I've once again been put in a house arrest, seeing my old room is so weird?, so se-real?, I can't believe how things look, like my sense of fashion, everything still fits, and still looks how it did back then.

My clothes still fit like they once did before, I guess I haven't changed that much, besides my whole way I look at life and the things I've had to go through, and I had so many dreams, and I was into so many things and sports and hobbies

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My clothes still fit like they once did before, I guess I haven't changed that much, besides my whole way I look at life and the things I've had to go through, and I had so many dreams, and I was into so many things and sports and hobbies.

Dad comes up as I'm reading a book, my ankle has been wrapped and I don't know but Tyson is being sent back to New York tomorrow, 'how are you?', I huff and close my book, he comes over and sits at the end of my bed, while I'm on the couch built i...

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Dad comes up as I'm reading a book, my ankle has been wrapped and I don't know but Tyson is being sent back to New York tomorrow, 'how are you?', I huff and close my book, he comes over and sits at the end of my bed, while I'm on the couch built into my bane window.

'So what are you doing?' 'just writing?' I say, I can tell he wants to tell me something, but takes a different approach 'the doctor says you'll be healed within a couple of weeks, 5 to be precise' dad says 'okay?' I say 'you okay?' 'it just feels...

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'So what are you doing?' 'just writing?' I say, I can tell he wants to tell me something, but takes a different approach 'the doctor says you'll be healed within a couple of weeks, 5 to be precise' dad says 'okay?' I say 'you okay?' 'it just feels weird?, it's like empty?, I can't seem to feel .... anything?' I say, not lying 'must be because Tyson isn't here' 'you know I thought the pack would except us, cause you never come between two mates, it's kind of against the law', 'well Tyson left, yesterday' 'what?' I say and sit up, I go to get up and go to him, 'no, lay back down' dad says 'no, I need to be with him' I say, dad smirks 'he's gone' 'well when will he be back?' 'anytime from now to 5 years' he says 'another thing, I need a abortion' I say, 'wha-what?' dad stutters as he is hoping he isn't hearing what he just heard, 'a abortion?' he says 'yeah, it's just I've been feeling sick and-' 'since when aren't you two being safe?' 'safe?, he hasn't worn a condom since we met' I say, he growls and gets up 'dad?' I say and he slams and locks my door?, Dad goes over to Tyson, he grabs his throat 'what the fuck is your problem?' 'what now?' Tyson huffs, the Alpha comes over 'what now?' 'Allison is pregnant' dad growls, Tyson's heart skips a beat 'um? ...', Tyson says, dad growls, 'who doesn't use protection?' Felix asks, 'you didn't use protection?' the Alpha says, 'look, your already making distance between us-' 'no, that's the Alpha's orders, I want you to die, and I'm still waiting for that to happen' dad says 'look I didn't know' Tyson says, 'Felix, go back to your house' the Alpha orders, he drops Tyson to the ground and then goes back home, within a hour, I was taking 2 abortion pills, and a glass of water, mum was able to contact some people about it, dad wasn't too happy, but I guess, it won't matter, I did have a pregnancy test, positive so it wouldn't be wasted, I miss Tyson, I've lost all sense of happiness, dad is feeling bad that he can't even make me smile, which makes him feel even worse, Tyson was sent away, and my ankle is healed but mum says I need to do physio therapy so I start walking again, and I'm not allowed out of the house, I even make a effort to get to make a relationship with my twin brother Sean and get to catch up, apparently he actually missed me?, me and dad get to know each other more, then I wake him up 'dad ...wake up' I whisper, he smirks 'I have to be supervised' I whisper, 'it's way too early' 'I wanna go for a jog and if I'm going to learn how walk, I need to run' I say, he chuckles and holds a pillow over his head, 'don't make me go off by myself' I say, 'what time is it?' '8:am' I say looking at his clock, he lifts the pillow to look, I wasn't kidding, he huffs, mum groans and rolls over to lay on his back, she kisses his back, I bounce the mattress 'don't be so lazy' I whine, 'Felix' mum whines, and feels down, 'for fuck sake' he lets the pillow lay back over his head, 'cool, I'm leaving in 10 minutes' I say and walk out, mum kisses up his back up to his shoulder and to his neck, he turns and kisses 'goddamn woman' he says, she smiles 'it's Monday' she reminds him, 'what the hell?' he says and flips the blanket over both of them, she giggles.

I race dad, 'your pushing it' dad says 'no, I'm not', I lie, jogging, 'Allison' he warns and I slow down 'I'm allowed to do what I'm ready for' 'no, you don't follow rules, not even ones your body sets up' 'it's just better than ...' 'what's on your mind?' 'I have bills back in New York?' 'how big?' 'I was working as a waitress and I only have to pay about $7,000 but I really wouldn't stress about it' 'you clearly are?' 'if I don't make a payment each month, they'll only give me back 85% that I've paid' I say 'how much was your apartment to begin with?' 'about $31,000' I say 'and your stressing over $7,000?' 'it may not seem like much to you, but I used my past payment to get here, and my plane ticket has already become useless, and the real-estate has already given me 2 warnings and demand a payment' I say 'so you need financial help?' 'not from you, I never ask for money' I say 'I know, that is another reason why you are my favourite out of all of your siblings, cause you actually paid for your tuition to Harvard and the dorm' 'cause I got a job' I say 'you earned over $150,000 before you even hit Harvard and when they denied you, and I wanted to bribe them, you went ahead and made me bring you there for a explanation and did a debate against them and won, and they gave you a 3% discount off of the tuition' 'are ou prying?' I ask 'most impressive child I've got, who's determined and went for a master's degree in business', I start jogging again 'hey' he says and jogs after me, with no effort goes faster than me 'hey!, no cheating!' I call him out, he laughs, I run and I jump on his back, he keeps running then we reach the jogging point, I sit on the rock 'I'm tired' I huff 'you are?' 'I'm not heavy' I say, he smiles 'I'm just going to ask since the pack can't hear us from here' I say, 'about?' 'what would happen if I was bitten?' 'not this again, as if I'm gonna let you risk it, we had this discussion when you were 16 and we're now having it again, and I will not being losing this, no one is going to bite you and only a Alpha's bite can turn, another's bite would just kill', my mind wonders 'don't even think about it' dad says 'and if I am?' I ask 'picking a fight with Alpha just to become one of us, isn't going to work' 'but wouldn't it fix a whole bunch of problems?' 'not if your dead' 'at least you'll know I'm dead this time' I say, 'don't talk like that, I can talk with some people, get your bill paid' 'I don't need to be treated like a charity case' I say 'your not a charity case, just for once let me do something for you' dad says 'pass' I say 'you know your not going back to New York' dad says 'so?, I'll just let them take the apartment, and my clothes and stashed money, since I did only come here with my handbag' I say 'speaking of which, Tyson went to your apartment, packed your things and will be flying your things here' 'really?' I say suddenly happy just to hear about Tyson, and not about my things, I couldn't care about those not when Tyson is involved.

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