House arrest

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(the next day)

Tyson is going to be making me stay in the castle of a place, so he accompanied me to my hotel room and watched as I took my clothes, though another second and he would have fucked me on the bed, so here it is, I've started a jurniol, since I met him, since I can't afford a therepist, though to be honest I did know werewolves existed it's just being fucked by one, when I was 13 years old, I watched my twin brother rip his body into a wolf, I was traumatised for years and picked up hobbies while being homeschooled by my professor father, then I decided to go back to school at 16 to get my degree and go to college, or in this case Harvard, I was always my parents golden child, I had a older sister, Paige, who would be 30 right now, then my other older brother Michael, who is 27, then my twin brother Sean, he's only older by 1:47, he'd be the same I am, 25, he didn't go to the same college, he went to Wharton university, then there is me, and look where I am now, I then have a younger brother David, he is 22 right now, and that's my family, my mum was a Nurse til she met my father, she's human, so the chances of us being human or werewolf is 40%, and dad took that very serious, mum is now just turning 55, I know she found love late in love, 23, sort of like me, dad was training to be a professor and had a accident, and she just happened to there at that football field where he was playing with his friends when they snuck out onto campus, she had Paige when she was 25, so no exactly like me, but there are some woman who does have children late in life, she knows what dad is, cause duh she would have noticed, how he never gets sick, gets hurt, disappears a lot, had these uncontrollable sexual needs, but anyway, dad was only 21 when they met, so dating a younger man did appeal to mum but still she loves who her heart falls for, so you can guess dad is 53, he ages a lot slower than mum, he still looks like he's entering his 40's, but he is obsessed with mum, I didn't realise til I googled it, that she was his mate.

I wake up, naked of course, Tyson on top of me, so I wouldn't sneak away, I huff and when I realise he isn't asleep, I roll him off of me, he clings his body around me and pulls me back down, he starts kissing and sucking on my neck, 'do I need to punish you again?,' he growls, and continues to suck harshly on my skin, he does this in the shower also, since I now can do my laundry, I do some housework, he was okay with it, so while I make breakfast, he's going over house rules, 'wait?, you have greyhounds?' I ask 'yes, when I'm not here, they protect my property, so even try get out and they will rip you apart' he says, I smirk and come up with a teaser, I turn to him, 'and if you come back and I'm in pieces on the front lawn?' I say walking over as he leans on the island counter, I walk over 'you seem pretty attached to me?, so-' I grab his belt 'how would you feel if I was dead?' I ask, he grabs the back of my head and kisses me, answering it, 'never going to happen' his wolf growls in my ear, he feels a sort of shiver move down my body, then I hear the bacon popping, and my hair drags along his face as I walk away, he tries calming himself, I use tongs to place it on my two pieces of buttered toast, he grabs a slice of toast, 'uh, uh' I say, he smirks and walks out, 'hey' I come over and jump on his back, 'give it back'  I say, he chuckles, I try reach for it, 'give it' I say, he then leans against a wall, I'm pinned, damn it, he eats, I then feel down his exposed Abe's, I then slowly lean in and I breath in his ear, I then move my lower lip up the back of his ear, he tries not to give into this, 'give me the damn toast and bacon' I say, he chuckles, I then lick his ear, his eyes are already wolf, my hands move down, he finishes the toast and I stop, of course leaving his wolf whimpering, he turns around and kisses me, not wanting me to stop, so he gets a idea and goes for my other piece of toast, 'oh no you don't' I grab his belt and pull him back, leaving his wolf excited and loving how playful I can get, but he gets it, he holds it up 'give it' I say and try reach up, he chuckles, 'what would you do for it?', 'uuu-uuuu-uuu', my hands claw up his back, though I don't have long nails, my legs cling to him as I sit on the island counter, I got to eat my toast and bacon, I finished at least twice by now, I can taste the bacon on his tongue, I sit up and cling my body around him, he holds my hips and moves to have my against a wall, I breath into his neck, and moan and scream, he's wolf is just taking it all in, consuming him, these are the best moments he's ever had, just feeling me like this, it sounds stupid but he can't get enough, of it, of this, ... of me.

So he's been teaching me, if I could possibly learn, then he gets work delivered to him, he sits at his desk, I walk in, in only black lace embroidered underwear and his shirt, 'no now' he says trying to figure something out, I walk around, I skim through it, 'first off some words are          mis-spelled and now one says that anymore, but other than that, good speech' I say, pointing things out, I then walk out, I stretch walking out and move my hands through my hair, he watches me as I walk out, when I stretched his long shirt reached up just above my hips so it showed my hips move as I walked, but he was mostly looking at my butt.

Tyson is really working, that speech did sound pretty important, and he mentioned Alpha, so it's a pack speech?, I go up and do a diary entry, while sitting at a window lounge, I love the views from here, you couldn't find this in the city, I try open the windows, 'access denied' this robot woman's voice says, Tyson hears it, he growls and puts his pen on the piece of paper, and goes to a painting slides it to the side and says 'navigate denied Access' he says, then it shows the window I was sitting at, he slides the painting back over and goes up to where I'm sitting, I hear him, and hide the diary behind my back and behind a curtain then move a cushion there and lay back, he walks in 'what are you doing?' he asks as I stare out the window 'just getting some fresh air ... sort of?' I huff, he gets why the system spoke, 'if I knew you were talking to other women, you could have just told me' 'just a system' he says, 'sounds pretty intimate?, she knows every detail about you, she watches you through the camera's, seen you at your worst, sleeping, awake, working, heck even listens to you', he now understands why I say that 'but one issue I can't fuck her' 'oh?, wow?' I say turn away and just look out to the view, he can tell I'm offended and honestly a little jealous, he comes over 'look, I'm trying to work' 'also you don't need to mention I'm your mate, no one needs to know what goes on between us, and if you did, my parents would force me back into their lives and when you return to New York without me you'd be alone' I say, he gets where he has the issue, 'no one is ever taking you from me' he says climbing on top of me, 'heck this system has even seen you naked, I've never seen you naked' I say, he chuckles and kisses me, I smile, and my hands move through his hair, my leg bends to be around him, then my diary falls, 'what was that?' he asks lifting his head, I pull him back down to dodge the answer, though he'd gladly fuck me right now, his attention is caught by that noise 'I thought you didn't have anymore electrical appliances?' 'I don't, you took my phone, and my flip phone' I say, not lying 'so if it's not electrical what was it?' 'don't worry about it' I say and kiss him neck, his wolf is weak and wants him to just drop it, in case it's something personal and just enjoy me touching him, but I usually don't do that voluntarily, unless I want something or trying to hide something, or even like in his office, trying to get back at him, he sits up completely 'Tyson' I say, he pulls me up and moves the curtain, he pulls out my book 'what's this?' 'just don't worry about it' I say trying to take this, he flips through this 'is this a journal?' 'it's mine and it's not going to contact anybody' I say, his wolf wants him to give it to me, since I have personal attachment to that journal and his wolf can sense that, but he's not going to listen 'Tyson' I say, he starts reading, then he feels the snap, and I walk out 'Allison' he says and follows me suddenly closing my diary, I slam a door and move a chair in front of it, so he can't open it 'Allison' he tries opening the door, he checks, it's not locked, I've put something in front of it 'fine have it!' he tosses the book getting angry that he messed up, then he gets closer to the door and hears my soft crying, he huffs and says 'Allison, I didn't mean to read it', I now am refusing to talk to him, he moves his hand through his hair, his wolf wants to comfort me, but he doesn't want me to feel like he's trying to control everything, but he just doesn't like feeling me this way, he then goes and sinks against the wall, and just listens to me cry.

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