babies for two

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8 months pregnant, Alpha hasn't seen me since I moved out of his house, fuck!, I wake up one morning, I can't get out of bed, 'mum, Alpha's coming, help me' I rush her, she helps pull me up, and supports my back as I go to the bathroom, 'where is she?!' the Alpha shouts, full on Alpha voice, 'she's in .... the bathroom' dad says, 'you have 5 minutes to get her down here, before I think I may just rip the pregnancy out of her fucking body' the Alpha says, Sean thinks to me "Alpha, wants you to come downstairs", 'the bathroom is sound proof and she left her phone in her room' dad says, "he's really pissed, be prepared to be hurt" Sean says, he gets the Alpha's attention 'you talking to her?' ...... 'yes' Sean says 'then use your fucking head and get her down here' 'she was stuck in bed, she couldn't be able to get down the stairs', 'how big can her fucking stomach get over 2 fucking months?' the Alpha says 'she doesn't take criticism well' Sean says 'I don't give a fuck, I let her live here, now she's getting a little too comfortable, and a little too attached for someone who didn't want kids' the Alpha says, 5 minutes later, I'm laying in bed, Alpha comes in, 'you seriously can't get out of bed?', laying down my stomach is higher than my head, 'get the doctor, I wanna know if the pregnancy is healthy' the doctor says, 'look at you, all grown up' he says, he does a check 'completely healthy' 'are you sure, cause no even I was that ....-' 'just say it' I tell mum, 'big' mum says, 'still twins, girl, boy, nothing's changed' the doctor says, 'your moving back to my place' 'actually, she shouldn't be getting out of the bed, maybe for ten minutes, for like bathroom needs, but other than that, stress or pain, could cause early labour' 'what happens then?' 'you know the risks' the doctor says looking at dad 'if born early, the children can be born without some body parts, sometimes half wolf' dad says then adds 'I almost went through that with Sean and Allison', 'coming out half wolf?' 'they'll come out with paws and the rest human, and within 24 hours, dead' the doctor says, not lying, he growls 'I don't like the idea of her being here' 'don't worry, you'll get your grandkids' I say.

And yes he did, at 4:17pm and 4:22pm, I feel so weak and slightly empty, the Alpha and Anthony hold them, and feed them their bottles, the doctor doesn't some tests and does some things, then soon enough, I take a nap, when I wake up, I try get back into shape, I go on a hour long jog, and I have a nice fruit salad and delicious smoothie, time to get back into shape, I then do cardio in my room, dad comes in at 10:30am, 'why am I not surprised your already up?', I weight myself 'and already prepared to lose all of that weight?' 'only dropped 10 kilo's' I say 'how much did you start with?' '380' I say, 'wow?' 'I'm gonna go, for a really long jog' I say 'don't over-do it' 'I refuse to look like this, okay, if I don't look good, I feel bad okay, I need to feel energy, not lazy' I say, and I slip my earphones in and I go for a 3 hour jog, I come back for a smoothie, I know these work cause,  I once lived off these, and lost 15, in a month, but I can definitely hear the twins, they wanted it, well Alpha wanted it, I have a nice hot bath, finally I can use Jacuzzi mode, since the water pressure was bad for the babies.

Next morning, I stand out front of the house and stretch, before taking off, dad walks into my room 11:am, then hears me come back, 'Allison, you seriously need to stop', he then sees me, I look a quarter of the size I did yesterday, 'seriously stop' 'dad, I know how to look after my body and I'm already feeling myself get faster and stronger, soon enough the old Allison is back and I'm happy and healthy and living on that mountain and next thing you know, I can wear denim again' I say, dad moves his hand through his hair 'doctor says, I need to work off the baby fat and I am, and it feels good, so please, don't stand in the way of my happiness' I say, dad of course couldn't, he is in a meeting, the Alpha hasn't slept in 4 days, the twins are 4 days old, his hair is a mess, under his eyes are dark, 'I want your daughter, to look after those fucking kids' 'she didn't want those kids to begin with-' 'don't fucking mess with me right now, I haven't slept, eaten or anything but look after those screaming kids, she's the fucking mother, get her here' 'she's moving back onto the mountain' 'oh no she isn't' he says, he sounds like he's got murderous intentions, 'isn't her life hell already?',  Anthony is looking after the twins, then suddenly there is silence?, Anthony got the twins in the pram, Alpha comes out and I'm kneeling over and I tickling them, they are now screaming, out of laughter, I look and I then take off running, not getting sucked into this, he flashes in front of me, I fall back, 'ma!!!!!!!' they scream, Anthony covers his ears, 'you've been busy?' 'you too?, is that eyeshadow, looks good' I say, and gulp, then kids lungs could just pop they are screaming so loud, I get up, look at the kids 'quiet' I say and they go quiet, 'much better' I sigh, and dust myself off, 'your babysitting for a week' Anthony says, 'actually I was moving-' 'into the Alpha house' the Alpha says, 'I just got out of that shit storm, that you forced on me, you knew I didn't want them', they start crying, 'I can't move back into your house' 'your not taking them up to that mountain, they are mine' 'so what are you shouting at me for?' I say, .... 'hurt those kids, and I will kill you' he says, 'cool?' I smirk, I walk over and the kids go bizerk in happiness, I take the pram, 'furniture?' 'oh it's all there' I say, and we walk up the mountain, can't believe I'm looking after them?, I honestly did build a connection with the kids.

One week, and the kids took such long naps, I had time to work out, but of course in my office, which is a gym, I do 30 minutes on the treadmill, then do some cardio work outs on the mat, the kids get cleaner, and happier even fed better and they had nappy rashes, I'm almost sad to see them go, we walk down to the pack, I was careful, I had clothes and everything ready, cause while I was pregnant, I made Sean do some work, then I did some knitting and sewing and made some clothes and Sean brought up some of their clothes, we walk over, 'hey' I smile and hug Sean 'wow?, you look a whole lot thinner?' he says, I spin 'thank you' I say, dad comes over 'how are my grandkids', 'your grandkids?' the Alpha says 'they are my grandkids too'  dad says, 'yeah, right' the Alpha says, though it's true, the Alpha looks a whole lot better 'were you working out the whole time?' 'are you kidding?, they wouldn't stay awake long enough for me to even give them a bath' I say, telling the truth, 'I'm not going to bother' 'also, since I noticed you didn't name them-' 'Liam and Diana' the Alpha says, 'or go with that?' I say, 'did you put weight on them?' the Alpha says, 'I've looked after children before' I say, 'yeah, right, are you trying to fatten them up?' he says and then goes to the doctor, 'that's it, he can't trust my babysitting, I'm not baby sitting again' I say and walk away, the doctor looks 'tell me she hurt them' the Alpha says angry, Anthony is here too, the kids are screaming, the second I was 20 feet away 'nope, they are actually perfectly healthy, and clean, even helped their rash, if anything they were unhealthy from how you were raising them, no offence' the doctor says, 'and she just left' Anthony says, the Alpha moves his hand through his hair 'Allison!!!', I have my earphones in and I cry, walking to my house, I wipe under my eye, I get it, he doesn't trust me with them, so I'm not babysitting anymore.

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