say 'how could I include you?' 'you changed' 'so?, everybody changes' 'you didn't think about me!' 'how didn't I?' 'you didn't include me, cause you didn't even think maybe I could change?, I could learn to change with you?, no you thought you were done with me, and how you could do so much better' 'I haven't changed that much' 'when we met, we'd watch movies, we'd laugh, I could tell you anything, we wrote notes at Vikki's wedding, you waited a week before we had sex, you were so much fun and then Ryan decides that you need to change, and you thought I'm not going to change better just not make time for her?, no one was there to watch movies and watch me while I took naps when I got sick?, no one talks to me for no reason, or just goes out of there way to make a complete idiot of themselves to just make me smile and now you don't give a  shit' I say, now everyone is just quiet, I wipe under my eye, once the tears come they can't stop, I then go to my parents house, 'Allison' Anthony says, 'prick' dad says and goes inside, Anthony just can't seem to get angry, he feels like the biggest jerk in the world, I go up to my room, Sean says he'll look after the kids with mum and dad, and I'll just lay on my bed and let the pain was over me, as yet again Anthony broke me, my heart and makes me feel like no one cares, he once gave me the most amazing feeling, even in times where I never thought anyone would care, why does everyone have to go and decide to no longer care about me.

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