Changing with the times

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After a week of depression, I just had to grieve, my mum and me, decide I need a new look, as in my bedroom, I'm going to donate my bed and desk to charity, and I'll bed a new bed, a bigger one, and I just needed this, cause everywhere I looked I saw Anthony and it was just killing me, I even go through my wardrobe and me and mum go shopping, I just feel better this way, to get a fresh start, there is a weird Olympic game coming up, it's in a no man's land, it's for America, it's happening around the world, it started in Rome, then went international, this year America is the main point, only 6 of us and the Alpha are allowed to compete, you can't hurt the other packs or your disqualified, so I'm part of the crowd, there is a border separating us from others, it's a time to show off skills, and I've looked, I'm the best at all in the pack, but the Alpha doesn't want to be embarrassed by entering a human, I packed a bag, with some water, cause others seem to forget this goes for at least 6 hours!, this event happens every 10 years, I was 16 last time I was here, we came 9th in who got the best scores, the Royal family will score us and watch, I sit up front to get the best view, but another reason I'm not allowed to join, the baseball match, I'm not that fast or strong and can handle another packs pitch, your allowed to change players if one of them get hurt, but I too wouldn't want to show that I suck in front of millions and I'm not the only human here, Anthony, Michael and Tyson are in this, the other guys I haven't quite figured out there name, I see what comes in first and last, dad sits with me 'I know, but you have to restrain yourself' 'but I know how to basically everything on that board, do those guys even know how to handle a baton?' 'that's how you pronounce it?, but these are wolves who have been training for a change to prove to the Royals that they are strong and have good reflexes, 'so?, I beat you' I say, 'I'm different, I was going easy on you' dad says, 'yeah, right' I say, and drink my water 'you actually brought something to drink?' dad says 'it's going to be 36 degrees and no one brought water and I don't see anyone else in the pack realising we're going to be here for 6 hours' 'oh?' he says 'exactly' I say, 'how many bottles did you bring?' Alpha asks 'why?', he gives me a look '4' I say, 'really?' he says 'fine 8' I say, 'give me 6' he says 'what am I running a charity?' I say, 'give' he says, I huff and pass them, 'they're going to go warm in the sun' I say, 'I can't believe you brought 8 bottles of water?' 'now I only have 2' 'can I get one?' dad asks 'no' I say 'why not?' 'cause I will not die of dehydration' I say, 'your mother could' he says 'mum stayed at home' I remind him, he huffs, Vikki is in gymnastics, but only trained from the age 6 to 12, while I still practice, the reason they put her on the team is cause at least one girl needs to be part of it, good thing Baseball is the 3rd game that will be played, two packs will Vs, game should only take about a hour, each wolf only gets one hit and then they'll switch, should only take about 20 minutes a game, turns out this game will be going from 9:am to 6:pm, first they start off with ping pong, then they move to fencing, of course we lose on those, and of course I practice fencing it was a elective at school, and I was obsessed with it til I mastered it, now this baseball thing will go for at least 4 hours, that's why they had it so soon they now are doing gymnastics, I am on the edge of my seat about this, each player gets a second change they can use, and in this event it's a solo sport, and so was Fencing, the Alpha doesn't have to compete he just has to choose who goes out there, Vikki chalks her hands, she's 6th, she has to do beam, poles, and floor, 'I really haven't done this in a long time' 'I have' I point out 'butt out of it' the Alpha growls, she goes out there and floor first, she started off good then broke her ankle in trying to do a cartwheel, 'you are not coming into the group' the Alpha says, Vikki is out, he huffs 'how good are you?' Vikki asks 'I would have gone to worlds if it wasn't out of the continent' I say,  'she's not joining' 'fine, flunk it' I say, next event baton battle, 'what the fuck is a baton?' Tyson says 'it's a long stick' I say, the Alpha huffs 'and your gonna get your ass's kicked' I whisper, 'just shut it' the Alpha says, 'dad put her in, you need to replace a team mate anyway' Vikki says 'putting a girl out in the baton wrestling, she could break her spine' 'awww, sounds like fun' I say, Anthony snorts and starts chuckling, 'fine' he growls, I jump the rail 'don't get yourself killed' 'so?, who am I versing?' 'Japan' the Alpha says, 'cool?' I shrug, 'are you seriously sending a girl out?, a human?, against Japan?' the King says, the Alpha shrugs, 'this could be the first bloodshed in decades' the Queen mentions, I climb in and spin the baton in my hand, 'I'm gonna destroy you' 'ha!, your funny' I say, and I walk around him, I seem completely calm, he strikes, I spin, lower my leg trip him, go to wack, he blocks, he flips up, and we are moving rapidly, I'm blocking, I block spin, kick his leg, he limps, he growls, I spin my baton completely calm, then I throw my baton up, of course a lot look up, I run up him, wrap my legs around him flip and I spin him, he land on his back and I catch my baton, stab it into the ground, 'holy shit?' my opponent says looking at my baton, the bell rings, I get up and my baton is still in the ground, I yank it out, it was only a few inches from his face, I climb out, everyone is just silent, 'what?' I say, and sit my baton down, the Alpha clears his throat 'what's next?' he says, I fist pump dad 'you got lucky' he says 'oh please unlucky is my middle name' I say, he chuckles and shakes his head, 'what's next?' 'hockey' the Alpha says 'awesome, I love hockey' I wear the equipment, 'you need extra gear' 'I'm offended' I say, and get out onto the ice, I slide around, I'm just having fun, while the others may be struggling, so me VS Canada, I giggle when Tyson almost slips, I'm on the field, the puck is out and we suck, I go straight for the guy with the puck, he passes, I slide through take it, power swing!, goal!, I wink and click my tongue, and skate around, I'm now on receiving 'alright any of you ever been on ice?' 'no' they say, 'okay?, but I can't do all of it' I say, 'we're trying' 'okay, just be open' I say 'open?', one of them slip, I'm beginning the game, to begin he knocks me back 'mother-' I get up and go after him, I tackle him into the wall, and another comes for me, I move to the side and he runs into the wall, the King is on the edge of his seat, they go to score, I literally slide across and with my chess and stomach protection, block, I sigh laying there, 'what is with this chick?' a wolf says, I get up, 'this is a man's game?' 'really?, where are the men?', he growls, I'm on the field, they go to trip me, I jump and swing goal!, bell!, I skate around them, I then go to the door, I literally did pass them the puck but they just got tackled, and face planted, good thing for the helmet, I go to the bench, and remove my gear '3 goals from us, 1 for Canada?' the Alpha says, 'archery' 'ooh, me' I say, 'don't over do it' 'oh please, have you met me?, I over, over do it' I say, and I grab a bow, we get three shots, 'no showing off' dad says, I roll my eyes, and I draw, my eyes zoom in and I fire!, perfect shot, I grab another, I breath in realise!, straight through the arrow, grab another fire, and through that arrow, the others haven't even shot yet, 'that's my girl' dad says, and I sit down and sip, 'is this chick a robot or something?' the King asks 'no' the Alpha says, next is swimming, Anthony does this and comes 2nd, only be a second, and he was versing also a future Alpha, weight lifting, who can hold the most, Tyson is in this one, and comes 4th, then I know it's stupid, my favourite sport, knife throwing, I sharpen it, I'm 11th to go, there are figures moving, I have a spare just in case I miss, though I won't, you get throw 15 knives and there are 9 targets, either wolf, or hunt, I wouldn't want to be the one who hits a wolf, it's sort of like a simulator for reflex's and hearing, like a human figure sees a wolf shift, or is harmlessly walking in the woods, I'm up, first a rabbit about to go in it's hole!, I throw hit, right in the head, hunter 'there's wolfy' the hunter says, I roll, throw, hitting the hunters wrist holding the gun, then I bird passes makes a noise I throw, it falls to the ground, I shrug and keep moving, dad chuckles, then a guy says 'what the hell is that, looks like a man or a-, uhhhhh!!?', I throw hit his heart, I spin the knives in my hands, 'get back to the pack' a man orders, 'kill it!' I throw hitting a foot away from the wolf where a hunter was behind it, then a live snake shoots up, angry and vicious, goes to attack, and I spin cut it head off, 'kill it!' I throw hit between the eyes, 'I don't think we're going to work out?' I throw hit the crotch, 'damn it' I say and stand up, 'oh my god where is this party' a posh girl says, 'what is that?, looks like a wolf?, wait-, no just losing my mind' a man says, I don't throw, and I finish, other than hitting that guy who was breaking up with a girl, I didn't miss a target, next boxing, Michael is doing that sport, ends up coming 1st!, which is completely awesome, then finally event is over, 'pack that has really caught our attention and promised territory protection, is .... Alpha ... Derik', that's our pack!, I hug dad, I can't believe his name is Derik, he gets to handshake the King and gets a trophy and with territory protection, no lone wolves or other pack can touch our territory, ... 'um? ... you did good, heck even made history' Alpha says 'then can I ask a favour?' 'nope' he says, 'really?' I say and we then leave on our bus, I'm on the pack and the Alpha wants to talk to me, 'so .... you were pretty good out there' 'despite me showing off' 'got our pack first, you beat the Canadians by 2 goals' 'but I didn't involve anyone' 'you did, remember, I wouldn't miss Anthony getting tackled' 'I did that on purpose' I say, 'I know, you actually got the Royals attention' he says, I shrug 'would have won gymnastics if you put me in, heck even fencing' I say, 'but baseball, it's a sport we can't risk' 'you came 15th' I say 'alright, alright, I know what your going to ask' 'been asking a lot lately' I say 'asking what?' a pack member asks 'she wants to be bitten' the Alpha huffs 'but humans can't survive the shift' 'some have, if their wolf-blooded' the Alpha says 'but it's not how strong you are, it's how you can connect with your inner wolf, buried deep in your cells' 'oh these are all natural' I say, dad chuckles and I bring out a can of coca cola 'seriously?' the Alpha says 'what?, it's a 3 hour drive' I say, 'give me one' dad says, I slap his hand, and I bring out a bag of chips 'mmm' 'you brought food?, is that bag from Mary Poppins?' 'thank you' I say and lick my fingers 'besides I'm starving, and they didn't serve any food and I have a nice warm whole chicken waiting for me warm in the oven when I get home', the pack breath out 'seriously?' a girl says, dad just is cracking up laughing and back home we go.

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