Everything's got to be perfect ... for me.

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So we are just walking out, I get the door closed 15 seconds later, Alpha walks over 'hey, you two?' 'Alpha' we both say at the same time, 'what were you two doing?' 'just looking at the ... property' dad says, oh no, dad called him here, 'property?' 'you know how I told you about Allison wanting to live up here?', I am ordered to wait outside, the Alpha takes a tour of my constructed home, 'you know you could have saved a ton of time just by blowing it' the Alpha says and closes the door, I huff, 'no seriously, nice piece of property, you'd have to remove the work you've done, so you can reuse it' 'I designed it, so nothing would need to be replaced' I say.

(BOOOM!!!), we took out the doors and the solar panels, the pipe were stuck solid, we come up '3 weeks wasted' I say, dad chuckles 'it was fun, gotta admit' 'why do I have to feeling this isn't the first time you've blown something up?' I say 'oh yeah' dad says, I clear it up, their letting me do as I wish, my floor boards are splinters and the tile are shimmers, I broom it up, doing loads to clean it up, I use chalked to line up what I want and how it's going to look, dad comes up 'your a really good artist' 'thanks, Sean' I say, he flashes over 'yeah?' 'mind helping me build a house?' 'how?' dad says remembering leaving Sean in the garage, 'oh we have a weird twin mind connection, you wouldn't believe what he's thinking' I say 'like read each others thoughts?' 'yeah, she's not over Anthony' he whispers the last part, dad chuckles, I punch his arm, cause I needed to 'do you wantto stay in your man cave or are you going to help and I'll work with all of this wood by myself?' 'oh please, you need a man' Sean says, 'your dead' I say and go to hurt him, dad steps in-between, Alpha comes up after dad's report, 'so?, you two?, reading each other's minds?, you know me and your dad can do that, but he's my Beta' the Alpha says, 'and he's/she's my bitch' me and Sean say at the same time, 'dad' we both then say at the same time, we get to work on the framing of the house, it's going to have a foundation and front step, but I use some old rock that got blown up as a step, and I use some of that tile stuff I used and put it at the front door frame, 'cool' Sean says standing on it, I push him off, just for acting like a idiot.

This place is going to be 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, with 3 stories, but it's more of a attic the third, though it just has a bedroom, bathroom and massive walk-in-closet, I've done the blueprints to be accurate, dad stops by 2 times a day, to make sure we're eating (I'm eating), cause I tend to obsess over things, we did panelling on the front hallway and lounge room and then wallpaper in the dining room and office, then tiling, kitchen, bathrooms and laundry, there are sky roofs, cause there will be rock on the outside walls, I do flooring, and get started on the kitchen cabinets, we put 10 panels on the roof, dad helps get the stairs in 'I can't believe you guys are actually going to let me live out here?' I say, 'the part that's really interesting the Alpha is how many bedrooms your giving this place' Sean says, "as in children?" I think, "yep, you know he wants grandkids,and what do you think he's going to do, when he has grandkids?" Sean thinks, I bite on my tongue, and we keep working, a little too late to change plans, the 3rd floor and roofs are up, and walls, the electrical and plumbing is done, and I just need painting and wall paper, then appliances in and furniture, the lighting is still being done though, "your not planning on having kids?, are you?" "maybe in the future?, who wants to live in a giant house alone?, and I just don't know if Anthony is going to be part of that?, if he does become Alpha?, living on the mountain?, with me?, I'd become a Luna?, a relationship waiting to blow" I think, we have dinner, and the Alpha stops by after dinner, 'Allison?, mind if we talk?' he says 'do I really have a choice?' 'good point' he says, he brings me over to his place, 'go to Anthony's room' he orders 'please' I say, 'I wanna know, if you can handle being in a room with him for hour, cause if you can't do that, when he becomes Alpha, we have a problem, so work through your issues, you have a hour', he gets me in Anthony's room, he sits up shirtless after a shower, 'what's going on?' 'you two are getting one hour therepy' Alpha says and then walks out, I walk over and try opening the door, then I huff and just wait in the hallway, Anthony walks across to his built-in, only in his boxers, he starts getting dressed, til he smells my arousal, and stops, he comes over 'no, get away from me' I say, he grabs me and walks me out of the hallway, he lips press against mine, 'Anthony' I whimper, then give in, I push him onto his bed, we stare each other, I lift my shirt off and I get on his torso, he sits up, I push him back down, 'I wanna mark you' he says, gripping my waist, I shake my head and just keep humping him, he's close, too close, I startlifting my hips, he pushes my hips back down, and flips us over, in that single moment of weakness, then in go his teeth, and in comes his sperm.

This place is going to be 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, with 3 stories, but it's more of a attic the third, though it just has a bedroom, bathroom and massive walk-in-closet, I've done the blueprints to be accurate, dad stops by 2 times a day, to ma...

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The second I saw those two stripes in the test, I freaked out and walked out of the room, that hour was a big mistake, I should have jumped out the window, pushed him away, why was I such a idiot, I need a abortion pill, the Alpha cleared the cabinets of morning after pills, even my back-up ones in the bathrooms, Sean was ordered to tell him where they are, and I feel so betrayed and robed, Sean goes to Alpha, while I am looking for the car keys, we've learned how to control what we think to each other, dad taught us, he knocks 'what?' the Alpha snaps, 'sorry' Sean says 'just say it?' 'Allison is going for a drive?' 'so?' he says, 'then why did you have me tell you where all the morning after pills are?', 'don't let her leave' he growls, now tripled in anger, 'the Alpha isn't going to like this' 'he can't force a puppy inside me' I say, and find the keys in the left drawer in the island counter, 'I've been ordered to not let you leave', next minute he's rolling on the ground out of the back door, 'ouch' he growls, getting up, I throw a knife, he only just dodges it, 'whoa!' dad shouts, I come out, he grabs me, pinning my arms down, 'she could have killed me' 'I was aiming for your thigh, princess' I say, Sean growls and goes to attack me 'stand down' the Alpha growls, Sean says, he glares at me, dad lets me go, 'do not fuck with my plan, I say what happens, I don't care if you don't like it, but I will not let my family tree die out cause you want to kepe your legs shut, okay' the Alpha says, I want to growl and scream at him but he's the Alpha, 'so don't even try to terminate this pregnancy, understood?', like I've got a choice?, I go into the house, 'keys' dad says, I throw them at him, but he still catches them, he huffs, 'I've had enough of this bullshit' the Alpha says, dad yanks the knife out of the wall, he notices something 'it's not real' he says 'what?' Sean says, Dad presses on it, 'it's plastic and-' he pushes the blade in, 'cool?' dad says, it locks in, Sean gave it to me, when I went to college to scare unwanted guys, he goes inside 'Allison' he says, 'this is very cool' 'but she also didn't want to harm him, just scare him' the Alpha says 'it looks like real, but the shiny stuff is just glue that shines in the sun?' dad says, of course I wouldn't hurt him, he was under orders, not his fault, he knows how I didn't want kids.

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