Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Weird Actions


Lia's POV

We are currently in Yeji's place. Since tomorrow until next week, we don't have classes as all our teachers, are going to a teacher thing.

They didn't say what they will do. But it's like that every year.

We are currently discussing on what to do with Yeji. As of the Moment, their parents are out of town, they went to visit their grandparents last week, and hasn't return yet.

Being friends with their Family. We'll be looking after Yeji. And also maybe investigate what happened to her and Yeonjun.

Because, Yeonjun has been acting weird too. Since, we can't reach Yeonjun. So for now, we'll have to investigate from Yeji's Point of view.

We quickly went up the stairs and we knocked on Yeji's door. And went in, as we went in, you couldn't really see the old bedroom, that we were in, back then.

Everything was messy, nothing's right. You'll be imagining if a storm came in or what not. Since we didn't see Yeji, near the door, she must've been in the bathroom or her closet.

After a few minutes, of looking around we couldn't see Yeji. We decided to text her, but then a phone rang. It was Yeji's I know that ringtone, I could honestly tell that it was hers.

It was on the Computer Desk. It was left there. Since, Yeji wasn't here; we decided we should clean things up. As we were cleaning I noticed a big bump on the floor, that's covered with blankets.

I quickly went to it, and pulled the blankets up. And the thing that was behind it was Yeji! I wonder how long has she been under those blankets?! Is she asleep or what?

I quickly told them, and we hurried cleaning up the place. We lifted Yeji's unconscious towards her bed, we quickly told Hyunjin to get out and tell the maids to prepare a soup. And we'll take care of Yeji. We'll do a sponge bath on her, and we can't do it, if there's a boy here.

He quickly followed, as it's his Younger sister's life on stake.


After we did the sponge bath on Yeji. She has gained consciousness, she quickly looked around and it made her cry. Luckily, were still there, we comforted her. We asked her, if she was feeling okay. She just nodded, we asked her if she's hungry, she just nodded, again. I asked Yuna, to go down to Hyunjin and tell him that Yeji's awake and hungry; she quickly understood and ran all the way down.

We fixed the position she is in, so she'll be comfortable when eating the soup later. After a few minutes, the food came, and we just watched her eat it.


We asked her if she's already okay, once again she just nodded. I wonder If she can still speak or not.

"Okay, Yeji! Can you please, try to speak?! You're just nodding there as if somebody just cut off your tongue!" Ryujin said, I looked at her, and saw that she has the scariest aura ever.

I looked over to Yeji, she was about to cry. I looked over to Ryujin, and she was still in the scariest state, to talk too. Before I knew it, I heard sniffles.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too. It's just; I don't know if, I can still trust you." She said, while crying.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Hyunjin asked.

"Of course, you can trust us. I'm your brother, and they're your best friends." Hyunjin said, and started comforting her.

We asked her, of what happened to her and Yeonjun. When we asked that, she started sobbing like crazy! We just comforted her, as she was letting all the pain out.

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