healing hands

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Alright, so we're on our way back, I fall asleep on Anthony's shoulder, I actually feel a whole lot better after telling Anthony that I loved him, and I listened to his heart, he loves me too, and hopefully he won't go closing me out and change on me, I'd hate to go through that again, we get back and I'm on Anthony's back, 'how long did you stay up?' 'jet lagged' I say, Anthony chuckles, Ryan and dad even smile a little, I rest my head on Anthony's shoulder as he walks to my parents house, the kids are there, he walks in and the kids faces light up, oh my babies!, I slide down Anthony's back and hug all of my children, Liam, Diana and Jackson, Anthony is honestly a little jealous from me kissing their cute little faces, 'alright, alright, share' Anthony says, and sits next to me, I bring over Jackson, 'not what I meant' he mouths, I smirk, then we lean in, til we hear my dad coming down the stairs, Anthony grabs Jackson, he blows on his stomach, 'easy' I scowl, 'I know how to hold a ba-', Jackson lets loose on Anthony's shirt, 'oh, I forgot to mention his dinner hasn't come out' mum says, she takes Jackson, Anthony gets up, 'oh god, let me help you get cleaned up' I say almost laughing, 'it's not funny' Anthony says, we're in the laundry, he lifts his shirt off, and lays it on the counter top, I bite my bottom lip, and watch him, he looks and then switches the dryer on, 'oh fuck, come here' he moans softly, I kiss him, we walk away from the door, I move him against the wall, I kiss his neck, then get on my knees, he listens as look out, as I give him head.

The kids things are packed and tomorrow we'll go back to the mountain, I lay in my bed, Anthony is in the spare room, I can't sleep, I'm use to ending up sleeping in bed with him, I sit up, and 'fuck it', I decide to just stay up, the kids have a massive room together, even bigger than mine, I go in there and just wait for one of the kids to wake up, but they don't, not even around midnight, Anthony couldn't sleep either, he comes in, once he sees me, 'come here' he mouths, I smile and get up and come over, we walk out so we can talk without anyone hearing us, little did we know that Ryan was paranoid about the kids and put a set of camera's in their nursery, 'so ... can't sleep?' I say, and I am not facing the camera, 'no-' 'Camera' I mouth, he gets it, 'I was actually gonna make a ...-' I look at my phone '12:19 snack' I say, he chuckles and we walk down the hallway, I shoulder him a little, there are no camera's downstairs, just near the kids bedroom, we get down the stairs, I jump, but he's ready for it and I wrap my legs around him, he walks to the kitchen, 'midnight snack?' he says, I nod several times, we are still quiet, he takes me on the dining table, 'I love you' I moan into his mouth, his hips jerk, and he finishes, he of course is embarrassed, he sits up and rolls off, I found it actually kind of sexy, but him, he's shamed, he gets his pants up, I sit up, 'what's wrong?' I ask and stroke my hair that's over my half ear, he just is silent and goes up to his room he's sleeping in, did he suddenly change his mind about telling me he loves me?, I slowly get down from the table, and decide maybe it's best we go back to friends, cause even this is a little too much for me.

Anthony wakes up, he took a sleeping pill, wore off after 3 hours later, I've already left with the kids, I couldn't bare waking up to him there, I already told my dad, though he was half asleep, he got it, Anthony walks around 'where is everyone?' 'Allison left early?' 'it's 8:am' Anthony says, he gets to the mountain, everything is unpacked, and under my eyes are a little red and puffy 'hey?, you okay?' Anthony says, 'yeah, of course, I'm always okay' I say, he can tell I'm not, he comes over, I'm folding clothes, he grabs my arm and pulls me up, he cups my face, 'hey, what's wrong?' he asks, 'I'm fine' I say, lying, 'are you still tense from last night?', he then feels this ache in his chest, feels like a pressure is slowly crushing his heart, he kisses me, still not helping me 'I have to finish some chores' 'no, we need to talk, I can feel your in pain and like in our therapy we have to talk through every issue, even if it's nothing to you, it means something to me' ..... 'do you still love me?' I ask, 'what?, why would you ask that?, of course I love you', not lying, 'then why did you leave me last night?' I say, crying, he hugs me, still doesn't help me crying, 'I just needed to go get cleaned up', lying, I take a step back, he knows, I know he lied, ..... 'fine, if it'll make you feel better, honestly when you said "I love you", I finished early, and it's embarrassing' Anthony says, 'did you bother to think if it even bothered me?' I ask, he kisses me 'does it?' 'not at all' I say, not lying, 'it's nice to know I can make you cum that fast' I say, he smiles, I feel up his arms, and our make out session begin, I push him down to the couch, I get on his lap, soon enough, my breathing is at high levels and my moaning is barely keeping at a above average normal volume level, the kids were only asleep for about 6 minutes when he came back, he decided to come back around lunch, he swings me around, my fingers rush to get him exposed, (knocking!), he makes a disappointed noise, my head falls back, he gets up and pulls his pants up and puts his shirt back on, I get my shorts back up and my tank top on, Anthony opens the door and I begin folding laundry again, it's Ryan?, 'hey' I say, 'you left early?' 'couldn't sleep?' I shrug, 'I came by, cause I knew the kids would be taking a nap, I was thinking about .... a therapy session?' 'I thought we didn't need those anymore?' 'and you two being friends, got the Royals attention, no mate can be friends with their mate' Ryan says 'and if it's not their decision to make?' 'they actually .. ordered me to have you two ... married within 2 months' 'what?!' I say, Anthony starts coughing uncontrollably, 'alright, calm down' Ryan orders, Anthony stops choking and goes and sits on the couch, 'alright, now I know you two are friends, but of course you two would feel the sexual connection, you two obviously feel it', 'but your forcing things that could take another ....' 'look I get it, yet another thing I promised not to pressure, but no mate has 3 kids and not be married, you two have known each other for years, the Royals always go by tradition and they want a report by 2 months' 'and if that doesn't work?' 'you's wouldn't be the only wedding I've forced, can't be almost 30 years old and not married, or have a mate' 'this is completely unfair' 'so you have no intentions of getting married?' 'literally never was in my life plan' I say not lying, then add 'I'm just turning 28, I got 2 years' I say 'no, you have 2 months' Ryan says, 'no, no, no' I say, 'I'm under orders' 'fuck your orders' I say getting up, 'Allison sit back down or I'll have you two married within 24 hours' Ryan says, I sit back down and cross my arms, and lift my leg over the other, 'alright, when's the last time you two-', oh no, 'fucked?', neither of us answer, 'both of you answer, 1, 2, -' 'last night' we both say, 'huh?, and before last night?' 'the night before?' we each say again, 'how long has this been happening?' 'since a 11 days after I gave birth to Jackson' I say, 'that was a lot sooner than I expected?' Ryan says, I don't know what to say, everything just fell so fast.

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