Chapter 01

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Chapter 01: New Life?

Author's POV

Summer break just started, everybody is very excited. Well, except for a very particular girl, Yeji wasn't really looking forward to this year's summer break.

Out of all the years why now? Yeji always wondered why do they always do this to her? Yeji was already happy here, although she has no friends. Yeji is the most active person in Academic wise.

Yeji sighed for the tenth time today, while looking outside of her bedroom window, and wondered.

"Why today of all days?" Yeji asked herself, as she whispered it to the air.

Yeji was very confused, why would they go back there? Yeji was happy here, she had a normal life, she may be an outcast but, it's better than her old school. Because, nobody knew her SECRET, the Secret that she has been hiding ever since they moved here.

Yeji was so lost thinking that she didn't notice that her own mother, knocked and came in her room. Her mother even called her name 3 times already, before she can fully function again.

"Are you sure your okay sweetie?" Mrs. Hwang asked Yeji.

"Hm? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Yeji replied to her Mrs. Hwang.

"Umm... You know, if you feel uncomfortable with moving back, we could just stay here... I know how much you like it here... I know how well you've been doing in school, having so much fun with making new friends." Mrs. Hwang said, Yeji quickly flinched at the thought of friends.

Yeji knows that she hadn't made any friends ever since they move here, and she knows how much her parents hate lies.

"N-no, It's not that! It's just..." Yeji trailed off, while looking at her Mother's face.

"It's just... what sweetie?" Mrs. Hwang asked Yeji back.

Taking a deep breath, "It's just so sudden..." Yeji replied to her Mrs. Hwang.

"Sweetie, I know It's hard, but you're a strong girl now, and I think you can make your own decisions. You can say anything about those to us, we wouldn't force you..." Mrs. Hwang said to Yeji, while holding her hands together.

"I know Mom... but... there's really something... bothering me..." Yeji said to Mrs. Hwang, pausing every now and then in the sentence.

"What it is, Sweetie?" Mrs. Hwang asked Yeji, with a worried look plastered onto her face.

Yeji quickly hesitated to ask the question that has been bugging her. "Umm... I-It's nothing Mom! I think my brain is a bit out of it due to school and it has been a bit you know? Stressful? Due to all the requirements, that I had to pass." Yeji said, while stuttering and shaking her hands.

"Oh. And here I thought there was really something bothering my little Angel here." Mrs. Hwang said, and then sighed afterwards.

"No, It's nothing Mom..." Yeji said, she hates lying to her parents, especially to her very own Mom.

"Oh. Okay sweetie. Oh! Look at the time! Off to bed now. It's getting late, then tomorrow let's continue to pack your stuff, I'll help you with the packing, okay? So you wouldn't have to be that stressed." Mrs. Hwang said, while tucking Yeji off to bed, she quickly planted a kiss on Yeji's forehead, before leaving the room.

You can hear the door closing, you can also hear Yeji's 11th sigh for the day.

'Oh, how I wish, I didn't have to lie to you Mom...' Yeji thought, she wanted to ask more questions, she was always this curious, but, then another thought went in.

'What if I meet him again?' Yeji thought as all of the possible ways, all the terrible ways they could meet again. With that she looked her clock, she was surprised at the time, it was already 9:20 PM, ignoring all of those other thoughts that made their way into her mind, Yeji fell into deep Slumber.


Yeji's POV

So, this is it? Is this the end of the world? Oh please no. I really don't want to leave, I don't want to see either that place, nor HIM. Well there is a very of a slim chance for that, since Seoul is very big city, I mean it is the capital of South Korea. Even though, I wanted to cut all my ties with him. But no matter what I do it seems like nothing can change that.

Still, he won't recognize me, right? It's been years since the last time we each other. Maybe, 7 years? Well we went here after my Graduation for Primary school.

I mean who would even recognize me? I was a literal nobody at our school, back then. Even when we were just Primary School Students there were already are Queenka's and Kingka's. Everybody was afraid of them. I just hope I'll never bump into them ever again.

I mean who would want to bump into the Queenka's and Kingka's of your previous school? In my previous school we had no problems about those, we had really STRICT RULES. If you're going to act like one of them, you're going to be expelled from the school, itself and all its associate schools. That's how strict our school is.

When I was still in Primary School, I still remember being bullied, being alone, and being judged. Those are the worst moments of my life. The Queenka's of my Old Primary School were EVERGLOW, they practically made my life a living hell, and the Kingka's were TXT.

But, I guess that changed, when you came. I thought I was actually finally free. You made me think that I was somehow special in a way. I thought you will stay with me until the end. I thought I can call you a 'FRIEND'. I thought you were different from them, but you're not. Out of all the people, you were the one who hurt me the most.

But, there is a saying 'ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END.' Well that's what happened to me back then. I thought nothing could hurt more than what they did to me. But, dang, I was yet again wrong. I was always best in every subject. But there was one thing that, I couldn't understand. How could your most trusted friend do that to you?

I mean it's your friend! Not only a friend, your best friend! You guys should always be happy, no matter what happens! But then you did that to me. I always originally thought that TXT was only a four member group. Because when they came there, they were only four, but before they came there, a few days back, you came. You made me realize I was special. But I was wrong, they were actually five, and the fifth member is you.

You made me look like a fool! I thought I could trust you. That wasn't the point, I will always lose at this point of life. That's why I've had a hard time making Friends here. No matter how hard I try to make friends it always backfires! You made me this way. I can't believe that a single mistake could make someone go from being extrovert to introvert.

As I sigh, for the last time, taking a last look from my Old bedroom, before moving to our new house at Seoul. I wish we would never leave our house. But, I guess, fate has other plans for me.

'I'm going to miss this place.' I thought as I looked around the place once last time.

This was a place where no one knows me or knows about me, they would just call me by my name Hwang Yeji. That's the only thing they know about me. And now they wouldn't even know my name. They would forget all about me at one some point in life.

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