So the truth comes out

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So me and Anthony have been just sneaking around and fucking each other, but since he doesn't want me to get weak, we're only having sex 3 times a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I feel great actually, we've been doing this for about 2 months now, I'm so close to convincing the Alpha about biting me, I'm still not dropping it, which does annoy them, but that is good and soon enough he'll just say "yes", though me and Anthony talked it over, we've been doing this for so long, should we even care if we get caught?, I mean I know my dad would be thrilled and his Uncle too, but we have a even more striking need, such as I'm getting pregnant every 3 weeks!, the condoms just keep breaking, we tried 2 condoms and he couldn't feel me at all, so I've just stalked up on morning after pills and I take two on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, I've just got a pile of them, but we've got everything under control, but this is where I wanna open your view.

Anthony's sweating body thrusting, 'baby, faster' I moan naked under the blanket, my leg resting on his shoulder, his hips meeting mine so fast the noise we make sounds like a fast clock ticking, then he slows and rubs his hips, his tongue is so warm 'oh fuck, I wanna mark you, I wanna mark you so bad' he whimpers, and gently bites my neck with his human teeth, he sucks on right where he's going to mark me, and I finish, I go to kiss him and the room is suddenly silenced by the sounds of the condom breaking!, he kisses me and fake laughs, he pulls out and gets a new one on and rushes before his boner dies.

'Listen, daddy me and Tyson have been trying to get pregnant, honestly, ever since the second week of the honeymoon' Vikki says, the Alpha didn't tell anyone but he set up camera's in his house, he wanted to know what goes on when he isn't there, then Vikki leaves, but then something catches his eye, once Vikki closes the door, he turns the volume up 'you sure your Uncle isn't here?' 'positive' Anthony says only wearing boxers standing in front of the fridge, I walk out in Anthony's shirt, I hold a bottle of water, 'so what is our alibi  again?' 'the reason you are all hot and sweaty is cause, I was cold and made you put the heater on high' I say, 'okay' 'just remember it, I did do that and you know it's true' I say, 'god, I love when you wear my shirt' Anthony says 'since when does "GOD" wear your shirt?' I ask, he smiles 'come here, you' he grabs my waist and pulls me in to kiss him, I smile 'you know one bite and your mine' he says, 'which one are we talking about?, the one where you have this weird need to mark me or the one I'm trying to convince your Uncle into?, you know the weird part if he wants us to be together but he's so obsessed with pure wolf breeding's' I say 'speaking of which, I will try find stronger condoms' 'good, cause my tongue goes numb from those morning after pills and I've gotten pregnant 3 times already from not reading the pills were out of date' I say, he kisses me I smile 'alright, now I'm gonna go shower, .... coming' I ask 'oh yeah' Anthony says and follows me, the Alpha slowly closes his laptop, 'holy shit' he says, that's exactly why I mentioned "being caught", we have a shower, I get dressed and I sit on the floor at the end of Anthony's bed, while he's on the bed, Alpha walks in, he will admit it is pretty hot in here 'hey Uncle', he's just going to try act cool 'why is it so hot in here?' 'Scarface made me put the heater on high, it's summer' he ends the sentence more as a reminder to me, I roll my eyes, and in doing that it did turn Anthony on, 'so you two have just been watching movies all?' 'not just that, we have been outside, I even got Anthony to exercise and he tried a smoothie today' I say, 'oh?, okay?, well I just figured I'd stop by for lunch' 'is it lunch already?, I completely lost track of time' I say and get up, Anthony sits up and I walk out, I hug him before walking out, once the front door closes 'alright, cut the shit' 'what?' 'I know you and Allison have been sneaking around together?' 'what?' 'I got curious and liked to know what was going on around my house and installed security camera's' the Alpha says, not lying 'how long has it been up?', he looks at his watch 'about 5 hours .... so you like when Allison wears your shirt?' he says 'we were going to tell you' Anthony says, not lying 'also another matter you maturing, I still have yet to make my decision for retirement' 'me?, I'm hardly Alpha material, Uncle' Anthony says 'but you could be' 'I don't want to be Alpha' 'you think I'm gonna to give my line to Vikki?, to let Tyson get that power?' 'so your saying I don't have a choice anyway?' 'by the time you turn 28, you should be a perfect successor' the Alpha says, and pats Anthony on the back.

So when I find out, we won't be spending as much time together and Anthony is attending meeting with his Uncle, I feel somewhat dumped?, was he just using me the entire time?, for sex?, was I bad?, and after a whole week of him being busy 'wanna go see Allison?, you've been so busy you haven't had a moment of satisfaction' the Alpha says, I've been going through the "break up" moment for the past 2 days, when he wasn't answering his cell phone or not stopping by or being at his house, Anthony stops by, but I bet he just wants sex, so I told my dad to tell him to not bother and I'm sleeping, dad does 'but I really need to see her', he meant sexually, Anthony gives up after about 2 minutes and climbs my house, he looks and I'm crying hugging my pillow, he watches for about a hour before leaving, I can feel him slipping, so when I got pregnant, figured I wouldn't even bother asking and just go to get my last abortion set of pills, I avoid Anthony, though he was pretty busy anyway, then lunch came and he stopped by 'hey, tried to come see you last night' 'really?' I say and hold a bowl of popcorn 'movie?, cool can I join?' 'no' I say ..... we're having sex, I want it to feel good but it didn't, Anthony goes to his Uncle 'what's up?' 'Allison, isn't ..... satisfied with me anymore?' 'oh?, I know the problem?' 'really?' 'she has this weird thing where if you are maturing her body and mind she just doesn't like you anymore?' his Uncle says, not lying 'but she didn't even bother faking it' Anthony says pacing 'so you two are broken up?' 'I went by her house, ended up peeping through her window she was acting like we'd broken up?, or something' 'you've changed and she doesn't like it' his Uncle shrugs 'did you plan this?' 'no, I actually thought it may grow on her?' he says, 'I can't stand this, she hates me and soon enough it'll be knives she's throwing at me, and picturing she hates me, I promised her I wouldn't change' Anthony says, he moves his hand through his hair 'I've gotta go find her' Anthony says 'and do what?, you've started training' his Uncle says 'well I'm not going to lose her' Anthony says, his Uncle smirks, he goes by my house, 'is Allison here?' 'no' my dad says crossing his arms and not lying, as he is defensive after I told him why I'm in so much pain, and how no one really loves me, and how I don't know if it was just sex for him, so dad does feel pretty bad for me, cause once again I fell for a guy, and it's happening again, he's changing and I'm losing him.

Anthony follows me scent, but it does get kind of weird til he's just following a feeling, all the way to my spot, he tried finding it and he couldn't and I just laughed at him, he walks over, he sits next to me, 'I didn't mean to change, it's just Alpha training' Anthony says, 'oh?, is that what it is?' I say, trying to believe him 'look, I still want to be with you' 'of course you do' I say, still thinking it's just sex to him, he turns to me 'what's gotten into you?' he asks 'for starters, your a stranger and I can't even tell why I fell for it, that you actually liked me, but it was just sex wasn't it?' I say, but I can't tell when he's lying or not, 'how can you even say that?, we knew each other for days before we saw a interest in each other' Anthony says '3 days, and you can't even remember that' I say, he kisses me, I push him back and get up, his wolf is aching and whimpering, he gets up 'don't walk away from me!' he shouts 'why shouldn't I?!' I shout almost as loud, then start crying 'you didn't even give me a option?, let me have a say in anything?, and when you do become Alpha, are you still gonna want me?, pack hasn't had a Luna in almost 30 years, do they really need a human?, was it just sex for you?, did you even think about me when you agreed to this?' I ask, the pack of course it listening, the wind kind of carries out voices 'it was going to happen either way' Anthony says 'so then ..... I'm completely breaking up with you and I'm becoming a nun' I say, and cross my arms 'you honestly don't want to do that?' 'why do guys always feel a need to change?, I was happy?, weren't you happy?' I ask 'of course I was happy but I'm 26 and I need to grow up' 'and I don't do maturity' 'cause you were grown up the day you were born' Anthony says, pointing out the cold truth, 'so leave, go back to sitting at boring table talking about the same shit, and drifting a million miles away from me, just don't bother fighting for something that isn't going to stand' I say, he moves his hand through his hair, and looks down 'so this is it?' he says 'I guess?' I say, he walks away, I punch the mountain wall, not caring that I fractured my hand, I just start crying and sit on the ground, I hate this.

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