Just friends

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3 weeks of therapy, have me and Anthony back in the friends zone, my family have been so supportive of me, then when the Royals send a letter to invite some members to a Royal ball, like a literal ball, ball gowns, classical music, crystal chandeliers, and traditional dancing, 'okay, the only want 5 of us going, I'll go, so I'm one' Ryan says, then reads through 'what?, they want ... Allison to come?' Ryan says, oh I am out the room, 'Allison' he says, oh did I forget to mention I was remarked into the pack, hurt just as much as I remember it, and of course my loyalty came fast, I can't go to the ball 'it's in 4 months' 'I'm due to give birth in 3 months and a week, I can't do' I say, 'your going' Ryan says 'but-' 'the Royals want you there, must be because a human won the pack Royal protection?' Ryan says 'she didn't all herself' Michael says 'of course each member of the team got individual sports' Ryan says, the wolves who were in the team make a noise, 'so what?, a human won all the sporting events she was in?' one of the guys on the wolves say, 'also my next in line is expected to come, Anthony?' 'sure?' Anthony says 'and my Beta, leaving room for one more?' Ryan says, 'I'd love to go' Vikki says, Ryan gives her a look 'I'd give class to the pack' 'you'd show your ass to the-' I say, Ryan cuts me off by raising his hand, '3 reasons, they better be good, also anyone else who wants to go', 'alright, so I was technically on the team' 'you lost the first sport cause you hadn't done gymnastics for years' I say, 'I helped get you on the team' 'they needed a girl on the team, and no other girl was lining up, I was gonna get in' I say, dad smirks, 'whatever, I'm also pretty and give a upper level that just cause we live in a forest we have style and sophistication' 'there are packs living in swamps' I say 'butt out butch', 'Allison, your pregnant stand down' Ryan says, 'so?, I can take this washed up Malibu barbie' I say, 'excuse you?' Vikki scoffs, 'girls!' Ryan says, 'I can impress the Royals cause you know how they love dancing?' 'classical not humping the air' I say, a few wolves snort, 'that's it' she says and turns to me, one punch to the face, she's on her back and passed out 'man, she was annoying' I say 'you can dance classical?' Ryan says, 'not to impress, not a skill I wanted' 'what can you dance?' 'honestly?' 'honestly' Ryan says, 'Ballet from 7 to 10, Tango from 15 to 15, contemporary from since I could walk to about .... last weekend, ballroom 14 to Vikki's wedding, waltz, 12 to Vikki's wedding, dirty dancing 16 to 25, including people's laps, hip hop 18 to now and that's pretty much it?' I say, 'Anthony what can you dance?' 'Uncle, I don't wanna go into this?' 'okay?, how about complete honestly what can you dance?' 'in front of the pack?' 'yeah' 'Classical 8 to 15, waltz 10 to 12, ballet 13 to 16, hip hop since I could walk to now, crumping 17 to 22, free style since I could walk to now and that's it, please don't make me repeat it' 'so you two can pretty much match up?' 'he's old school' I comment, 'does anyone ever match up to?' 'I think ... nope, haven't met anyone?' I say, dad chuckles and we fist pump 'That's my girl'  'gracias papa' I say, "thank you, dad" translation, 'enough with the foreign languages we get it you can speak several languages' '10, all fluently' I say, 'I can speak 13, fluently' Anthony whispers while walking past, 'ooh' Sean says, I shoulder him, "those three would be, princess, jerk off and loser" I think, Sean chuckles and hooks his arm over my shoulder, I can't believe I'm invited to a Royal ball in 4 months!, I'd only have 3 weeks to get into shape!, that is a lot of weight to push off.

It's a boy!, I give birth to a boy at 4:17am!, completely surprised me as I was sleeping in bed and he was just coming out a couple hours early!, mum holds him, and dad wakes up Ryan, he of course got dressed and rushed over to meet his new grandson, so did Anthony, kind of weird to know have 3 kids with your new best friend, we were pretty close for 2 months before the baby came, we did some real bonding time, and watched movies, and we talked over some stuff, yes I finished started my 3rd journal since meeting Tyson, I don't really mention him a lot, my dad found a way to do my birthday tradition about 5 weeks ago was my birthday, dad vowed never to forget it again.

We name him "Jackson", perfect baby name, about 3 days of being a mum, and I had some Royals to start preparing for, I get up at 5:am, about 40 minutes earlier than I normally would get up, I go for a nice long jog, have a healthy breakfast before a lot of cardio of looking after the kids, then during their nap, doing my chores, then treadmill, did I mention I may have convinced Ryan to let me stay at my house on the 2nd day of Jackson's birth, so that was very exciting, Anthony is living with me!, yeah, he's bonding with the kids 'what are you doing?' he asks as I'm doing my 25 to 30 minute run 'getting into shape' 'you must really hate your body?' 'would you want to go to the Royals looking like you were pregnant 3 weeks ago and weren't even attempting to lose that weight?' I say, 'I guess not?, got a dress yet?' 'yep, now just to get to the size, so it'll fit' I say, he chuckles and shakes his head walking out, Anthony convinces me to do a movie night with the kids and out of nowhere Diana says "dad"!, like what the hell, where's my name coming out of her mouth?, Anthony of course heard that, I think even the pack may have heard that?, her first word!, I can't believe it!, Anthony hugs her 'you just said your first word!' he says and lifts her in the air, she laughs and Anthony blows on her stomach, 'careful' I smile, later that night we're cleaning up, I can't reach the top cabinet, great, I'm shrinking, 'hey, I got it', he takes the plate and reaches over me and puts it in the cabinet, and that noise falls from my lips, a moan, it was light, it was low, but he heard it, he closes the cabinet, but doesn't move, but when he does go to step back, 'don't stop' my lips betray me, he comes forward and holds my hips, I hold the counter top, we're in a corner, he lifts me up and I bend my legs around the back of him, he dry fucks me, anal, 'oh god, I'm so close' I moan, I can feel how close he is, I reach back and start pushing his pants down, he presses me more against the counter, and gets my work out tights down, I unwrap my legs and he gets his pants down and he enters me, and lifts me back up, he moves my hair to one shoulder and kisses my neck, and I am so lucky the kids didn't hear my practically scream his name, what has happened to me?.

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