Come Back to me

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Tyson wakes up, I'm gone he whimpers, and sees I left a note "I love you", his chest warms, he sits up, he can't take this, go on a week, another month, no way, he goes out and goes to shift, the Alpha backs him up 'you seem to be in a good?, but remember our deal?' 'let's just say you won't be getting' he says not lying 'oh really?, where is she?' 'already gone' he says not lying 'what do you mean?, she couldn't have just sneaked in and out without leaving a scent' 'well I fell asleep and she was in my bed' Tyson says, not lying, the Alpha growls 'you woke up and she was gone?, this isn't fucking funny anymore, how about I let you loose?' he suggests, Tyson starts walking backwards, on second thought I can last a few weeks?, months, a year, 'Tyson' the Alpha growls, 'I'm really tired' Tyson yawns, 'get out there find her, and .... pick one wolf to go with you' 'really?, ....... my dad' 'nope, he's soft on you' 'are you even giving me a choice?' 'nope, and look who volunteered?' the Alpha says and Felix comes over 'oh hell no, this guy won't even be helping me, he's going to take her away from me' Tyson says 'either way she's going to be in this pack' the Alpha says, Tyson growls 'showing attitude?' the Alpha says, he looks down, 'go hunt down your mate' he orders, he goes into the garage and shifts, then comes out, he goes through his room smelling til he gets my scent, he follows it, 'this doesn't make sense?' Felix says, 'wow?, she is everywhere' Tyson chuckles 'how's that possible', then something comes to mind, what if?, he bit her last night?, but like on the shoulder, not marking which he's already done but-!, oh no, he starts running, then sees blood, he whimpers, Felix comes over and sort of shoves him to the side 'did you cut her?' he growls 'no' Tyson says, the Alpha says 'Tyson?, why is she bleeding?' 'period?' 'blood or not she's never had one' my father says 'magic?, cut herself?' 'why is she bleeding, truth', Tyson takes a few steps back 'I ... bit her' Felix luges on top of him, 'you killed her!' Felix rolls over Tyson and bites him, he whimpers 'Felix' the Alpha growls, and comes over 'now you broke a pack rule we never bite humans, they never survive the change, let alone a girl, and we especially don't bite a wolf's mate' the Alpha says and punches him, lights out, he wakes up screaming!, his father rushes into his bedroom most of the pack even heard 'hey, lay back' his father says, the Alpha comes in 'what's happening?' 'she's in so much pain' 'tonight Is the full moon' the Alpha says, 'I have to find her' 'not after your stunt, stay in here' the Alpha orders, Tyson lays back and can't fight a order, the Alpha walks out, but he knows what's happening, I'm shifting now!, must be because of my blood connection?.

I'm walking around, he didn't bite me, but when I was walking, I heard someone awake and I did accidently cut myself, so Tyson is freaking out for no reason, he has a dream he bit me, well more of a nightmare, and the reason he thinks I'm in pain is cause my hand is stinging, from the cut, while the pack may be on panic I'm fine, but there isn't a need to worry, I go to the old place me and dad use to, on our morning jogs, of course he'd let me win, every time.

I sit there and I can look over at the pack, 'just let me get 5 minutes alone with that guy' dad says pissed off, 'you could kill him' the Alpha says 'no, no, I just really want to hurt him' Felix says, the Alpha smirks, '2 minutes' the Alpha says 'done' dad says, Tyson is brought out 'you can't be serious' Tyson groans, dad has waited a long time for this, I can sense something, I look out towards the pack and my eyes seem to zoom in, Tyson is really being hurt!, I think of a idea, I whistle a melody 'mmm, mm, m, mm ,mmmmmm, mmmm' I whistle, dad stops, and looks up, 'your very lucky' he says and shifts then runs off, 'Felix' the Alpha says, I sit there, on that rock me and dad use to sit on, dad gets there, he knows the short way there, he goes to his old bag of clothes and dresses then sort of careful walking over 'why did you hurt him?' I ask, he looks around, he can't see me all the sudden 'listen, Allison, we all just miss you, and want you to come back' 'so why are you trying to hurt people I care about?' I ask 'how about you come out and we can talk?, did he bite you?' 'what?, what makes you think that?' I ask 'he said he bit you?' 'no?, he just had a dream' I say, 'so you weren't bitten?' 'no?', I'm not lying, 'so why are you bleeding?' 'cause I can bleed' I say, 'just come out, Allison' 'promise you won't hurt him?' 'promise' he says, I throw a rock down, he looks up, he sighs 'come down here' he says, I climb down, then he hugs me, 'Allison' he says, 'hi, dad' I say and hug him back, he sighs, 'baby girl' he says, 'please, don't call me that' I say, he chuckles, 'human body, fragile' I remind him, 'sorry' his grip around me loosens, 'I just don't like him' he says, I smile 'now, stop hurting him' I say 'so can you just say your my daughter' 'you think I'm lying?' I ask 'just don't want to take any chances' 'I am your daughter, Allison Chase', no lying, 'good' he says and moves his hand through my hair, 'now, let's get back to the pack' he says, 'I can't' I say 'why not?' he asks 'I'm literally the odd one out' I say, he chuckles 'no one cares about that' dad says, we walk back 'those clothes look a little small for you' I say, he chuckles 'haven't worn them in 3 years?' he says, 'hmm?' I say, we walk back 'you know things aren't going to be the same as they were' I say, 'I know' he says, we walk back 'so?, you and Tyson?' 'it's new, we've only known each other for 12 weeks' I say 'oh?, guess that's okay?, but he still hasn't got my approval, though you physically self harming yourself, I definitely don't approve of, and avoiding us' he says , 'just don't like having to live up to people's expectations, so when all of that happened to me, you wouldn't love me anymore, cause I wasn't as innocent' I say 'but you were a .... you know, virgin when you met Tyson?' 'so?' I say 'anyway, your mum will feel better when she sees you, she's been drinking a lot, ... since she found out you were alive' dad says 'you know, I can't stay here, and I wanna be with Tyson, even when he goes to New York' I say 'nope' he says, I smile 'I'm 25 I think I can make my own decisions' 'that's what you think' dad says, 'I'm grown up' 'not unless I say so' 'I've done so much grown up shit, I might as well be 30' I say, he cracks up laughing 'how about we leave that part in the past?' dad says, then I stop 'oh no, no stopping now' dad says and turns around and pulls me along, we are then in front of the Alpha 'bonjour alpha, hallo alpha, Γεια σας άλφα, dia duit Alfa, witam Alfa, привет альфа, hola Alfa' I say, saying "Hello Alpha" in 9 different languages, dad smirks 'um?, hi?' he says, then clears his throat 'impressive' he says, 'what languages are those?' 'basics, French, German, Greek, Irish, Polish, Russian and Spanish' I say 'you speak those?' 'fluently' I say, dad clears his throat 'this is Allison' 'been a while' the Alpha says, Tyson has been ordered to stay in his house, 'so ... you and Tyson?' the Alpha says 'pretty much, but some jackass can't except that?' I say, 'oh really?' the Alpha says 'yeah' I say, 'so you weren't bitten?' 'nope, cut myself' 'on?' 'opening their garage door, pulling it up, cut myself, when it's automatic door came down, broken my ankle' I say, not lying 'like full on broke?' 'I can't feel my foot' I say 'you walked here?, from there?' the Alpha says 'pretty much?' 'you don't seem to be in pain?' the Alpha says 'I'm dying on the inside' I say, he looks down 'you need to get that checked out' he says, I look down, the bone is sticking out, I shrug, dad gags 'is that the bone?' he asks, mum comes over 'what did you do?' she asks 'nothing' dad says, 'poor baby' she hugs me, 'what's happening?' I ask 'she's hugging you' the Alpha says 'I don't like it' I say, dad chuckles, 'mum, please, I don't like touchy stuff', she leans back, she moves my hair 'what happened?' she asks since some of my ear is missing, 'nothing' I say and move her hand away 'what?' 'it's like someone cut off her ear?', I move my hair 'so?, can we just arrange something?' I ask wanting to change the subject, 'no, no, no, why are you missing half of a ear?' 'if you must know technically I don't have to obey cause I don't have that weird mark thing to say I have to' I say, the Alpha gives me a weird look, 'Tyson' he comes over, he looks down 'why is she missing half of a ear?' 'it's very, very personal-' 'just tell me' 'when she was kidnapped, they was going to send it back in the mail, but couldn't get her address' Tyson says 'can we just negotiate something?' 'there is nothing to discuss' the Alpha says 'okay, then let's take a different approach?, your holding someone of ... my interest hostage, abusing your power and this is a hostage negotiation' I say, 'hmmm?, you have nothing I can't already take?' 'and that's just what you think' I say 'it's what I know, so how about you and your dad go catch up?' the Alpha says 'you just went through all that effort to just have me catch up with my father?' I say, Tyson smirks 'stop that' the Alpha says, Tyson does as he's told, 'so why did he think he bite you?, and wasn't lying?' 'other than him marking me, he just had a  really bad dream' I say, 'hmmm?, well you two do need to distance yourself?' 'now what is your problem?' I ask, 'excuse you?' he says 'do you have a issue with him?' I ask, with a rising temper, 'Allison, step down' 'that'll be a issue, since I have a broken ankle, now what is your problem?, you'd think with it being a law, you wouldn't try acting like I'm some ... thing you can just pass around and control' 'Felix, control your daughter's mouth' 'or what, you gonna-?' Dad grabs me, and covers my mouth, I mumble a bunch of threats, Tyson chuckles, Alpha glares at him 'sorry' he says, my ankle starts bleeding from being dragged, Tyson hates seeing me like that, 'get her the doctor' the Alpha says, moving his hand through his hair, 'I could go heal her?', the Alpha growls 'dude' he says and goes to his family home.

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