Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Incident


Yeji's POV

It has been a month after all the craziness happened, and right now, we have our P.E. class. I really hate P.E. for the past couple of months we did nothing, but exercise. It was always like that. Whether you like it or not, you have to participate, if you don't you'll be punished or maybe have detention.

Don't get me wrong, I really like doing exercise, but this is just too much, for us. Plus, my body can't handle it, anymore. I tried to reason it out with my Professor, that I can't have it like that. But he only said that if I want to get out of this situation, I should make either my Parents or a Guardian, to come and excuse me.

But, I know I can't do that. They will probably be sad about what I did, Or something much more worst mad. Even though my body can't take it anymore. I have to do it. As I don't want to see them to be stressed out, of something in school, just because of me.

While, I was thinking of what could I do, just to be excused from this Class. I heard the Whistle blow, meaning our Professor is already here, and that made all of us look at his direction.

"Okay, is everyone here?!" He shouted, while looking around.

"Yes!" We all answered, while we answered that, I started to get dizzy.

"Hey, Yeji are you, Okay?" I heard Lia ask me, while looking at me obviously worried.

"Umm... Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked her, while putting a smile at my face.

I was trying so hard not to make it obvious that I'm dizzy or what not. But, to my luck, the Professor noticed.

"Miss Hwang!" He called out my attention, everybody looked at me.

"Y-Yes?" I said, inquiring him that I was listening.

"Are you okay?" He said, while looking at me concerned.

"Yes." I said, while smiling, he took a deep breath.

"Okay, Miss Hwang, when you feel something odd, go out of the field and go directly where I am, I will have somebody escort you to the Infirmary." He said, while I only nodded.

"Okay, we are going to do 50 Laps! Today! Everybody got that?!" He said, while looking at everybody.

"Okay, I want everybody to get rehydrated before we start." He said, instructing us what to do.

"Yes!" We all answered, while going to our own drinks.

"Yeji, You stay here, I'll go get your drink, okay?" Lia said, while running to our drinks.

I didn't reply, as I only sat down on the ground. I wasn't looking up. I know something's wrong with me. But, I don't know what it is. I was still thinking about what would happen to me, when somebody called me.

"Here. You can have it. It looks like Lia's, gonna take a bit longer than expected." The person said, and He said it with so much authority.

It's Yeonjun, I'm sure It's him. From the tone of his voice. To his shadow. I quickly looked up. It was really him, he was handing me his, drink.

"Wait, I can still wait a bit more. You'll need this!" I said, and pushed the drink back to him.

"Well, I'm feeling fine, today. But you, I don't think so. Just looking at your gestures earlier. You seem to have a headache or something." He said, while still giving me his drink.

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