The Royals

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Tomorrow is the Royal ball, I've reached my goal of perfection body, me and Anthony haven't really talked about that night of weakness, but doesn't mean we don't spend late nights, doing it, I mean I'm not a tease, honestly I lose control of my body parts when it's close to midnight, I stand at Anthony's bedroom door, only wearing a robe, I lean against the doroway, he lays in his bed only wearing his boxers, I rub my legs together, I can see his eyes, watching my body, I then walk in and close the door, I come over and hook my leg over his torso, he lays there, then I sit there, god Allison, what have you gotten yourself into?, he unties my robe, I can feel him throbbing underneath me, to see I'm naked underneath, practically makes his wolf howl at the moon, we didn't have sex yesterday, we were both so exhausted from having to put 3 stuborn kids to sleep, who wouldn't let us fuck, he slips my robe down my arms and tosses it to the ground, my fingers hook into his boxers, then I get that cokc of his inside me, my head leans back, he loves watching just what his body does to me, he holds my hips and gets me moving, he knows how much I love being on top, bt any longer on my teasing and his wolf will take over, 'faster, baby' he moans holding my hips, while his fingers grip my ass, and I seriously go wild!.

Okay, the ball is in England!, we'll be leaving early, unpacking at the hotel, that the Royals are paying for, actually they own the hotel, we'll have the ball that night then leave the next morning, I hate the idea of being away from the kids, even if is for about 26 hours, I have my dress packed, and a iron so it doesn't get all wringly, and some casual clothes, for the next morning, hygenic equipment and my curling iron and straightening iron, for my hair, make up kit and I just don't want to embarress anyone, Vikki is going, so 2 girls and 3 guys, 3 of the people going are related and me and dad are related then me and Anthony have been casually fucking each other, so I don't know where that puts us?, Vikki knows she can't physically cheat on Tyson, or feel anything for anyone else, but before she had Tyson, she didn't want anyone else, now though she's enjoying the sex she gets anytime she wants, but no children, she wants children and you can't adopt as a wolf, you'd never form a connection with the child, so she's screwed the chances of her ever getting pregnant are 32%, mine however are high, way too high, literally 97%, and I just don't like talking about it.

We leave, me and Anthony just can't seem to say goodbye to our children, can't believe I even just thought about that, going on a plane wasn't a new thing for me, or Anthony, dad and Ryan hadn't been on a plane in a long time and Vikki has never been on a plane, it's a 11 hours, 25 minutes, so we left at 7:am, and we'll be there by 6:25pm, so just at sunset, plenty of time to unpack and the ball is at 10:pm, so only 3 hours to get ready isn't really helping, on the plane ride, Anthony is getting a little handsy, and by that I mean I am, I rub over his cock, everyone is asleep on the plane, 'Allison' he mouths, and his head leans back, we didn't have sex last night, we were each so busy packing and looking after the kids, though we stayed in the pack area and he stayed at his Uncles, so no sex, he reaches over, and starts rubbing me, I close my legs and write something, "you know I can't control myself when you touch me" I write, he writes back "so, I'm just gonna let you touch me?", "yes", he smirks, good thing he got the seat next to the window,I get my hand into his pants, he grips the armrest, it's almost painful for him to remain quiet, I lean on his shoulder and actually lick his mark, he finishes, 'fuck me' he mouths, and my fingers strokes up and out, I ahve a grin on my face, while he has wet boxers and another 5 hours on the plane.

We get there, 'wait, only 3 rooms are avalible?' 'I'm sorry, we're over booked with other packs visiting' the front lady says, 'any chance all of those rooms have 2 beds in them?' 'one is made for two people, but the other two are meant for you know ... a couple', me and Anthony are bunked and Ryan and my dad get a room two beds, we were just passed keys, Vikki gets a master and so do we, 'I could sleep on the couch?' Anthony says as we walk in, I huff, I close the door pulling my suitcase in, but once that door closes and is locked, 'oh fuck, get inside me' I growl, he down just that, 'oh my!, yes!!', my legs cling to him and I'm almost leaving scratches down his back, he's so fucking hard, 'Anthon-y!!' I scream, he spills into the 3 condoms, I kiss him, 'fuck' he whimpers, 'I love making you scream' he smirks, I lick his lips, we then have a shower, seperate showers and I get dressed for the ball, I do my hair and double check my make up, I do just some lip balm and lightly darkened eye shadow, 'oh god, Anthony' I moan as he suddenly starts kissing my neck, 'you look so fucking sexy' he moans, my head leans back, his arms hug around me, my arm reaches up and grips his hair, oh god, not when I just finished getting ready, (knocking), we stop, I double check my look, while Anthony answers the door, 'ready to go?' Ryan asks, then asks 'where's Allison?' 'where do you think?, in front of the mirror' Anthony huffs, I come over and we go out, there is a limo waiting for us, each pack gets a limo and about 7 are left, we have no idea how many packs were invited, I am wearing a black A-Line V-neck Floor-Length Chiffon Dress with Black Rhinestone Pointy Toe High Heels and my hair in a half up half down, with my hair curled, so it really does complete the look, we arrive and we show our invitation and are showed in, when we walk in, of course, we get the Royals attention as they sit on their thrones, we are actually in their literal palace, we walk down the stairs and around, to greet the king and queen, we keep our distance and then bow, we girls curtsy, 'welcome to our Royal ball, it is tradition to hold a ball after the games, only the top 10 pakcs are invited, so this would be a first for your pack?' 'yes, your higness' Ryan says, 'enjoy, the music commence and enjoy the champagne' 'thank you' Ryan says, and we walk away, Vikki isn't getting much attention, maybe cause she decided to look like the whore of the pack in a Silver Empire V-neck Floor-Length Chiffon Dress With Cascading Ruffles, no wolf likes a whore who will just show her body, we go out to the ballroom, a bunch of guys in here, though 5 wovles from each pack, 10 packs, that's 50 wolves!.

I decide to get away from the crowd, and go up to the slight view balcony, there is a half circle shaped balcony, with a magnificant view, then as Anthony walks over the song "Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi" plays, 'may I?' he says, I smirk and turn to him I cursty, he then holds my waist and pulls me to him, the King and Queen are made a way throguh the crowd and they get a view of me and Anthony dances, how we spit on the traditional dances and just make up moves, but our bodies just take control, I can't stop smilling, and we don't lose eye contact, and how my body just leans into him, he spins me and then catches me on the other side, and how my body just trusted him to catch me, the Queen watches, how could she not?, then as we reach the last line, he lifts me up, my leg wraps around him, and he slowly leans me backwards, to the point where my hair is just touching the ground, last note and he pulls me back up, we just stand there in that moment, resting our heads against each other, then a different song comes on and I blink a few times and my leg unwraps and we each take a step back, he moves his hand through his hair 'we better-?' 'yeah' I say and I don't move, 'not use to such a big crowd?' 'good view' I say, and he watches as the crystal reflects and shines in my eyes, he smiles, and sits there on the chaise lounge, when our legs tire, I'm only 28, 3 years ago when I met Tyson, I never saw my life going in this direction, we sit there til it's midnight and the ballroom starts to empty, the entire time me and Anthony held hands while sitting up there, we come down the stairs, Ryan and my father are looking for us 'where were you two?' 'just watching?' 'for 2 hours?' 'yes?' I say not lying since the dance only lasted about 3 minutes, we side back and we're all silent, Vikki upset about no attention, serves the bitch right thinking she is just going to get all this attention cause she thinks she's attractive, I hug dad goodnight and Ryan brings by some blankets and pillows for Anthony for the couch, I was in the shower while that was happening, then I come out in pjyamas, 'oh?, hello?' I say with my hair straight, I walk over to the bed, teeth brush though I didn't eat anything, just a habit, I then climb into the nice big bed, 'see you two tomorrow, bright and early, plane leaves at 9, don't forget' Ryan says, 'already have a alarm set' I say, and I lay back, and then Ryan closes the door, I flick off the lamp on the bedside and I lay on my side, once 10 seconds passes, Anthony gets up, I watch his figure walk across the room and lock the door, then remove his shirt and shoes, then unzip his jeans, then slowly climb up the bed, then his lips press against mine, I roll onto my back, 'get under here' I say, he smiles and does that, 'oh my god, I didn't mean-!', his head is between my legs, his tongue is just- uuu!! it came to the point where I was tugging his hair for him to climb up, cause he just wouldn't stop, I felt a sense of desperation for him?, which was strange?, he kisses me, 'Allison' he says, and stops, he wants to talk, okay?, I can talk, he sits up, okay this is serious, 'how do you feel about me?' he asks, .... 'how do you ... feel about me?' 'you first' he says, scared of me possibly not feeling how he does, 'you know how I feel' I say, 'I need to know precisely what you are feeling right now, not almost 2 years ago' ..... 'I ....-' 'you were so close' he says, and rests his head against me, he gives me a kiss, 'I love you' I just say the second his lips part from mine, he smiles, hearing my heartbeat not lie, it'd crush him if I didn't care about him like he did for me, 'I love you too', 'you know I don't like the word "too"' I say, 'fine, I love you, what a way to ruin the moment' he says, 'I ruined the moment?' I say hurt, he kisses me, and shakes his head, 'no, it's still perfect' he says, I smile, and he gives it to me hard, and I mean like sledgehammer hard, I can't believe I just confessed my actual feelings to Anthony!.

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