Leaving my heart in New York

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Tyson fell asleep outside my room, I couldn't sleep, it just felt this constant pain, it's like every time I let him in, the pain just gets worse and worse, first when I started feeling something when I met him and he got me put on the streets, then when he let me stay at his house and read my journal, then while we were making dinner, he was talking to my father, and now I wrote "I love you" and he let the pack hear all of those confessions, like I was confessing to god and here is my ticket to hell for being a sinner, I can't believe it, what's next?, so when I see the sun outside the window, I decide to pack my stuff, I open the door, and I rush before Tyson has the chance to wake up, I walk around the glass, cause he opened his bedroom door when he woke up, I pack my things, even unpacked my toothbrush, can't believe I was getting comfortable?, I leave my "I love you" not and scribble out "love" and write "Hate", he wakes up, and comes in 'Allison I'm am so sorry' he says and goes to touch me 'don't you dare come near me', he sees my packed bag 'please, just don't leave' Tyson says, broken 'I can't be here, you can keep my phones, I just want to leave and never come back, you'll never have to worry about me again', 'what makes you think I want that?, Allison, I love you, okay, I love you and I'm not just letting you leave' 'but every time I let you in, your betrayal just gets worse and worse, what do you want?, to suddenly one day propose and then cheat on me?, like you did with the Alpha's daughter?' 'I'm not like that, I never planned to cheat, then I met you' Tyson says, 'that was before you starting talking about my past, and I was willing to move past it?, to be with you, and it just wasn't good enough' I shrug, I walk past him and I move around the glass 'unlock the front door, or I'll break it down' I say, he does as I ask and let's me pass through his dog security though no grey hound would mess with me, Tyson must be on the flight at 10:am, he pack and drives his car, drives his car up the plane and then gets out before going into the first class looking part of the plane, looking out the window, thinking 3 days and his life went from being fine and having a dick problem and a ex-fiancée bugging him, to now, having a mate, hurt her, called the pack, fell in love, summoned by the pack and now Leaving his love behind.

It hurt twice as much as it did since I left, but that distance just left him with this ache in his chest, he never wanted this to happen, or for us to end, not like this, or ever, turns out he put money in my bag in his attempt to hug me, or he just stashed it in my bag?, but it's $20,000!, I go to the real estate of course, and just ask to rent a apartment, I'll get a job, as a assistant like I prepared, of course I'm going to use the money, then I decide just to buy, a 1 bedroom, 2 bathroom for $31,807, 200 West 56th Street, New York, NY 10019, I get a job, sure I still have $11,807 to pay, but I can work that off, every day just got harder, but the apartment was already furnished and close a restaurant which I just so happen to get a job, working as long as shifts as I can, to only be earning $19.50 a hour, so when I'm working 10:am to 9:pm, they are really paying me some money since I'm working 11 hour shifts, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, yep I really need money but earning $214.50 a day isn't so bad but $1072.50 a week!, you bet your ass I'm working those hours, within a month I'd earning $4290!, are you kidding me I'd killed for this job 3 weeks ago, now within 3 months my apartment is paid for!.

I of course miss Tyson, I mean I loved him, yeah, I'll admit it, I think about him constantly, I tried picking up some extra shifts, though the restaurant was booming from excellent service, cause I was desperate to keep myself distracted from the...

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I of course miss Tyson, I mean I loved him, yeah, I'll admit it, I think about him constantly, I tried picking up some extra shifts, though the restaurant was booming from excellent service, cause I was desperate to keep myself distracted from the pain, now for Tyson, he's called a holiday at his company, he is now into drinking, a lot more, 'dude, just chill, it was just a chick' Kyle says and Tyson full on attacks him, fist to face contact, Felix rips him away from him, Tyson is just broken, he blames everyone and mostly himself, this is the worst feeling he has ever felt, once dad let's go of him, he just falls to his knees, 'remember Kyle, this isn't some chick, it's his mate and he grew really attached to her, you may understand one day when you find your mate, cause they only come once in a lifetime', Tyson lays back on the floor, from the depressing hit of that information, like how he blew his chances, at being with someone he truly loves.

I wish I could enjoy my life, but after being separated from Tyson for now 7 weeks, is hell, but I've made a probably horrible decision, by using my next pay check to go to him, I just can't take this, I just need to feel some relief from this constant pain, I can't even heal from it, honestly I do want Tyson back, so I'll just need to hold on til then.

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