A dying fire

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Ryan wants me and Anthony to do therapy?, if anyone needs therapy, it's not me, I have got no issues, I'm fucking perfect, if anyone needs to be fixed it's Anthony, me and Anthony sit on a couch, of course a seating cushion between us, I even moved a designer cushion to give us even more space between us, Ryan has a write book a pen and sitting on a armchair 'alright, now how about we start at the very beginning, what gave you the spark?', neither of us answer, 'Allison, when is the first time you saw Anthony?', .... 'I was 12, he had just got his shifter powers, and he was working out in the gym, he probably doesn't remember, I of course just wanted him to leave the gym, cause I don't like men in my gym, especially at the time I owned it', Ryan smirks 'I remember that' he chuckles, 'I shut off his music, he of course was confused and I was just giving him attitude, he turned his music back on and I judged him on his taste in music, other than him being shirtless and sweaty, we just judged each other, til the point where we were laughing at each other, we talked for about a hour, then you called him away and I didn't see him again, he actually understood me, I tried finding him, but not making it obvious, then I find out, he was sent to away, to a private school?' I say, Anthony forgot about that, and he was actually sent to a cabin about 2 miles away from the pack main area, 'Anthony?' 'I forgot about that actually' Anthony says honestly, 'alright, are you two aware you two getting to know each other was a plan?' Ryan says, 'what?' we both say at the same time, 'when Anthony came back and returned to the pack, when you were watching Anthony being welcomed into the pack' 'I wasn't' I say, 'me and your father were watching you, that wasn't the first time you saw him?, you weren't looking at him like a stranger, you met him somewhere else?', 'at Harvard, it was my first party, it was scary, he was also a freshman, he held my hair when I got sick, cause my body wasn't use to alcohol, he'd joined the fraternity, and he convinced me into a game of truth and dare, we were dared to kiss, and I had my first kiss with him, we went up to his room, it didn't take long til he found out I was a virgin and we just made out?, when I woke up, he was .... ignoring me, and then he told me he had a girlfriend, and if she saw us together, and if I ever told anyone, he'll tell the whole school I was a virgin, and I slashed his tires and wrote "cheater" on his windshield' I say, 'that was you?' Ryan chuckles, 'huh?' Anthony says also remembering that, 'and it was just weird seeing him again, then about 2 weeks later, I had a chicken and gravy sandwich, Harvard's specialty, none were left and I had one on me tray, he took it, and I got mad at him, his girlfriend came over and gave me a bruised lip, so that night, I broke into her sorority house and-' 'kidnapped and shaved her head and did her make up as a clown' Anthony says, 'you really have anger issues?' 'not how I was raised, I wore a mask and had a voice changer, I sounded like a man and I wore a hood' I say, 'of course I broke up with her, couldn't date a clown and her head had scratches all over, she looked like a Indian tried scalping her, she lost her friends, kicked out of the sorority and she transferred and now wears a wig, since the hair never grew back, you caused a lot of damage, literally scared her for life?' Anthony says to me like I'm a monster, ..... 'you feel nothing?' 'she hurt me, I don't just take things and go with it, doesn't sit with me, so I do something about it, she hurt me, I fought back, kick a dog it's gonna bite' I say, my dad use to tell me that, kept me strong, 'so now, I'm going to see what you two have in common and remember?', I rest my elbow on the armrest and rest my head in my hand, 'alright,  this is how well you two know each other, Allison when is Anthony's birthday?' '3rd of February, 10:19pm' I say, without even thinking 'Anthony, Allison's birthday?' 'May 9th, 8:41pm' Anthony says in the same tone I did, he just knew 'alright, now favourite colour' 'cloud grey, like before a storm' we each say at the same time, Ryan smirks, means nothing, we like the same colour?, so what?, 'let's get a little more personal, favourite sexual position?' 'on top' we both say, 'when I'm on top' we each then rephrase, 'favourite food?' 'the Harvard chicken and gravy rolls' we each say, I give a angry look, 'alright, favourite thing to do' 'anything' I say, Anthony doesn't know what he loves doing, he use to love just doing anything, as long as I was there, I made everything fun, 'Anthony?' 'I-I, don't have a favourite thing' .... 'favourite movie?', 'blended featuring Adam Sandler' we both say, 'do you two love each other?', we both go to answer but stop, 'how about, Anthony, how does Allison make you feel?' 'angry, Irresponsible, childish, reckless' Anthony says, 'Allison?' 'before all of that, I couldn't go to sleep at night thinking that I could be with him, I'd go out of my way just to go see him, I felt like a lovesick fool, like I suddenly got a wake up call that someone wanted to be with me and I was taking advantage of that, everytime he touched me, it was gentle but possive, made me feel safe, when he'd smile at me, made me want to smile, I could only ever feel positive around him, something constantly pulled me to him, we were so in sync, like .... like we were bonded?' 'like you were married?' 'yeah, like how wheneve he felt pain, I wanted to make it feel better, when you yelled at him, I wanted to rip your head off, when he was happy, I just felt complete?, but I guess he didn't feel that way?, so yeah, I'm Irresponsible, I'm childish, for acting like a schoolgirl with the most popular guy flirting with her, shivers when he's so close you can feel his breath on your skin, just a inch could make you feel Goosebumps, his warmth, just comsumed you, and I'm angry for falling for it, I'm reckless for trying, and I'm stupid and a idiot thinking it'd last and he wanted me' I say, crying, 'wow?, that's beautiful' Ryan says, even got him crying, Anthony wipes under his eye, 'are we done?' I ask, .... 'yeah' Ryan says, I wipe my nose and I walk out, Anthony just sits there, he was saying all of these horrible things but I just talked about passion, electrical spark, a burning fire, he misses that, but he had no idea I felt that way, how much fate has made us cross paths, has pushed us together, I walk to my parents house, I live there, I just don't want to be alone, my mum is helping me through a delayed break up stage, it's all crashing down on me like a avalanche and my feet are stuck in cement cause I thought it was safe to stand still.

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