Cleaning up

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I wake up, to the sun just rising, I look around and Anthony is watching me, laying on his side, I turn to face him, best thing about a sleeping bag, you can move and you won't lose your warm spot, 'hello' I say in a soft voice with my eyelashes low, cause I'm not completely awake, he smiles 'hello' he smiles lightly, not wanting anything to ruin this moment 'what time is it?' he asks, 'your the one with a watch' I say, he smiles and then says 'quarter to 6' he says, I sit up, and rub my eyes then through my hair, of course he notices my ear, 'can I ask?' he asks. I breath out 'when I was kidnapped, I wasn't just drugged, they cut off the top half of my ear, they wanted to mail it to my family, they just wanted money, I was drugged so bad, I can't feel pain I just remember screaming, since they used a electrical carving knife' I say, he hisses, 'ouch' he says 'don't remember any pain' I say, we get back, I hug him before going into my house, he smiles lightly and goes to his Uncles 'how was the camp out?' 'actually pretty comfortable?' he yawns 'didn't sleep?' 'are you speaking as in dirty talk?' 'of course' his uncle says 'we're friends and the sun in my eyes woke me up, we kind of just passed out once we were set up' Anthony says 'are you gay or something?' 'we're just friend, Uncle' he says and goes to his room, which is a cool entrance, there door under the staircase, which should be a closet, it a hallway into a nice big room, with tinted windows, literally, but one flaw, his room is a mess, he is trying to unpack but he has way more stuff then he left with.

I sleep in, cause I just felt exhausted, since I did stay up pretty late, dad comes in 'hey, you okay?' he asks as I'm laying in bed, snuggled up in my blanket 'you okay?' 'yeah' I say in a croaky voice 'your sick' he huffs 'I'm fine' I say 'you can't always been fine' 'it was winter, the air just got to my lungs' 'you didn't pack a tent' 'like I was going to sleep in the same tent as my friend' I say 'sorry about yesterday' 'hey, I'm totally over it' I say 'yeah but I'm not' he says, and brings out a bag, I smirk 'dad, you didn't have to' 'come on, it's your first birthday back with us in 3 years, I should have remembered, even forgot about our normal camping trips' dad says, I know your wondering why the seasons are different down here, I don't know?, it's the one part in California that is winter from April through to July, then winter again, November to December, well it is just colder around those times, Spring only lasts a month, so January and August, then Summer September through to October and February to February, and Autumn is sort of is the Last week of Summer and First week of winter, just weird but it must be the pack's influence on nature?, mum becomes my nurse, like she always is when one of us get sick, now that my other siblings have shifted they don't get sick anymore, but I do, I get sick at least 2 or 3 times a year, which I hate, mum takes my temperature, she loves looking after us when we get sick, she makes me some soup, that she only makes when one of us are sick, and stacks the pillows behind me, and brings a tv in, so be on my desk and I'm forced to watch movies, cause reading small print gives me a headache, I fall asleep a few times between and during the movies, I'm just so tired, 'hey?, what happened to Allison?' Anthony asks coming by 'night air, she caught a cold' 'can I go up and check on her?' 'sure, but she's been napping most of the day' he goes upstairs, and I'm drinking mum's soup, my nose is red and my skin is pale 'wow?, never seen anyone sick' Anthony says 'oh it's not heaven' I say with a soft croaky voice that I can barely talk through and have to clear my throat but doesn't change my tone in voice, he smiles 'what are you watching?' 'the wedding singer' I say, 'mind if I watch?, don't worry, I'm not going to get sick' 'don't show off, I can still kick your ass' I say with a clogged nose, Anthony sits at the couch window, he looks around my room, on this one wall is a bunch of accomplishments, and a picture of me doing every hobbies I know, and a bunch of certificates and trophies on built in shelves into the wall with a glass door 'wow?, you've really done a lot?' he says, even my acceptance letter, I made them type and print out, so I had proof I went, even my college diploma is there, cause I stayed behind to pack and boom, last time I saw them, til 3 years later, 'yeah, well I did a lot of things so I know my life wasn't boring' I say, he smiles, I cough into a tissue, and I put it in the bin, mum comes in with a bottle of water, I sigh drinking it, cause my throat is just dry, whenever mum gets sick, dad goes all out to help her, though since she rarely goes outside, she hardly gets sick once a year, after about 5 minutes, I'm passing out, I just couldn't stop my weak eyes, Anthony stays with me, he's just observing a sick person, then when his Uncle has him return, he has dinner and them showers, brushes his teeth before bed.

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