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I've been in self isolation for 2 days, exactly how long Liam and Diana have been screaming, 'I can't take this, Allison can have full fucking custody, I'm going for a very, very, very long run' Alpha says, Sean is helping look after the twins so he heard that, "Ryan is going on a run, he's giving you full custody of the twins, he's only going to be gone for about a hour', I glance up while sitting on my couch, 'Start packing their things" I think, I get dressed and do my hair, as soon as I get there, I go inside, Anthony is completely baffled, Sean comes over with all of the twins things!, 'you called her?' Anthony says, 'put their things in the car' I say, Sean is quick to move their stuff, 'get them in the car seat, they'll pass out once they get my scent' I say, Sean buckles them in, Anthony grabs my wrist, I go to hit him, then out of nowhere!, boom, our lips touch, 'do you wanna fuck me?, or try stop me', we do a quickie, it must be the adrenaline, Sean comes inside once he's done, 'Allison?', Anthony finishes, and pulls out, I give him a kiss and I pull my panties and pants up, I walk out of the room, 'just working out custody arrangements and he's okay with me taking full custody' I say, Sean nods, 'I'll visit' Sean says and we hug, I walk out, Anthony is leaning his head against the wall, I was just on, his jeans and boxers are at his ankles, the effect of it is still hitting him, he only lasted 3 minutes, he moves his hand through his hair, my dad comes over 'come back, he'll want to sign something' he says, I nod and hug him, he kisses my forehead, and I drive, I bring the twins in a pram up the mountain, then as they sleep, Sean brings up their luggage, he's certainly tired, 'wow?, like what you've done with the place, I'll bring the car back, Ryan will never notice', (we started calling Alpha his actual name, since we found out what his real name is), I hug him, he looks to see the twins asleep in the pram, he smiles 'they look so cute asleep' he says, I hug him and rest my head in his chest, 'promise you'll visit?, within about a month, the twins will catch up on sleep and the madness of raising them will become a reality' I say, 'how could I miss that' Sean says, he gets back and when Alpha returns, 'where are the twins?', 'you gave custody to Allison' Anthony says, 'she'll come by and we'll work out some arrangement?' my dad says, 'I'm just gonna go take a nap' he says and pulls himself up the stairs, 'you okay?' dad asks Anthony 'yeah, it's just .... been a while since I'd seen her, kind of gave me a rush seeing her?' 'she does have that effect I suppose?' dad says, Anthony smiles, 'a nap actually does sounds nice' Anthony says and goes to his room, I settle the kids in, set up their rooms and I even had cribs built for them, Sean put them up there, and they have shelves for toys and I put in a massive fluffy rug so when they start crawling, they won't hurt their legs walking on the wood floors, they have a massive built in closet, Sean even built a sign and hung it above the bed, it's a wooden blank then chiselled in "Liam" and a few pictures, and the same with "Diana" just different pictures, Sean will come back up in two weeks, I love spending this time with the kids, I learned I'm a amazing artist and drew a portrait of Liam and Diana, then I painted, wow?, I then framed it then hung it, we're going all out for the twins.

Speaking of which, their about to have a young sibling!, yep, I'm gaining weight and I just don't wanna talk about it, I can't go through the pack, but I'm going to sign a custody arrangement, I'm not positive about being pregnant, I'll take a test when I get back and Sean is baby sitting, they were sleeping when I left, I wear black jeans and a dark grey hoodie, my hair in a ponytail, I wait out front of his home, he comes out, 'ready?' I ask 'we really will need to work out a custody thing' 'you said "full custody"' 'they are still my grandkids' he says, I huff and we go to the pack business meeting room, I sit there, he brings out a document and there is a pen on it, I read through it, 'just sign it' he huffs, 'I wanna know what I'm signing' I say, after reading it, 'you want to take full custody once they turn 6?' 'got to have a relationship with them' 'you also want them to have a sleep over every weekend fortnight?, hard pass' I say, then keep reading 'this contract can be ended when you say so?, no, cause if they warm to you, which is unlikely you'll take them, no' I say, 'excuse you?' he says sitting up 'you gave me full custody, I'll visit once a fortnight, no sleep over' I say, 'how about you move in?' 'ha!, there's no way I'm moving back into that hell hole' I say, he growls, dad walks in and so does Anthony 'sorry we're late' dad says, 'if you don't accept my way of how things are going to be, then there's no point of there even being a custody arrangement' I say 'things are going to be how I say', 'fine, but I want a single rule that not even you can change' 'name it' he says 'you have to say yes to it first' 'oh hell no, who knows what you could be asking' he says, 'then no deal, I'll bring the kids back' I say, he slams his hand on the table 'stop being so fucking difficult' he growls, he rubs his temples in circles, 'everyone, just needs to remain calm' dad says, 'it's her fucking fault' 'Allison, what do you want in return?' 'it's something, I want to stick like construction glue, not even you can break it' I say 'so, it's obviously serious?, and you obviously care about it' dad says, Alpha sits up 'what are the things you want?' 'full custody, only visiting for about 2 hours once a fortnight' I say 'that's steep' Anthony says 'that how things have to be' 'I'm not agreeing to that, weekend staying at our place once a fortnight, once they turn 6 my custody and if the relationship between me and the twins change, the custody can be over and I can take full custody' the Alpha says, 'no' I say, 'don't fucking say "no" so me cause I am the Alpha and this is my fucking pack, so you better not fucking mess with me' he threatens, ....... 'while I was pregnant, the twins heard things, who they felt they could trust, they heard you a angry controlling guy and they didn't like that, they heard me, nice and warm and gentle, they know Anthony is their father but doesn't trust him and don't think he can protect them, my dad they know he can look after them but isn't faithful, but will try, and my mother yeah they care about her, but she's their grandmother, and she doesn't care about them as a family way, she only cared about me, so that's how they see everything' I say, 'you gave them that way of seeing us' the Alpha blames me 'I'll let you have full custody and I'll come down once a month, as long as I get my one condition' 'I want the twins to be 60% calm, like a normal child is', my eyes go wolf 'you saying my kids aren't normal?' I growl, he growls, 'stand down' he warns, 'you say you want to be part of their lives and you don't give a damn about them, they'll be no arrangement, I'll raise them cause they are my children, and they aren't going to listen to you, cause you are a cruel twisted man' I say, pointing out the truth, 'no custody, bring the twins back here' he orders, then I'm hugging them goodbye, they cling to me, pulling my hair, Alpha comes over and takes them, they scream 'ma!!', I wipe under my eyes, 'ma!!', Diana screams, I told them while I was packing the situation and how I love them and how I'm gonna visit them, Sean hugs me, I hear them scream, Anthony holds them, they scream in his face, like the pain I feel near him, and they push away from his face with their hands, 'what's the thing you want?, so your not losing everything?' 'handshake while doing it, as a Alpha, in front of a pack it's important you keep your word' 'fine' he huffs, and we handshake 'future children belong to me' I say, his eyes widen 'you' he growls, 'thanks' I say and I let go of his hand, he looks down at my stomach, and I have a jumper over my stomach to hide my weight, 'ma!!!', I blow a kiss to them and Sean pulls me back from Alpha's rage building, 'ma!!!', Ryan is seriously building up on rage, then Liam pushes out of Anthony's arm and falls, I flash catch him, 'mama' he cries, Diana too, 'no, give them back' 'your serious?, going to torture kids like that?' dad says, 'I'm the Alpha and what I say happens', then I feel a hiss on my wrist, I whimper then look, my mark?, it's gone! ..., the Alpha looks, I flash 'Allison!', 'what happened?' dad asks 'she just left the pack' the Alpha says.

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